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Scuttlebutt Europe #3809 - 1 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

A New Volvo Ocean Race Leg
Click on image to enlarge.

VOR Overland The Volvo Ocean Race has introduced it's most unusual leg ever... overland. The new leg will see the fleet sail from Cape Town to Perth, load onto transports, and then race across Australia, any route desired, to Melbourne.

"We are striving to be fully inclusive this time... men, women, youngsters... but we've never included non-sailors.

"Our beloved shore teams don't get nearly as much exposure for the work they do. This gives them a chance to get behind the wheel, literally, and participate in what we know will be an exciting leg through the Australian outback and on to Melbourne." said VOR CEO Mark Turner

Boat transport drivers have been an invisible, but vital part of the Volvo Ocean Race. Invisible no more as they now have Leg 3 of the race all to themselves.

"We expect most teams will take National Highway A1, a distance of 3400 km." said Turner. The government has waived all speed limits enroute except for within 30 miles of Melbourne. "There's no one out there anyway, you can quite literally drive a thousand miles without seeing another vehicle" said Derin Smunkley-Dith, past Victoria national highway Czar, ISAF Truth Minister and VOR consultant.

Each boat will remain in Perth for just 48 hours before the driving teams take over. This will space out the departures, eliminating much of the risk of collisions between the teams.

Four drivers will be in each transport, running 8 hour shifts; two at a time. Drive, sleep, drive again. The trip is estimated to take no more than 3 days. Drivers will be drug tested for amphetamines and other performance and driving enhancing drugs. "Whites are definitely out, but as for weed and wine we'll turn a blind eye. These are truckers, after all." said WADA consultant George Lowell.

Transports are open class... whether enclosed, open, diesel, gas. There are no horsepower limits, no limits to axles and number of tires. How much fuel is carried aboard vs. purchased along the route is also fully at the discretions of the teams.

"We wanted to introduce a bit of individualisation for the teams, as they're sailing one designs that differ only in paintjobs" said Turner. "This feels a bit like bringing the old design teams back into the fray".


The Germans Stake Claim To Part Of The AC Village
In a stunning development in Bermuda today, Mr. Jens Alers, head of mission of the German Honorary Consultate in Hamilton, has presented papers to Her Majesty's government claiming rights to a portion of the Dockyards pier currently being used by the America's Cup Village.

"All we want is money... we don't really expect to evict any teams, but we have an obligation to all German taxpayers, and in particular to German ex-pats living in Bermuda, to extract usage fees from what is clearly a valid legal claim under adverse possession laws based in Admiralty courts." said Mr. Alers.

The legal situation is quite complicated and dates back to World War II and the seizure of German U-Boat U-505 in the mid-Atlantic on June 4, 1944. The crippled boat's crew was rescued by an American fleet, and the boat towed to Bermuda in complete secrecy. Most of the crew were sent to American prison camps; the German High Command was never informed of the boat or crew's fate until the end of the war.

Allied forces wanted Germany to believe the ship had been sunk so as to not reveal the capture of codebooks and an Enigma machine.

Upon arrival in Bermuda U-505 was covered in camoflage netting and tied up at Dockyards. A skeleton crew of German mechanics was left in Bermuda, living aboard the boat until May 8, 1945, the day after Germany's surrender to Allied forces.

The boat was never formally decommissioned; the Germans aboard in Bermuda were active officers while confined to the Dockyards. The period of time exceeded six months. Thus the maritime "squatters rights" claim basis.

"The ship was crewed exclusively by Germans, tied to a pier for nearly a year. That pier thus became German sovereign territory under adverse possession laws. Those are, and were, quite different for a British Overseas Colony than Britain itself. You can't tie a houseboat to a dock in Southampton for a year and claim the dock for Sealand... but in Bermuda you can with a commissioned naval vessel according to our intepretation of Bermudan Maritime Law." added Alers.

"All the Brits had to do was perform a brief decommissioning service and take ownership, or at least not humour the crew by allowing them to hang the German flag off the shrouded conning tower... but that wasn't done until after the war ended. The Bermudans then gave Germany property to the USA, who shipped it to Chicago where it now resides in the Museum of Science and Industry and is owned by the city" added Alers.

"Arguments about the proper ownership of the ship itself are an amusing bit of legal hopscotch" said Sir Reginald 'Scruggs' McTavish, legal advisor to the British Crown... "but the claim to the dock itself may well be valid. It's certainly a unique and troubling situation."

"Surely Ellison can just toss in a few million dollars that we can distribute to Germans struggling to afford life in Bermuda. He's got that much money in his couch cushions for chrissakes. There is no local sentiment towards paying whatever the Krauts are asking... We just want this to go away." added Sir Reginald.


A Legend Returns
Keith Musto, OBE announces sensational comeback to british sailing as he aims to become the oldest ever olympian

Keith Musto, founder of industry leading sailing brand Musto, has revealed an astonishing return to sailing at the age of 81, as he is announced as part of British Sailing Team squad and is looking to qualify for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games.

Providing unrivalled experience, knowledge and skill on the water, Keith is relishing the opportunity for a potential return to Tokyo, having won silver there at the 1964 Games. For Keith, it's unfinished business, and this time only gold will do.

Being such a dominant figure in the history of sailing, the British Sailing Team also dismissed reports of unrest amongst team members at the news of his return, with some reported to be nervous at the thought of Keith taking their spot. To claim gold in Tokyo, the team will need power, experience and precision - and Keith Musto ticks every box, despite the fact he will be almost 85 years old by the time the Tokyo Olympics take place.

Keith said: "It's an exciting opportunity for me to return to the water and aim to go back to Tokyo doing what I love - sailing. My age may raise a few eyebrows, but I bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. Bring on the challenge, I can't wait to get on the foiling Nacra 17 later this year. Age shouldn't be a barrier - the older I get, the faster I want to go".

Not only is Keith aiming to become the oldest Olympian ever at Tokyo 2020, but he is also aiming to qualify in the cutting edge Nacra 17. With Musto kit leading from the front, utilising the latest technology to create revolutionary sailing wear, the game may have moved on, but legends do not.


A New Aspect For IRC
The Royal Ocean Racing Club will be trialling a brand new aspect of the International Rating Certificate (IRC) rule this season to solve the problem of some boats not finishing weekend races in time for the crew to be back at work on Monday morning. With such a variety of boats racing and wide rating bands, it is a problem setting a course length that is suitable for all boats and it would not be fair to deprive the faster boats of a full weekend's racing. However, this means that the slower boats may have to retire if they cannot finish in time - which means unhappy crews.

The proposal is that a target speed of 5 knots will be set, and if a boat's speed drops below that for 30 minutes or more the boat may use the engine to bring the speed back to 5 knots. In order to keep things fair, the IRC Technical Committee has been asked to develop a brand new segment in the IRC software to address the issue, and those boats that have to resort to engine use will have their corrected time adjusted by an Engine Correction Factor (ECF) that will be printed on the IRC certificate.

One issue that the Race Committee will have to consider is that of boats purposely slowing down so that they can use the engine and therefore travel a shorter distance to the finish, so every boat will carry a tracker which will compare their actual course with the predicted course for the conditions and taking into account the expected speed of the boat. Any boat whose behaviour does not fit the expected course and speed configuration will be disqualified.

Nick Elliott, RORC Racing Manager, is excited about the trial: "There is real disappointment from crews who have worked hard for 36 - 48 hours and find that conditions dictate that they have to retire due to time constraints, not only do they miss out on a result they miss the camaraderie in the bar at the end of the race. Gone are the days of not turning up for work on a Monday morning because the wind died or the tide turned. It sounds radical but could be a real game changer!"

In the long term, if the tracker performance predictions for the wind and sea conditions prove accurate it may mean boats not having to sail the course at all to get a result. This would save on wear and tear on the boat and gear reducing running costs, and time saving for the skipper and crew who can spend the weekend doing other things knowing that their racing result will be calculated without the grey area of human performance.


Have The Kiwis Mastered Anti-Gravity?
Click on image to enlarge.

Kiwi Foils Spying on other teams is as old a tradition as the America's Cup itself. But never has a surreptitious photograph so shocked the world of performance sailing as the one shown at right. It appears to show the Team New Zealand ACC foiling... while standing completely still.

The photo, circulated by an unnamed member of ORACLE, is visual confirmation of rumours swirling around Auckland docks and the physics department at the University of Woolamaloo.

"Those cyclists in the hulls? A lovely little distraction, that. Kept the entire membership of SINS blathering away for weeks while the real breakthrough was right in front of their eyes" said Professor Bruce B. Bruce. "If nautical journalists in Auckland had held off on the gin until after lunch, just once, they might have noticed that the height of TNZ hulls above the water never varied once they rose from the surface... regardless of wind strength or direction. And that the hulls dropped right down even when the wind did not and sail trim did not alter. Hullspeed hasn't a bloody thing to do with these foils. Gravity waves and quantum entanglement are what's going on."

Scuttlebutt Europe has independently confirmed sightings of the hulls rising and falling at the dock, in one instance when the rig wasn't even stepped on the hull. Swarms of dockhands staring into tablets and clutching clipboards are an unusual enough sight... more so when they're clad in lab coats and pocket protectors. "Don't look much like the usual BNs" muttered the ORACLE source.

"We aren't going to need a lot of practice time in Bermuda" smirked syndicate head Grant Dalton.

"We've got a few tricks up our sleeves and are confident that we'll leave with the Auld Mug in hand. We expect the usual squealing and whinging from our vanquished competitors. Looking forward to not giving a single flying feck".


2020 Olympic Sailing Venue Change
Click on image to enlarge.

Godzilla Enoshima Yacht Harbor in the coastal city of Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture is slated to host sailing events for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The city also hosted the sailing events at the 1964 Olympic Games.

The sailing venue was initially planned for the Wakasu Olympic Marina, a new Olympic sailing marina to be built next to Tokyo Gate Bridge in Tokyo Bay. However, these plans were abandoned supposedly due to cost and an inability to gain clearance for aerial broadcast coverage from Tokyo's nearby Haneda Airport.

The real reason is far more dire.

"It's still out there... and we believe it may be waking up. Rising sea temperatures may be altering its metabolism. We thought when he disappeared from Tokyo Harbour in 1956 it was either dead or nearly so... deep in the Japan Trench. But unusual seismic and sonar soundings lead us to fear that Tokyo Harbor may not be a safe place to hold the Olympics. It might show up." said Dr. Hideo Gump of the Tokyo Marine Research Society.

It has many names... Gojira... Kujira... Godzilla.

"In the past it's been awakened by nuclear weapons, we also believe that the creature may respond to chemical compounds that are man-made, not native to the world of its creation millions of years ago. Those include fiberglass and carbon fiber. It's just far too risky to put those taste treats in its habitat. The millions we'd spend on sailing facilities in Tokyo would be better allocated to civil defence. Just in case."

The Interviews
After the incredible announcement that the America's Cup Event Authority (ACEA) has banned Emirates Team New Zealand from winning - I know, quite extraordinary for any sport - I thought it would be journalistically good to pick up the phone and talk to both sides. Here's how the conversations went:

"Yo The Russinator, what's with banning the Kiwis from winning the Cup? Seems a bit unsporting no?"

"Ye (assume Google accent translate), well, you know we run the show so we can do what we like. Haha. Suck it up!"

"But can you actually do that in sport? I mean, legally?"

"Mate, mate... (exasperated sigh) this isn't sport. How can I put it? ... This is Game of Thrones. We're sitting on the Iron Throne, we're ruling the seven kingdoms, well, Larry is, I'm his Right Hand, or Iron Fist, or whatever it's called... anyway, we rule, so stuff 'em."

"Why's there such beef between you lot?"

"Oh Diggers, looong history, they were so rude when me and the boys left the team for Alinghi, then came back to beat them. Very rude. And once, when Grant was going through a door just ahead of me, he didn't hold it open."

"Ah man, I hate that. Total pits. My old school's motto was Manners Maketh Man, and I remember... "

"Diggers, sorry to interrupt, gotta go, Larry's on the other line. He only calls once a year."

"Ooooh oooh, tell him we loved the special effects in series 34. Awesome."

"Special effects?! Never mind, ciao, mwah..."

Next call: Grant Dalton.

"Yo Grant, The Granite Man, this is all rather extraordinary from ACEA..."

"Diggers, Diggers, it's all BS! Don't worry about it. They're just hatching a legal plan for when they lose. And we've got a great comeback - we're gonna piddle on them!"

"Piddle on them?! I say Grant, that's a bit strong. Whipping out the old chap and actually pissing on your oppo..."

"No, no, Diggers you numbnut, I said piddle - p e d d l e - not piddle. You're not mocking my Kiwi accent are you?"

"Goodness no... Anyway, listen, Grant, have you seen Game of Thrones?"

"Mate, mate... (intake of breath), I friggin love that show - the chics, the bittles, the migic..."

"Yeah, so, when you get to sit on the Iron Throne, and rule the seven kingdoms, what'll you do?"

"No idea mate. We've got one helluva bittle coming up, and a lot of piddling to do, so we're not even thinking about episode 36."

"Oh, last thing, did you not hold the door open once for Russell when you were walking a little ahead of him?"

"More BS Diggers. I always hold doors open for people. It's a thing."

"OK, thanks for clearing that up Grant. Good luck!"

"Lovin your work mate..." Click.

-- Digby Fox in livethestory.com

The Last Word
The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. -- Groucho Marx

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3810 - 3 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Ian Williams Wins The 53rd Annual Congressional Cup
Long Beach, California: In a series of matches that were as mercurial as the weather, Ian Williams (GBR) and his Team GAC Pindar triumphed in the 53rd Congressional Cup, the second event of the World Match Racing Tour, beating Johnie Berntsson (SWE) in a fifth and final winner-take-all match.

Not since 2012 has Ian Williams [GRB] donned the coveted Crimson Blazer, the honor bestowed to the top names in sailing since 1965. What the Masters Green Jacket is to pro golfing, the Crimson Blazer is to yacht racing.

But Williams had been denied, after two consecutive Congressional Cup wins in 2011 and 2012; even as he reigned as six-time Match Racing World Champion. And in 2016, his team finished last in Congressional Cup racing.

Today's racing had commenced in 11k of southerly breeze for the 1.5nm Fleet Race and a $2K purse was won by Steele; but not without a fight from Sam Gilmour (AUS).

Overall Results
1. Ian Williams (GBR)
2. Johnie Berntsson (SWE)
3. Taylor Canfield (ISV)
4. Phil Robertson (NZL)
5. Sam Gilmour (AUS)
6. Scott Dickson (USA)
7. Joachim Aschenbrenner (DEN)
8. Chris Steele (NZL)
9. Eric Monin (SUI)
10. Harry Price (AUS)
11. Nicolai Sehested (DEN)
12. David Storrs (USA)


Palma Winners Crowned
A mix of established Rio Olympic campaigners and emerging young talent shared the top podium spots when the 48th Trofeo Princesa Sofia IBEROSTAR ended Saturday with a brisk 25kts Mistral offshore wind which brought the 646 boat regatta to spectacular, challenging finale.

The strong wind annulled any final racing for the 49er class, cancelling what would have been an intriguing title tussle between the young British duo James Peters and Fynn Sterritt, Spain's Rio representatives Diego Botin and Iago Lopez and the new British pairing of Dylan Fletcher and Stu Bithell. But with no racing possible it is the first big regatta win in the 49er for Peters and Sterritt who had something of a nervous day, sitting one point clear of their Spanish rivals. Palma has traditionally been the least favourite regatta for the young pair, struggling here at times in the past, but it is now a favourite.

GBR took gold and silver in the 49er fleet and won two medals, silver and bronze in the Laser. Italy's Rio selection Francesco Marrai gave regatta leader Elliot Hanson the slip just before the start of the medal race and went on to win the class. Double world champion Nick Thompson won the medal race and took bronze.

Max Salminen of Sweden won the Finn class, emerging through Semi Final qualification to triumph in the new winner takes all five boat Final. Arguably the Finn class has been bravest in their desire to innovate and change. Turkey's Ailcan Kaynar was best in the Opening series and went directly to the Final but took third.

Top three, Olympic classes:

470 Men
1. Tetsuya Isozaki / Akira Takayanagi, JPN, 49
2. Carl-Fredrik Fock / Marcus Dackhammar, SWE, 50
3. Jordi Xammar / Nicolas Rodriguez, ESP, 51

470 Women
1. Afrodite Zegers / Anneloes Van Veen, NED, 35
2. Agnieszka Skrzypulec / Jolanta Ogar, POL, 38
3. Silvia Mas Depares / Patricia Cantero, ESP, 47

1. James Peters / Fynn Sterritt, GBR, 68
2. Diego Botin Le Chever / Iago Lopez Marra, ESP, 69
3. Dylan Fletcher-Scott / Stuart Bithell, GBR, 81

49er FX
1. Jurczok / Anika Lorenz, GER, 47
2. Helene Naess / Marie Ronningen, NOR, 96
3. Kimberly Lim / Cecilia Low, SIN, 114

1. Mas Salminen, SWE, 44
2. Zsombor Berecz, HUN, 67
3. Alican Kaynar, TUR, 40

1. Francesco Marrai, ITA, 57
2. Elliot Hanson, GBR, 58
3. Nick Thompson, GBR, 61

Laser Radial
1. Dongshuang Zhang, CHN, 83
2. Viktorija Andrulyte, LTU, 92
3. Monika Mikkola, FIN, 98

1. Fernando Echavarri Erasun / Tara Pacheco Van Rijnsoever, ESP, 52
2. John Gimson / Anna Burnet, GBR, 68.45
3. Lin Cenholt / Christian Peter Lubeck, DEN, 81

RS:X Men
1. Pawel Tarnowski, POL, 93
2. Ivan Pastor Lafuente, ESP, 44
3. Taehoon Lee, KOR, 114

RS:X Women
1. Zofia Noceti-Klepacka, POL, 24
2. Manjia Zheng, CHN, 60
3. Stefania Elfutina, RUS, 41

Full results

Seahorse April 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

(Noteworthy) trickledown
While as a sport sailing is not sinking beneath the waves under the weight of technological or indeed other broader benefits being spun off from the most specialised America's Cup that has ever taken place, there is one company whose enthusiasm first for delivering innovative - and reliable - AC technology and then developing it for mainstream consumption remains undimmed

Market disrupter?
There's a (slippery) new kid on the block in the 2017 TP52 Super Series... Rob Weiland

The scary time
Now the mystery begins... Ken Read

Foiled again - Part I
Dan Bernasconi and Michel Kermarec talk America's Cup foils and rules with James Boyd

Other classes other titles - Part II
Tim Jeffrey and Dan Ibsen look beyond those four Olympic gold medals at just a few of the other achievements of Paul Elvstrom

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2016 ORC European Class C Champion Re-Crowned
Athens, Greece: As a consequence of the disqualification of Vincenzo de Blasio's Scugnizza by an International Jury convened after receiving an allegation of gross misconduct, a new winner is declared for Class C in the 2016 ORC European Championship regatta organized by the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki and the Offshore Racing Congress.

The Jury decision was that Scugnizza was in breach of rule 69.1(a) and thus disqualified from all races of the championship regatta held in Porto Carras, Greece over 3-10 July 2016.

Therefore Aivar Tuulberg's Arcona 34 Katariina II from Estonia has been elevated from runner-up to being the new 2016 ORC Class C European champion. Another Estonian entry, Ott Kikkas's Italia 9.98 Sugar is the new Silver medalist and Baxevanis Athanasios's X-35 OD Baximus from Greece is the new Bronze medalist.

"This decision was difficult and long in coming, as it involved complex issues related to sailing trim, yet we applaud the Jury for upholding the integrity and principles of both our rules and the rules of the sport," said Bruno Finzi, Chairman of ORC.

For final results and more information about the 2016 ORC European Championship, visit orci.ncth.gr/index.php?content=results


Melges 32 World League Event In Porto Venere
Porto Venere, Italy" A full round of congratulations are in order for 2017 Melges 32 World League Porto Venere Champion Matteo Balestrero and his team aboard Giogi which included tactician Paolo Cian and crew members Andrea Casale, Andrea Felci, Elio Borio, Cristiano Giannetti, Alessandro Siviero and Leone Taddei.

Additional congratulations go out to the very first Melges 32 World League Porto Venere Corinthian Champion Kilian Holzapfel from Germany aboard Homanit Junior. Kilian was accompanied by tactician Lukas Feuerherdt and crew members Alber Johannes Buitenhuis, Niek De Boer, Jan Kowalski, Kevin Reisenauer, Jolbert Van Djik and Jan Jasper Wagner.

The Corinthian podium was completed with Martin Reintjes on Caipirinha in second, followed by third place finisher Francesco Graziani on Vitamina.

The next Melges 32 World League event takes place May 5-7 nestled in the beautiful tuscan region, hosted by Marina di Scarlino.

Top five final results - after three races
1. Matteo Balestrero/Paolo Cian, Giogi; 2-7-1 = 10
2. Andrea Lacorte/Gabriele Benussi, Vitaminia Amerikana; 6-1-8 = 15
3. Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio/Branko Brcin, G-SPOT; 8-4-3 = 15
4. Edoardo Pavesio/Manuel Weiller Vidal, FRA MARTINA; 1-13-5 = 19
5. Claudia Rossi/Matteo Ivaldi, Pippa; 3-16/UFD-2 = 21

Full Results on YachtScoring.com

Explanation Of America's Cup Rules And Process For Rule Changes
There has been some recent uninformed comment and news reports concerning the America's Cup Rules and the reasons America's Cup teams voted to change various rules. In particular, there seems to be confusion about the new allowances for daggerboards and which teams have subsequently benefited from these changes.

To change any rule of the Protocol requires both the Defender and a majority of Challengers to vote in favor of the proposed change. So despite various media reports to the contrary, no single team, person or entity can change a rule. Here is the relevant clause in the America's Cup Protocol: (Article 20.1 "...this Protocol may only be amended with the agreement of GGYC and the Challenger Committee")

Similarly to change a Class Rule relating to the new America's Cup Class, requires a unanimous vote of all teams.

The foils that lift the boats out of the water are a critical design differentiator between the teams. Much of the design and engineering effort for this America's Cup has gone into this area as it has such a big impact on performance.

Teams are only permitted to build four daggerboards for their new America's Cup Class boats – in other words just two sets of foils... the teams discussed making a Protocol amendment beginning in June 2016 and agreed on November 17 to allow up to two identical (spare) boards to be built although these may only be used if the race boards were damaged unintentionally.

Full report: www.yachtsandyachting.com

Italian J/70 Sailing League Launched
Trieste, Italy: This past weekend, the Legavela Servizi (LVS), the organisation that is managing the Italian J/70 Sailing League, proudly christened their fleet of ten J/70s for their upcoming season in Trieste, Italy. The LVS is managed by Alessandro Rinaldi, and their organization is expecting to have an enormous impact on Italian sailing, especially for club sailing teams and youth sailing teams throughout the country.

The first event will be an introductory regatta called the "Adriatic Cup", hosted by YC Trieste, that will take place from the 7th to 9th of April. The goal is to make this event yet another "classic" event on the J/70 class calendar in the Mediterranean region, like the J/70 EuroCup has become for Fraglia Vela Riva on Lago di Garda.

40th Anniversary San Fernando Race
Organised by Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club under the auspices of the Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC), the 2017 edition of this biennial race will feature 16 sailing yachts sailing across four divisions, IRC Racer 0, 1, IRC Cruising and HKPN.

The largest boat in the fleet, Seng Huang Lee's 100ft Super Maxi Scallywag will be looking to break the monohull race record of 49h 55m 12s set in 2001 by 70' ULDB Sled, FfreeFire. Chan will be defending his record on his latest TP52 FreeFire, this will be the 8th race for Hong Kong based owner Sam Chan succession of FreeFire's. Joining Scallywag and FreeFire in IRC Racer 0 is Ernesto Echauz's TP52 from the Philippines Standard Insurance Centennial.

IRC Racer 1 features a fleet of 7 boats Hong Kong rivals Ambush and Mandrake III, with Joachim Isler and Drew Taylor on board their McConaghy-built, Mills 41 and the Nick Burns / Fred Kinmonth owned Sydney GTS43 will push their boats to see who pulls out ahead. Joining this fleet is Singapore's Jonathan Mahony's HYD 42 Zanzibar.

In IRC Cruising, first time entry Swan 55 Emocean2 will be raced double handed by owner Christopher Allan and experienced offshore crew Olivier Decamps. Also in IRC Cruising San Fernando Race Committee Chairman's Peter Churchouse's Warwick Custom Moonblue 2, Anthony Day's XC50 Explorer another first time San Fernando skipper Michael Ashbrook on board his Jeanneau 479 Sitka.

The warning signal for the 2017 San Fernando Race will sound at 1310hrs on Wednesday 12 April, against the backdrop of RHKYC's Kellett Island Clubhouse in Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour.


The Maxi Edmond De Rothschild Is Unveiled
On Thursday 30 March, the Gitana Team invited the press to the Palais de Tokyo museum in Paris to mark the official launch of the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild, a 'giant' measuring 32 metres long and 23 metres wide, which is undergoing her final few months in the yard after a build process spanning over a year and a half.

The launch of this new Gitana craft is scheduled for this July. We get the low-down on the general concept, highlighting the forms and the architectural choices, with a focus on the special features of the platform, not to the mention the announcement about the sports programme, as well as the discovery of the livery... Sebastien Josse and his team were careful not to dodge any questions, aside from those relating to the appendages; a highly strategic point given the team's clear aim of building and developing a flying offshore maxi-trimaran.

Designed by naval architect Guillaume Verdier and his team in collaboration with the Gitana design office, the Maxi Edmond de Rothschild is paving the way forward for a new generation of large offshore multihulls. Indeed, it will be part Archimedean boat (submerged hull), part flying craft.

The boat features purposeful planing hulls beneath the waterline that are both aggressive and innovative and a far cry from those used on the current fleet of oceanic multihulls. She will be equipped with the very latest architectural and technical advances in terms of appendages, with T-foil rudders and L-shaped foils

Start of construction: October 2015
Launch: July 2017
20-month build
+ 170,000 man-hours, including 35,000 hours of studies
+ /- 40 people on average over 20 months
LOA: 32m
Beam: 23m
Weight (displacement): 15.5 tonnes
Air draught: 37m
Downwind sail area: 650m2
Upwind sail area: 450m2
Number: 6
Type: T-foil float rudders (2), L-shaped foils (2), daggerboard on the central hull (1), T-foil rudder on central hull (1)


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Steve Pyatt:

With regard to to the late, great, Glynn Charles, he renamed his Soling mid-Olympic trials when caught out by a dodgy jury decision. Next morning, beautifully drawn on the transom was "Kangaroo Caught!!"

* From Jock Wishart:

When I was a young man I became the custodian of an OK dinghy previously owned by Robin Kemp called "Hoof Hearted"

Beat that Burnie!!!

* From John Walker:

In the early days just after the commissioning of Brighton Marina, there was a powerboat resident there, in an understated livery at the pink end of the red spectrum, called 'Mons Veneris'.

* From David Blacklaws:

Many years ago there was an Oyster 41 named BRIGHTEYES
the tender to which was called BLEARYEYES tender to BRIGHTEYES
which might fit the criteria for yacht names.

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Raceboats Only 2004 Farr 520 Performance Cruiser - BRAVE. 280,000 EUR. Located in Athens, Greece.

A true Performance Cruiser from the successful hull shape of the Farr 52. In sparkling order and very well looked after, minimal maintenance yacht for round the world sport.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222


Raceboats Only Merlin - Custom McConaghy 50 Cruiser/Racer. 430,000 USD. Located in Sydney, Australia.

Fractional rigged sloop with lift bulb bottom keel, raked stem, twin rudders, long central cabin house and large aft cockpit.

The accommodation consists of “V” berths forward with a settee starboard and stowage opposite. Then an enclosed head to starboard with hand held shower.

The main cabin has a large galley to starboard followed by a large “U” shaped dinette. To port is an enclosed head followed by a navigation station then a settee and pilot berth with a quarter berth aft to port.

The fitout is predominantly white painted FRP with black carbon trims and some timber feature panels and timber cabin sole boards.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Tink Chambers
+1 410 268 1001

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
Nuclear weapons and TV have simply intensified the consequences of our tendencies, upped the stakes. -- David Foster Wallace

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3811 - 4 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Ian Walker Named As RYA Director Of Racing
Photo by Ian Roman/Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing

Ian Walker RYA Racing will have an experienced new hand at the helm with the announcement that Ian Walker MBE is to take up the Director of Racing position this autumn.

The double Olympic medallist, America's Cup sailor and Volvo Ocean Race-winning skipper will take up the baton from John Derbyshire OBE, who is set to retire later this year after 32 years' involvement with the organisation, including 16 years in the Director of Racing role.

Walker has enjoyed an impressive and multi-faceted career in the sport, winning two Olympic silver medals (470 in 1996; Star in 2000) and coaching Shirley Robertson, Sarah Ayton and Sarah Webb to Yngling gold at Athens 2004.

Among a host of inshore and offshore racing successes, Walker has been involved with two America's Cup campaigns (GBR Challenge in 2003; +39 in 2007) and won the 2014/15 edition of the Volvo Ocean Race with Abu Dhabi Ocean Racing.

A trustee of the John Merricks Sailing Trust, set up in memory of his 470 crew, he has also helped provide a supporting hand to numerous young people through the sport of sailing.

As Director of Racing, a position he will take over full time from October, Walker will oversee the RYA's World Class Programme and talent pathways, as well as the broader remit of racing participation in all its forms in the UK.

Walker said: "I'd like to thank the RYA and UK Sport for their confidence in me. John Derbyshire has provided a tough act to follow and I look forward to the benefit of his experience and that of the wider RYA Racing team in the coming months before I take up the reins full time in the autumn."


European Match Race Vienna
After two days of spectacular racing in front of Vienna's skyline, Polish skipper Patryk Zbroja secured his first victory this year when no wind denied the final battle between him and Austrian Christian Binder. Dejan Presen finished third and took over the yellow jersey of the European Match Race Tour 2017.

The Vienna City Match Race, the third stop of the European Match Race Tour, took place at the Old Danube just some minutes away from the city centre of Austria's capital. Bright sunshine, summerlike temperatures in the mid-20's and winds up to 22 knots provided a spectacular stage for Europe's top match racers. It was only on the final day when the reigning Soling European champion Christian Binder was denied his final attack on the leading Polish team with skipper Patryk Zbroja due to lack of wind.

Dejan Presen from Slovenia used the absence of the double stage winner Simon Bertheau from France to climb on top of the European Tour rankings while Australian Adam Smith finished fourth just ahead of home team skipper Helmut Czasny. Bertheau however will have the chance to fight back next weekend in Monaco, when the European Match Race Tour will stop there for stage 4.

Final Results
1. Patryk Zbroja, POL
2. Christian Binder, AUT
3. Dejan Presen, SLO
4. Adam Smith, AUS
5. Helmut Czasny, AUT
6. Lars Hueckstedt, GER
7. Julian Kircher, AUT
8. Johanna Bergqvist, SWE


Tickets To The 35th America's Cup America's Cup Tickets The America's Cup is the competition for the oldest trophy in international sport and this summer it is coming to Bermuda for the 35th enactment of the greatest race on water.

From 26th May until 27th June the fastest yachts in the 166 year history of the "Auld Mug" will be raced by the greatest sailors in the world on the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Bermuda.

ORACLE TEAM USA are the Defenders and they are taking on teams from around the world. Great Britain is represented by Sir Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR; SoftBank Team Japan are lead by Dean Barker; Sweden's Artemis Racing are skippered by Nathan Outteridge; Franck Cammas and his Groupama Team France squad are flying the flag for France and Emirates Team New Zealand are helmed by Peter Burling, 2016 Olympic Champion.

The events in Bermuda will be one of the world's greatest sports events and will be watched by millions of people worldwide, on TV and live at the America's Cup Village in Bermuda.

To book your place at what many experts are predicting will be the best America's Cup yet go to www.americascup.com/tickets

America's Cup Superyacht Program
The 35th America's Cup is not just about racing on Bermuda's waters. The events are also going to play host to one of the greatest gatherings of superyachts in history. These incredible boats, beautiful to look at and awe-inspiring in size and impact, will add to the sheer spectacle of the America's Cup, as well as adding yet more numbers to the thousands of people travelling to Bermuda

A dedicated America's Cup Superyacht Program was created by the America's Cup Event Authority (ACEA), in conjunction with BWA Yachting. BWA Yachting played a central role in the America's Cup Superyacht Program at the 34th America's Cup in San Francisco in 2013.

The original America's Cup Superyacht Program had 39 berths allocated for superyachts coming into Bermuda from all over the world. Due to overwhelming demand, that number was extended to 50 berths

The America's Cup Superyacht Program is not just about beautiful yachts watching the action. It also incorporates racing with the America's Cup Superyacht Regatta, being run from 13 - 15 June in conjunction with Boat International. 19 superyachts are already entered, including Adela, the 55 metre superyacht which won the 2013 America's Cup Superyacht Regatta, and a long list of enquiries is being assessed for additional entries.

The America's Cup J Class Regatta will take place on 16, 19 and 20 June and will feature some of the most iconic boats in the history of the America's Cup, with eight of the nine existing J Class boats committed to participating in three days of racing scheduled around the first weekend of the America's Cup Match presented by Louis Vuitton.


CFA Sports To Deliver 2017 M32 Series Scandinavia
Malmo, Sweden: Prior to the start of the fifth season, the M32 Series Scandinavia will have Charlotte Bergman and Fredrik Alstierna from CFA Sports leading the operation of the sailing series in 2017."

"World class sailors in fast boats competing close to the shore is turning this event into something truly unique and spectacular", continues Charlotte who will lead the M32 Series Scandinavia 2017 together with Fredrik Alstierna and Swedish event specialist CFA Sports.

M32 Series Scandinavia will take place in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland in 2017. The Series is owned by Aston Harald Sports and CFA Sports will lease the rights for the 2017 season.

"We look forward to watching the Series mature and grow and from now on will concentrate our focus on the race management side of the event, which we have considerable experience in," said Robert Magnusson, CEO of Aston Harald Sports. "Handing over the responsibility for the land activity is a natural part of our development as we see this cooperation can create something bigger and hopefully improve the product to all partners and sponsors and guests of the event. We look forward to the summer sailing activities with lots of sun and wind."

M32 Series Scandinavia 2017
1. Gothenburg, Sweden June 15-17th
2. Risor, Norway July 27-29th
3. Helsinki, Finland 11-13th August
4. Århus, Denmark August 31st - September 2nd
5. Stockholm, Sweden September 14-16th


CFA Sports To Deliver 2017 M32 Series Scandinavia
Malmo, Sweden: Prior to the start of the fifth season, the M32 Series Scandinavia will have Charlotte Bergman and Fredrik Alstierna from CFA Sports leading the operation of the sailing series in 2017."

"World class sailors in fast boats competing close to the shore is turning this event into something truly unique and spectacular", continues Charlotte who will lead the M32 Series Scandinavia 2017 together with Fredrik Alstierna and Swedish event specialist CFA Sports.

M32 Series Scandinavia will take place in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland in 2017. The Series is owned by Aston Harald Sports and CFA Sports will lease the rights for the 2017 season.

"We look forward to watching the Series mature and grow and from now on will concentrate our focus on the race management side of the event, which we have considerable experience in," said Robert Magnusson, CEO of Aston Harald Sports. "Handing over the responsibility for the land activity is a natural part of our development as we see this cooperation can create something bigger and hopefully improve the product to all partners and sponsors and guests of the event. We look forward to the summer sailing activities with lots of sun and wind."

M32 Series Scandinavia 2017
1. Gothenburg, Sweden June 15-17th
2. Risor, Norway July 27-29th
3. Helsinki, Finland 11-13th August
4. Århus, Denmark August 31st - September 2nd
5. Stockholm, Sweden September 14-16th


Soling World Championships
Finally the Soling World Championships 2017 will be held again in the Netherlands !!!!

It has been over 27 years since the Soling Club Nederland (SCN) has hosted this event. We are very happy to have the opportunity again to welcome all foreign competitors of the International Soling Class in the Netherlands.

The last time the Soling World championships were held in the Netherlands was in August 1990 when 66 Solings set sail from Medemblik. The event featured the attendance of the current King of Spain HRH Felipe de Bourbon, who as a crewmember in one of the Spanish boats was racing together with Fernando Leon and Alfredo Vacquez. They finished 5th overall at the event,the world title was won by Marc Bouet, Fabrice Levet and Alain Pintet.

It is a tribute to the International Soling Class to see that several of the competitors who participated in 1990 will be participating again in the Soling Worlds 2017 and we are thrilled to see that the event is generating so much interest already among participants around the world.

This time the event will be organized by the Royal Netherlands Yacht Club, which is located in the town of Muiden, near Amsterdam.

The Dutch Soling class is expanding rapidly and we will have 10 or more Dutch competitors at the 2017 event. They, together with many enthusiastic volunteers are looking forward to making this event a success.

We already have entries from Brazil, Germany and the United States but many other teams from other countries confirmed that they will be present, including teams from Denmark, Ukraine, Canada, France, Austria, Hungary and Argentina.

Teams that enter early can save 75 euros on the entry fee. The Dutch Soling Class and our volunteers are happy to assist you in finding suitable accommodation and a rental boat in case you do not (or cannot) bring your own.


New Sardinian Venue For 2017 GC32 Racing Tour
The GC32 Racing Tour will break new ground when it visits southern Sardinia at the end of June: This will be the first time that a major international sailing event has been held at Villasimius, on the Italian island's southeasternmost tip.

While Cagliari is well known in international sailing circles having previously hosted events for the TP52 and RC44 circuits as well as being the base for Luna Rossa's 35th America's Cup challenge, Villasimius, until now, has been something of a secret Italians have liked to keep to keep to themselves. Situated 50km east of Cagliari, it has some of Sardinia's finest white sand beaches as well as the azure blue water for which the island is famous. It even features a salt water lake, Timi Ama, home to pink flamingos.

Taking place from 28th June to 1st July, with support from Regione Sardegna, the GC32 Villasimius Cup will be the second event of the 2017 GC32 Racing Tour, following the season opener at Riva del Garda on Lake Garda in mid-May.

For its GC32 Villasimius Cup, the GC32 Racing Tour has recruited Mirco Babini as local coordinator. Babini is a long term professional windsurfer and kite boarder and is current President of the International Kiteboarding Association. He also has strong experience in professional yacht racing having previously worked for Luna Rossa.

The GC32 Villasimius Cup will take place over 28th June until 1st July. The 2017 GC32 Racing Tour starts with the GC32 Riva Cup over 11-14th May and the five event circuit will then continue on to Spain and France. The venue for the Tour's fourth event will be announced shortly.

2017 GC32 Racing Tour
11-14 May - GC32 Riva Cup / Riva del Garda, Italy
28 June-1 July - GC32 Villasimius Cup / Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
2-5 August - 36 Copa del Rey / Palma de Mallorca, Spain
13-16 September - TBA
12-15 October - Marseille One Design / Marseille, France


Irish Cruising Club Fastnet Award To Nikolay Litau
Nikolay Litau To get the full measure of the man, the ICC Western Committee's Citation puts it in manageable form:

Citation For Fastnet Award 2016-17

"Nikolay Litau was born in 1955 in North Kazakstan. At the age of 32, he began sailing and took part in regattas and overseas cruises. In 1991 he received a Yacht Captain diploma. In the next year, he was invited as a supervising captain to Miles Clarke in Wild Goose, the first foreign yacht to sail through the inner waterways from the White Sea into the Black Sea.

From 1993 to 1996 he managed the building of a yacht, Apostol Andrey, and became the first to complete a circumpolar navigation. For this he was awarded The Royal Cruising Club Medal for Seamanship. In 2002, the Cruising Club of America awarded Nikolay Litau the Blue Water Medal for the first navigation of the North East Passage on a yacht.

In the autumn of 2001, the second round-the-world journey of Apostol Andrey took place. The route led from St.Petersburg via the Atlantic to the Antarctic, followed by the Pacific Ocean, shores of Alaska and the Northwest passage.

In the autumn of 2004 the third round-the-world journey of Apostol Andrey took place. This voyage took place around Antarctica, close to the Antarctic continent inside the 60th parallel. By 2013, Apostol Andrey under the command of Nikolay Litau had covered 150,000 NM.

In 2016, Nikolay skippered Northabout on the circumpolar expedition "PolarOcean Challenge,", in which the Northeast and Northwest Passages were transitted in an unprecedented seven weeks venture."

W.M. Nixon's article in Afloat: afloat.ie/blogs/

Bright And Light On Day Four Of The Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series
Race Officer Peter Knight summed up day four (Sunday 02 April) of the Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series as "a testing day for competitors and committee boats alike!".

It was set to be a challenging day on the Solent; a sunny spring day but with a forecast of 5 to 10 knots of breeze dropping towards lunchtime and tides at about 85% of full springs.

White Group classes and IRC4 started near Royal Southern with a light Northerly breeze averaging around 350 degrees, but periodically flicking left and fading before going back to around 350 and strengthening slightly. The first two White Group races were set on an axis of about 350, but for the third race, the course had to be adjusted as the breeze trended left towards Southampton Water.

Black Group classes started near East Knoll, with the wind initially about 10 knots NNE and dropping to 5 or 6 knots by midday. Courses set were a beat to Coronation, followed by round the cans courses shortened at East Bramble as the wind faded. IRC1 and IRC2 did about 12 miles on their shortened course, IRC4 about 9 miles and the remaining classes around 9.3 miles.

As the breeze dropped, cross tide runs and spinnaker reaches taxed tacticians as the puffs and lulls made calculating lay lines difficult, and noticeably at East Knoll some boats had a slog to get back to the mark against the flood tide, after getting too far east.

The course for the IRC1 and IRC2 classes was put at risk when a laid inflatable Spring Series mark was removed by "a third party". As Peter Bateson, Series Chairman explains" Fortunately the race committee discovered this in the nick of time and substituted a rib with an "M" flag. The five leading boats had to sail a few extra yards, but it appears that the order of results was fortunately unaffected".

Nothing is set in stone in most of the classes as we head into the last two Sundays of the Spring Series, and see the start of the Crewsaver Warsash Spring Championship on Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th April continuing after Easter on 22nd and 23rd April.

Leading the Series by class:
IRC1 Night Owl 2 - Julie Fawcett
IRC2 Sailplane - Rob Bottomley
IRC3 Quokka - James Crew & Peter Rutter
IRC4 Silver Shamrock - Stuart Greenfield
J/109 Jago - Mike & Susie Yates
J/88 J-Dream - David & Kirsty Apthorp
Combined White Group - Betty -Jon Powell
J/70 Offbeat - David Mcleman
J/80 Betty - Jon Powell
SB20 Trouble & Strife - Radley College


Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2012 Farr 400 - Hull 10. 250,000 USD. Located in Dubai, UAE.

The Farr 400 Turbo combines Grand Prix level performance with innovative design details that allow for easy, cost effective transportation anywhere in the world.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Joe Hall
Farr Yacht Sales Europe
+44 1983 200901


Raceboats Only 2007 GP 42. 259,000 USD. Located in Annapolis, Maryland

STRAY DOG is the very best GP 42 for sale today Call us for the details

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Please contact William Jenkins at 410-267-9419


Raceboats Only Ker 39 - FELIX 155,000 EUR. Located in La Grande Motte, France.

FELIX (ex Inis-Mor) is one of the most successful RORC IRC boats ever raced. Results over the past 8 years are hard to beat, across both the inshore and offshore series. She is turn-key for 2016 and beyond and with recent upgrades for the Commodores Cup she is looking fantastic.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Sam Pearson - Ancasta Port Hamble
+442380 016582

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
Part of being a hero is knowing when you don't need to be one anymore. -- Alan Moore

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3812 - 5 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

First J-Class Worlds Announced
The first J-Class worlds will be held at Newport, Rhode Island from 21-26 August

Hosted by the New York Yacht Club, the J-Class Association, and the International Maxi Association, the new J-Class worlds hopes to revitalise the history and excitement behind the celebrated class. The multi-day regatta will feature windward-leeward and coastal races with yachts based from Newport Shipyard in the historic town centre.

After the conclusion of the America's Cup J-Class Regatta in Bermuda in June - coinciding with the 35th America's Cup - the J-Class fleet will sail for Newport. The expected yachts to participate include: Ranger, Lionheart, Topaz, Svea, Hanuman, and Velsheda.

J-Class Association and North Sails have also recently announced the inaugural Kohler Cup, a trophy named in memory of Terry Kohler, former owner of North Sails. The cup is a season-long points championship awarded to a J boat.

Over the course of the season, each yacht will accumulate points based on its results, with events bearing more significance as the season progresses. The trophy will be presented at the J-Class worlds in Newport, RI, August.


Artemis Training Boat Crash
A development catamaran being sailed by America's Cup syndicate Artemis Racing of Sweden crashed during a practice session on the Great Sound today.

The syndicate says in a post on its Facebook page that there were no injuries and that one of the 45-foot catamaran's crossbeams was damaged.

Artemis says it will resume practicing aboard its 50-foot race boat on Thursday.The 35th America's Cup begins in late May.

Artemis Racing Statement:
During a practice session this afternoon Artemis Racing's development boat (T2) sustained beam damage whilst training. There were no injuries in the incident, and the yacht is back at the base.

The team looks forward to getting out on its ACC boat for the second week of practice racing, starting on Thursday.


Artemis Racing Add Olympian Jake Lilley To The Roster
Finn sailor, Jake Lilley, joined the team at the end of 2016 as a Grinder after impressing Exercise Physiologist , Pete Cunningham. "Jake has shown great dedication to his training over the past 5 months or so and has turned himself into a great upper-body athlete who can now achieve decent power numbers on the grinding pedestal", said Pete.

The Queenslander has had a meteoric rise since learning to sail at 15 years old, after a bad bike crash forced him to look at other sports. Jake was part of the Australian Olympic squad in Rio, and is focused on helping the team to win the 35th America's Cup.

During his time in Bermuda he has been impressed with the level of professionalism within the team, and is working hard to step up to the challenge of the America's Cup.


Seahorse April 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

World Sailing - Showcase - Olympic Offshore Sailing
Gary Jobson and Stan Honey write on a subject with potential to deliver a fantastic step forward for Olympic sailing

The sixth generation
Combine a designer with a long history of racing success with a boatyard famous for delivering outstanding yachts for long-distance luxury cruising and the result can be most acceptable

Seahorse build table - Half Ton days are here again
Mark Mills' new 31-footer joins the party

RORC - Caribbean speeding
And the Phaedo is no longer having things all her own way. Eddie Warden-Owen

A not so secret ambition
Portugal looks headed for the Volvo Ocean Race

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Solo Yachtswoman Forced To Abandon Antarctica Bid
Sydney: An Australian attempting to become the first woman to circumnavigate Antarctica solo was forced to abandon the bid Tuesday after being demasted in ferocious seas and high winds, more than two months after setting sail.

Lisa Blair was 72 days into the non-stop and unassisted 14,000-nautical mile voyage around the icy continent on her yacht "Climate Action Now".

She was aiming to break the record set by Russian adventurer Fedor Konyukhov who braved storms, freezing temperatures, and the threat of icebergs to complete the journey in 102 days, 35 minutes and 50 seconds.

But the conditions have taken their toll, with her support crew saying the yacht's mast broke early Tuesday 895 kilometres (554 miles) south of Cape Town in seven metre (22 feet) swells and 40 knot winds.

"The mast is currently being dragged behind the boat. She is regrouping after making the boat safe and at first light will assess the situation," her spokeswoman Tracey Whittaker told AFP.

"With the damage she has, the record attempt is abandoned," she added, shortly after speaking with Blair, who was unhurt in the incident.


Why Volvo 'D2D' Is The Perfect Mini-Offshore Race
Volvo Dun Laoghaire to Dingle Race (D2D) race organisers at the National Yacht Club have published five compelling reasons why June's race measures up to be the 'perfect family friendly offshore race'. The club is keen to build on the ethos and tradition of the race.

1. At almost 300 miles it is the perfect length typically taking the whole fleet something between 30 and 50 hours to get to Dingle in the beautful surrounds of Kerry.

2. It is mostly along the coast rather than a crossing which contrubites to safety and enjoyment.

3. It mixes both racing boats and cruising boats with prizes for both.

4. It is in the same year as the Fastnet race, thereby providing a perfect training ground for crew and boat as testified to by RORC (the Royal Ocean Racing Club) the Fastnet Race organisers. It also forms part of the ISORA (Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association) season.

5. It is a great feeder race. Having arrived in Kerry the participants can choose to cruise the amazingly beatiful area of Kerry and West Cork or head back to Kinsale for Sovereigns Week.

Volvo Car Ireland already firmly established as the brand partner for sailing in Ireland have added the D2D race to the Volvo Dun Laoghaire Regatta and the other major events on the sailing calender in Ireland.


Scugnizza's RRS 69
The issue arose due to the apparent installation of hidden water tanks under the cockpit to affect extreme stern-down trim for measurement. At the event the measurers confirmed the boat was in this trim in accordance with their certificate, but did not find the tanks.

However, when sailing the boat did not appear to be in stern-down trim, but level trim, and many photographs of the boat sailing confirmed this.

ORC did numerous calculations to demonstrate the weight and volume of water needed to get to this unusual measurement trim, and how it was not possible to achieve this without some additional amount of undeclared ballast.

Scugnizza tried to claim that they could achieve level sailing trim by placing items such as anchors in the forepeak while racing, but even the weight of these items in this position was insufficient to put the boat in level trim for racing.

While not admitted as evidence, there was also before and after photos taken of the interior of the boat with the tanks in place and them having been removed immediately after the European championship and prior to their next event, the Italian championship, which the boat was re-measured for, had a substantial rating increase, and competed to finish only 7th in class.

Its unfortunate this team was not caught at the event and the matter dealt with then, but the measurers could be forgiven for having missed the tanks because they were partially obscured by the wheel well under the cockpit.

Any punishment is now in the hands of the FIV.

Antigua Dragon Yacht Club Challenge
Harmony Hall Yacht Club, with the support of the Antigua Yacht Club Marina, The Inn at English Harbour and Antigua Pro Racing, will host the 4th Antigua Dragon Yacht Club Challenge with nine (9) races scheduled to take place over two (2) days in fantastic Caribbean conditions on identical Petticrow Dragons. Racing takes place 8-9 May.

The event will consist of up to fourteen (14) teams, each representing a different yacht club from around the world, and sailing in a friendly competition to determine the overall champion. The winning yacht club will then earn itself the paid entry and accommodation at the Antigua Yacht Club Marina Resort to defend its title the following year.

The schedule will consist of both inshore and offshore short course racing on the south coast of Antigua.

All boats, race day lunches and official functions will be offered by the hosts as part of the entry fee.

The Antigua Yacht Club Marina will offer special rates for the accommodations for participating teams. -- Louay Habib

Register your interest: anjulie@aycmresort.com

New VPP Multihull Handicapping System Coming Summer 2017
The Offshore Racing Association (ORA) is pleased to announce that a new VPP multihull handicapping system will be released for use this summer. "ORR-MH" will use the latest VPP technology and testing procedures to handicap the diverse range of multihulls that are racing on the world's oceans and coastlines.

ORR-MH will join ORR, ORR-EZ, HPR (High Performance Rule) and ISYR (International Superyacht Rule) as part of the stable of rating systems administered by ORA. ORA is collaborating with Teeters Yacht Technology and Eagan Software for the final testing stages of this new multihull VPP-based handicap system.

ORA will continue to work with the various race organizers, owners, designers and multihull experts in further refining and upgrading this system. The research effort and development process was headed by Jim Teeters, ORA Technical Director and head of Teeters Yacht Technology. Jim has been coordinating with various designers and multihull experts during the development of ORR-MH. "These are exciting times in the world of handicapping with all of the new foil technology for both mono and multi-hull sailboats," said Teeters.

ORR-MH will be the multihull handicap rule used for the 2018 Newport Bermuda Race in its new Multihull Division. The race already uses ORR for handicapping their Monohull Divisions. "We are very pleased to have been selected by this prestigious offshore event. Multihulls present a unique handicapping challenge, as they are as diverse a fleet as monohull sailboats and many have partial or full foiling ability," stated Bjorn Johnson, Executive Director of ORA. He continued with, "We look forward to working with these and other events that have an interest in promoting fair handicap racing, whether it is with one hull or multiple hulls."


This, Give Thanks, Will Never End
Floaty McFloatface? Petition launched to name the new Isle of Wight floating bridge

The Isle of Wight Council has rescinded on its decision to veto Floaty McFloatface as the name of the new floating bridge at Cowes.

It comes following outcry on social media after a spokesman said the name would not be considered.

A petition was even launched by regular bridge user Martin Linnenbruger to call it Floaty McFloatface, which has so far attracted more than 2,000 signatures.

The council is running a competition to name the bridge, who operates between Cowes and East Cowes.

Speaking to the Isle of Wight County Press Online, the leader of the Isle of Wight Council, Dave Stewart said the name would now be considered.

"When my administration says we'll ask island residents what they want to call the new floating bridge, we mean it. If Floaty McFloatface is out in front in terms of popularity, that suggestion will not be vetoed by officers."

"Today our cross-party executive unanimously decided to overturn any decision by officers to rule out Floaty, or any other suggestion provided it isn't offensive," he continued.


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Adrian Morgan:

Here we go again: no longer the "best sailors in the world" but now the greatest. 'The "Auld Mug" will be raced by the greatest sailors in the world.' So not Armel, or Francois, or Alex, or Jean Pierre, or Sebastien, alone or supported by brilliant crew work, but four guys pumping handles, or cyclists and a couple of, OK, highly skilled sailors at the back. It will be fun to watch, no doubt, could be exciting, "successful" even.

No, it's not the event, the foiling, the complex rules or the perversion of the event or even the waste of money (it was ever thus) but the hyperbole and, let's face it, b******t that we have to put up with in the absence of real facts and real news. As I said wrote once before, the best AC sailors have no place on today's AC boats, which is why we'll see most of them crewing the J Class and Superyachts this summer.

* From Iain McAllister

When I was a nipper learning to sail at the Royal Clyde Yacht Club, a couple of members who'd just become engaged turned up with a new Flying Fifteen called FFORANOCCASION.

* From Dave Hollom:

During the America's Cup in Fremantle the French Challengers boat, in deference to their main sponsor, was called "French Kiss", the tender was called "Kiss Me Tender", the chase boat was called "Kiss me Quick" and, allegedly, the helicopter was called "Kiss me Chopper".

Editor's note: Of COURSE the French got sail number FRA-69 for Le Defi Areva, which saild in the Louis Vuitton Cups in 1992, 1995, 2000 and 2003. If memory serves they were insistent on it. It really is the little things in life that make it worth living.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only Reichel/Pugh 82 - HIGHLAND FLING XI. 2,500,000 EUR. Located in Tortola, BVI.

Maxi champion Reichel/Pugh 82 which is equally good at coastal and inshore racing. Equipped to an incredibly high standard and ready to go for next year’s Caribbean season and beyond.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222


Raceboats Only MC90. New Boat.

Now we’re really cooking with gas as Ker and McConaghy introduce this 90ft globe-girdling powerhouse. All three of the new McConaghy cats look to deliver a nice combination of aesthetics, roomy interiors but still a promise of proper sailing

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

McConaghy Boats
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Raceboats Only 2004 90' McConaghy Custom Racer. 1,500,000 USD. Located in Annapolis, MD United States.

RAGAMUFFIN 90 is now on the market and our latest central listing. Built as GENUINE RISK in 2004, and competing world wide from Sardinia to Hawaii, GR always was at the front of the fleet. Under her second owner, she won both the 2010 Newport to Bermuda race, and the overall prize for the 2011 811 mile Fort Lauderdale to Montego Bay race, and the overall win at Antigua sailing week both under Csa and IRC leaving no question that she was still one of the fastest maxi boats sailing.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Please contact William Jenkins at 410-267-9419

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
All my life I have been grateful for the contribution France has made to the culture and glory of Europe, and above all for the sense of personal liberty and the rights of man which has radiated from the soul of France….Show me a moment when I swerved from this conception, and you will show me a moment when I have been wrong". -- Winston Churchill, 1944

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3813 - 6 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Volvo Race Boat #4 Is Now Complete
Here's a first glimpse at the boat that Charlie Enright, Mark Towill and crew will race around the planet in during 2017-18!

Vestas announced they will be returning to the race for a second consecutive edition in partnership with 11th Hour Racing.

The team will be led by the American duo of Charlie Enright and Mark Towill who had their irst taste of the Volvo Ocean Race back in 2014-15.

Vestas 11th Hour Racing has two core aims: to do well on the water and promote a sustainable message across the world.



Rebellious New-Build Take On Experienced Warhorse
We're excited to announce that Vitters' very latest all-carbon launch, the 34m Ribelle, will be making tracks for the SYC finish line this year. This budding racer is the second Vitters built superyacht which hails from the Malcolm McKeon drawing board. Details about the yacht are still shrouded in mystery, but if we are to go by her racy looks and telltale name (Ribelle is Italian for rebellious / untamable) she's set to make a splash! Ribelle is in the process of having her mast stepped and is scheduled to commence sea trials over the next few weeks.

Pitting against Ribelle (and other freshly launched creations) will be a number of 'senior' competitors; yachts that were already flying over finish lines while newer entrants were still only a twinkle in an owner's eye. A good case in point is the 45m award-winning record-breaker Mari Cha III. This sleek super maxi, built in 1997, beat the Transatlantic Record in 1998 and the Sydney to Hobart in 1999, hitting speeds in excess of 30 knots. Used to being on the race course, and the podium, this 'battleaxe' is a competitor to watch out for, make no mistake.

The Superyacht Club Palma is 21-24 June.


View From The Top
Seahorse An interview with Hendrik Brandis, ClubSwan 50 Earlybird, reflecting on the Rolex Swan Cup Caribbean 2017

Early Days
I sailed up to the age of 20, including extensive cruising on-board my family's boat. My first Swan was a 441 (Ron Holland design) followed by Swan 45 Earlybird, and most recently a ClubSwan 50.

After many successes in the Swan 45, I became interested in fast, planing boats. I purchased a Soto 40 and sailed in South America and the Med but then the class collapsed in Europe so I sold the boat and was looking for something new, ideally a combination of the Soto 40 and Swan 45. At the end of the day I find the concept of the ClubSwan 50 to be magic.

The Boat
In the very first presentations two years ago at the Copa del Rey, I wasn't sure if it would sufficiently racing oriented... I also had to get used to the reverse bow and I asked for a lighter displacement, deeper keel, carbon fin and a few other things that have since been changed. For example, my opinion always was that she needed to be more a racer than a cruiser: I want the chance to beat the TP52s. I said that if you build an 8 tonne boat I'll buy it: we are now between 8.1 - 8.2 tonnes with the heavy bulb!

Full interview in the April issue of Seahorse:

Eleventh Edition Of The Italian Grand Prix Mini 6:50 Coppa Andrea Alberti
It kicks off Saturday, April 8, 2017 from the docks of the Italian Yacht Club Italiano in Genoa.

There are 18 boats entered - from Italy, Croatia, France, England. and divided into Series category and Proto.

For the 2017 edition of the Grand Prix of Italy Mini 6.50 - Cup "Andrea Alberti" the Race Committee has appointed a very technical course, 501 miles long, which will take participants to face the most varied conditions. After the departure from Genoa, the fleet will reach the Isle of Gallinara and will sail the Straits of Bonifacio and the Isle of Giannutri to return to Genoa.

There are many complexities that the two crew members will face, the crossing of the Gulf of Genoa, the long way down the west coast of Corsica, the passage of the Straits of Bonifacio, the crossing of the Tyrrhenian Sea and finally the climb up to Genoa the archipelago of the Tuscan Islands.

The weather at this time of year is often unpredictable with sudden changes.


The Foiling Opti!
The Foiling Opti was figured out by Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. Selden provided the blocks and are happy to be a part of this hilarious happening taking Optimist sailing to a whole new level. Axel Rahm sailed and the Selden Tech Department shot the video.


'Flying Squid' On Mike Golding's Menu
Click on image to enlarge.

Mike Golding Flying Squid weren't actually included on the Royal Southern's Fitting Out Supper menu on Saturday night, but they played an amusing role in Mike Golding's after dinner presentation..

Those guests fortunate enough to have booked their tickets in good time for the sell-out Supper hosted by the Commodore Karen Henderson-Williams, were treated to an evening commencing with a Joseph Perrier Champagne reception, fine wines, a superb dinner, special awards for special people and the stuff of legends in the form of yachtsman, Mike Golding OBE.

The fact that it was April 1st wasn't overlooked by Golding in a fabulously inspirational and insightful presentation about his favourite offshore solo race, the Vendee Globe, which included a photograph of him holding a 'flying squid'. Not just any old squid, and not a flying fish, but a flying squid. He informed the rapt audience that they came at him in droves, squirting indelible ink all over his pristine white sails. 'It just wouldn't come out', he chuckled. Brilliant.

The Frank Heenan Award goes to Helena Lucas MBE
The Frank Heenan Award for outstanding contribution to short-handed and/or disabled sailing was bestowed upon one of the Club's Honorary Members, Helena Lucas MBE, whose incredible talent and determined spirit has taken her from 470 sailing to Paralympic Gold in the 2.4mR.

Most recently, Helena won bronze in the 2.4mR class at the Rio 2016 Paralympics making her the most successful British sailing Paralympian. The third place finish also marked the second successive time Lucas has medalled at the Paralympic Games, after her gold medal at the London 2012 Games four years ago. As she is away skiing her proud parents, Val and Geoff Lucas were present and honoured to pick up this award on Helena's behalf.

Mike Golding OBE was presented with Honorary Membership of the Royal Southern Yacht Club by Commodore Karen Henderson-Williams.

In her vote of thanks, Commodore Karen Henderson-Williams emphasised Mike's string of achievements, awards and accolades and asked Mike and his wife Andrea to accept Honorary Membership of the Royal Southern in recognition. Mike graciously accepted and was presented with the Club's burgee.


Four Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust Yachts To Enter Round The Island Race
Since 2005, the Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust has been bringing young people in recovery from cancer to take part in the Round the Island Race .

This year, the charity will be entering four yachts, providing 28 young people with the opportunity to to challenge themselves in a safe and supportive environment.

The annual one-day annual yachting extravaganza sees upwards of 1,500 yachts and 12,000 sailors race around the Isle of Wight.

The Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust has been the race's official charity since 2007, and so far more £266,000 has been raised.

The 2017 race date is Saturday, 1 July with a first start of 05.30.

Race organisers are reporting that entries are coming in steadily and are already at over 600 which is on par with previous years when the race has been held a little later in the Summer, usually owing to tidal conditions.

Entries for the 2017 Round the Island Race close at midnight on 17 June.



Top Of The Gulf Regatta Set To Welcome 3,000th Entry
Bangkok, Thailand - More than 250 boats and 700 sailors and friends representing 25 nationalities, will congregate in Pattaya from 4 - 8 May, 2017 to take part in what has become the largest multi-class regatta of its kind in Asia - the Top of the Gulf Regatta Presented by Ocean Marina. Supported by the Sports Authority of Thailand, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Yacht Racing Association of Thailand, Pattaya City, Royal Varuna Yacht Club and the Royal Thai Navy, Top of the Gulf Regatta is set to welcome it's 3,000th entrant this year and is the penultimate event in the 2016/17 AsianYachting Grand Prix championship.

Up to 12 classes are planned for the 2017 Top of the Gulf Regatta with participants from six years to 70+ years competing and sailors from novice to professional, with World Champions and past and future Olympians also taking part. Joining the international crews are the Thai National SEA Games Team who will be competing against other national teams in their final international event prior to the SEA Games in August, in Kuala Lumpur.

The racing keelboat fleet will be split into three IRC Classes with some of the region's best 40-foot and TP52 sailors battling it out for the bragging rights, including Phuket King's Cup Regatta 2016 winner "THA72", the Sydney 40 "Emagine", winner of Phuket Raceweek 2016, as well as top sailors such as Ray Roberts (AUS), Steve McConaghy (AUS) and many more. In the Cruising Class experienced local crews, including the all Thai team on Le Vent (Jeanneau 42i), will be up against a number of international entries while Kirati Assakul returns to defend his title in the Ocean Multihulls Class. A strong showing of crews from Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore across the classes will make for some top class racing.

Coronation Cup
First raced in 1996, the Coronation Cup (incorporated in the Top of the Gulf Regatta) is competed for in one-design Bruce Farr 25ft Platu sports boats. Thailand is home to the largest Platu fleet in Asia and the Coronation Cup has become the largest one-design competition in the region. This year sees past champions return and upto 15 teams from as far a field as the UK, Japan and Australia, as well national champions from Russia and three teams from Singapore, taking part.

Dinghy Classes
A fleet of 70+ Laser Standard, Laser Radial and Laser 4.7's will compete in the Single-Handed Monohull Dinghy Class while in the Double-Handed Monohull Dinghy Class a strong line-up of 420s and 470s will take to the start line. As a warm-up event for the 2017 SEA Games national teams from Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand will also be competing.


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Malcolm McKeag:

Picking up on Adrian Morgan's latest America's Cup eructation over AC hyperbole I suppose it is much, much too late to dispense with another bit of America's Cup BS / nonsense/ urban myth? And that is the complete and fictitious post-truth invention almost nightly being peddled here by our local Solent-side media (and, needless to say, Wikipedia) that the America's Cup was thought up by the Brits, specifically the Royal Yacht Squadron, was first sailed for in 1851 on a course around the Isle of Wight, was won by the schooner America and that Britain has been trying to win it back ever since.

Yet any fool knows, surely, that the trophy that the schooner America won in 1851 had no name whatsoever, was a casual keepsake prize (in keeping with the custom of the time) and was probably never given further thought by those who had 'lost' it. Or at least not until much, much later.

The trophy was first called 'America's Cup' in 1857 when those who had won it presented it to their yacht club, the New York institution of that name. The NYYC then defined the contest and the first actual race for America's Cup was held in 1871, on Long Island Sound - not 1851 around the Isle of Wight as more or less any pundit (or pub quiz question master) will endeavour to tell you. So the whole thing is an American concoction from start to finish. Well, it was until 1983 anyway. Malcolm McKeag

• From Magnus Wheatley:

I do love Adrian Morgan but I also heartily disagree with his assessment of the AC. As an ex-hyperbole writer in my youth, I actually think the Cup is short this cycle on proper heart-pumping, inspiring, youth-catching prose. It's also a bit light on the intrigue this time - more's the shame and I might have to dust off my quill, fire up the old website and jump on a plane to Bermuda unless it livens up a bit!

But the key thing is that I have the upmost respect for the current crop of AC sailors. The skill level is off the scale. The sheer physicality is on another level and the racing will be electric. As a youngster I loved the sight of Conner throwing in 47 tacks against Bertrand in 1983 up that final beat or that 126 tack marathon when Australia IV took on Kookaburra III but Adrian, that's the past, sailed in lead-mines. Watch it on You Tube, like I do. My 9 year old (Hurricane Harry) dials out when I show him and turns back to Minecraft.

It's over I'm afraid. Show him Big Ben, Beardy Iain, Bottler Barker, Mad Franky 'Mourinho' or Silly Jimmy completing a foil to foil tack, overlay the graphics chart with wind angles and boundaries and he's glued to it. Literally.

I'm sorry Adrian but the game changed for the better on Valentine's Day in 2010 (my wife remembers it well as I was fixated to a crappy internet connection, cursing wifi) with Larry's monster-cat and the AC got a whole lot more interesting. These guys are supreme athletes competing on the biggest stage for the greatest prize, bar none, in worldwide sport (beat that!). Picking a winner in 2017 is harder than picking the Masters champion but just for the record, my money/heart is on Ben Ainslie for the Cup and Rory Mcilroy for the green jacket. Come on lads!!

* From Brian May:

I named my lazer Breathalazer when I was 15 years old; I still have it and the most use it gets (certainly the last twenty years!) is at summer garden parties ashore to house ice, wine, champagne and beer in its cockpit which acts as a great eski thereby keeping drinks cold to start again the following Sunday lunch! The name Breathalazer is written haphazardly, of course!

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only Lupa of London. 1,450,000 vat paid GBP.

Lupa of London is a remarkable Reichel Pugh designed Carbon composite cruiser racer with an outstanding Baltic build pedigree and enviable trophy cupboard.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

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Raceboats Only GREY POWER (Ex Fila) Imoca Open 60. 190000 EUR. Located in the United Kingdom.

Winner - Atlantic Alone 1998 (Giovanni Soldini)
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8th - Transat Jacques Vabre 2003 (Antoine Koch)
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See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

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Raceboats Only 1993 Whitbread 60 - BLUEPRINT. 70000 GBP. Located South Coast, UK.

An excellent opportunity to buy into an established charter Whitbread 60. strong and well looked after, with regular maintenance and recent rigging and engine.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
I wanted a bookstore because the book business is the business of life. -- George Whitman

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3814 - 7 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Designing The Future
While final preparations and team announcements continue for the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18, the event's leadership team are working in parallel to map out the race's future. The edition after this one, the 14th, will be contested in brand new One Design racing yachts designed by France's Guillaume Verdier and built under the direction of the Persico boatyard in Italy, race organisers announced today.

Verdier has joined the Volvo Ocean Race Design Team and is currently working with the race on the crucial issue of whether the new boat will be a monohull or multihull. The final decision on the proposed designs will be announced on 18 May at an event in Gothenburg, the home of the race's owners and title sponsors Volvo.

Verdier is the 'quiet' achiever who has been involved in most of the leading designs right across the sport in recent years - from giant multihulls like Gitana's Maxi Edmond de Rothschild, to be launched in July, through Team New Zealand's current America's Cup flying multihulls to maxi-monohulls like Comanche, and the leading Vendee Globe IMOCA 60 foiling projects such as Hugo Boss and Banque Populaire VIII.

The monohull-multihull question is just one of a series of key decisions that will be finalised in the coming weeks and announced at the 18 May event in Gothenburg, Sweden. Together, the announcements will form the most radical shake-up of the Volvo Ocean Race since it began life in 1973 as the Whitbread Round the World Race.

"Conceived in 2011, the current fleet of boats was built to be competitive for two editions," said Volvo Ocean Race CEO Mark Turner. "We need to move now on the future boats to keep all our options open on boat type and design.

On the decision to award Persico the lead role in the building of the boats, rather than the Consortium approach used for the Volvo Ocean 65s, Nick Bice, the race's Chief Technical Development Officer, said: "The Consortium did some good work last time around to produce such matched boats, but we prefer to contract this time with a single builder, who in turn will undoubtedly sub-contract a number of other builders around the world to achieve the build in time and to budget. Persico have been a strong partner over these past few years, and we are delighted to be working with them again."


Spithill Wary Of Team New Zealand's Radical Catamaran
Team New Zealand have their opponents guessing with their late arrival to Bermuda.

Their absence has created an air of anticipation and kept their rivals guessing, including Australian Spithill who is seeking a third consecutive America's Cup at the helm of the ultra-rich American syndicate.

"We haven't seen New Zealand. We have a lot of people down there watching them [practice], but until you get that boat next to you, we don't know," Spithill told luxury lifestyle magazine Town & Country in an America's Cup preview article.

Spithill was initially sceptical when Team New Zealand unveiled their move to have cycling pedestals replace the traditional arm-powered grinding stations to fuel the systems to operate the massive wingsail and foils.

He felt the extra power generated would be compensated by the time lost moving "cyclists" from one hull to the other in manoeuvres.

But the Kiwis have continually refined those systems, believing there is no difference in moving their crew around the boat.

Team New Zealand have purposely timed their arrival late, happy to work on their development at home unlike last time when they revealed their foiling abilities too early, allowing teams to copy them and Oracle to eventually outdo them.

Team New Zealand believe their radical pedal approach will be too complex for opponents to replicate at this late stage.


No Let-Up For Yacht Club De Monaco
Monaco J/70 European Match Race Tour - M32 Mediterranean SeriesAct 1

After an incredibly busy winter of regattas, there's no let up at the Yacht Club de Monaco which hosts two regattas that have never been organised before in the Principality, starting tomorrow: J/70 European Match Race Tour and Act 1 of the M32 Mediterranean Series.

YCM is organising a stage of the European Match Race circuit on J/70s made available by the Club. A reminder that with 17 boats flying the flag in the Monaco J/70 Class Association, the Principality has one of the most active and largest fleets in Europe.

Among 8 European teams this weekend, two are representing Monaco: Pierrik Devic associated with Max Bulley and Philippe Buchard alongside François Brenac.

A two-time French Match Racing Champion, the experience of François Brenac will be key but they face stiff competition against an international field, notably the Austrian team led by Max Trippolt, four-time Austrian champion in this discipline.

Adding to the spectacle on the water, a fleet of seven M32s will be competing in Act 1 of their Mediterranean circuit after a busy winter season that included several appearances in the Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series. These 9.68m all-carbon one-design catamarans are designed to engage the public in an intense format that is easy to follow with several back-to-back races of 15 minutes each day. The public can watch the show from the main harbour wall (depending on weather conditions).

Among the favourites is the YCM's own Guido Miani (Team Neverland), sailing on home waters, who finished 2nd in the 2016/2017 Monaco Sportsboat Winter Series season after 25 races. He will be firing on all cylinders to set the pace at this first stage of the M32 Mediterranean Series.


Solo Concarneau - Guy Cotten Trophy
The 37 Figaro Beneteau 2 started this Thursday April 6 at 15:08 in summer conditions on the Solo Concarneau - Guy Cotten Trophy 2017. For this second event of the French Elite Racing Championship, solo sailors will have to deal with Varied conditions, worthy of spring, with many transitions to be managed on the course of 270 nautical miles of this 41st edition.

After a few hours of racing, Yann Elies led the fleet ahead of Gildas Mahe and Nicolas Lunven. The progress of the boats is to be followed on the updated map every 15 minutes.

Tracking map: yb.tl/solo2017

Competitor list


UNICEF Team In Clipper Round The World Yacht Race
Unicef, the world's leading children's organisation, will once again have a team entry in the 40,000-nautical mile Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, one of the planet's toughest endurance challenges, which starts this August.

The cost of the team entry has been donated by the race organisers to Unicef UK, the Official Clipper Race Charity. The 2017-18 Race will mark the second consecutive edition that the organisation has been gifted one of the event's twelve 70-foot yachts, which will represent Unicef and its work to make a safer world for children as the teams race around the planet.

Clipper Race CEO and co-founder William Ward said: "As the Clipper Race approaches its twenty-first year of operation, I feel very fortunate to be in the position where I can gift the cost of a team entry to our official charity partner, Unicef, to support its vital work around the world.

"Just like the race and its intrepid crew and partners, Unicef has a truly global reach, working around the world to save the lives of the most vulnerable children, work that myself and the crew got to see first-hand during the last race edition. Not only do I hope that we can raise more funds and exceed our previous £323,000 total raised but that together we can continue to positively impact the lives of more children in danger."

Approximately 700 crew members from more than 40 nationalities will participate in the Clipper 2017-18 Race and fundraising to help keep more of the world's most vulnerable children safe from danger has already begun, with an increased target of £400,000 set by the Clipper Race organisers.


Scugnizza Rule 69 Case
Jury decision is now posted on


Industry News
Stephen 'Sparky' Park has been presented with a boats.com/YJA Special Award for services to the sport of sailing. The award was presented by Barry Pickthall, Chairman of the Yachting Journalists' Association and former Chairman Bob Fisher at a lunch held at the Royal Southern YC this week.

Park has been the RYA's Olympic Team Manager for the last four Olympiads and led Britain's world-beating sailors to amass an unprecedented 23 Olympic and Paralympic medals during this period.

Olympic sailing medalists Giles Scott, Iain Percy and Paul Goodison all sent video messages from Bermuda where they are training to compete in the America's Cup starting on May 26, and Helena Lucas, who won Gold and Bronze medals under Park's management at successive Paralympic Games, was equally effusive during the lunch.

Park has been recruited to lead Britain's Olympic cycling team where he will introduce some of the coaching methods developed during his time in sailing.


Specialist sailing apparel manufacturer Zhik has been selected by team AkzoNobel as its official technical clothing partner for the upcoming edition of the Volvo Ocean Race.

AkzoNobel is the world's leading manufacturer of the organic peroxides that are used as essential ingredients to produce the type of hi-tech fabrics that feature in Zhik's products.

Commented Zhik CEO, David Crow: "We are extremely excited to partner with such an innovative and forward-thinking company as AkzoNobel for the Volvo Ocean Race. Our world class, hi-tech performance yachting gear, combined with AkzoNobel's drive for innovation and its winning culture, mean this is sure to be a superb partnership."

Bart Milczarczyk, global head of design at Zhik, said the opportunity to collaborate with the team AkzoNobel sailors made the partnership all the more unique and innovative.

Founded in 2003 Zhik's range of wetsuits and dinghy gear completely changed the design approach for performance clothing and have been rapidly adopted by sailors across the globe.

Since then, Zhik have taken the same 'clean sheet' approach and are pushing strongly into the yachting apparel from coastal cruising to extreme ocean range, and also into paddling and watersports.



It's the start of an exciting new era for Discovery Yachts with a management-led buyout headed by the Managing Director Sean Langdon, following the retirement of the company's founder and Chairman John Charnley.

The new team heading up the highly-respected British luxury cruiser brand, are looking to build on the company's successes. Discovery have ambitious plans to expand the current range with the launch of a new 48ft luxury cruising yacht in early 2018 as well as adding another brand into the mix for the Discovery Group.

Discovery Yachts has seen a promising start to 2017 and so far this year has secured £2.3 million in new orders

Sean Langdon has been Managing Director of Discovery Yachts since August 2016 during which time he has worked closely with John Charnley on the succession of this highly sought-after brand. Sean has a long association with the marine industry and recently spent three years as the Sales & Marketing Director for a well-known European production yacht brand.



Dual Olympian and three time World Champion sailor Sarah Ogilvie (nee Blanck) has been appointed to the Australian Sailing Board and will join the Athletes Commission as the Board representative.

Recognised as an exceptional dinghy sailor, Sarah competed at the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004 and Beijing in 2008 finishing fourth in both; she won three World Championships and numerous Australian and State Championship titles. Sarah was co-Captain of the Australian Sailing Team in 2008 and has been recognised as Sailor of the Year and Australian Junior Athlete of the Year.

Sarah's term as an Appointed Director runs until the Annual General Meeting in October 2018 and was agreed at the Australian Sailing Board meeting held on 5 April 2017.



Kim Andersen, World Sailing President, welcomed IOC President Thomas Bach and Association of Summer Olympic International Federations (ASOIF) President Francesco Ricci Bitti to Aarhus - the Sailing Capital of Denmark - at the ASOIF annual dinner for the International Federations at the SportAccord Convention on Monday 3 April.

The ASOIF dinner, jointly hosted by World Sailing, world governing body of the sport, allows senior officials from the international federations of Olympic sports to network and share best practice in advance of the SportAccord Convention.

Overlooking the racing areas that will be used at the Aarhus 2018 Sailing World Championships, the evening held a sailing theme. Guests were welcomed to the venue, the Varna Palace, with the Nacra 17, fitted with the foiling configuration, and the Danish 49erFX that won bronze at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, on display, allowing officials to view the equipment first hand.

Meanwhile on the water, Danish kitesurfers, 49er sailors and RS:X competitors put on a demonstration directly in front of the venue.

World Sailing released its new strategic positioning at the end of 2016 putting sport, nature and technology at its core. The stronger and contemporary brand identity came to life on the evening with insightful literature and technology in action displays, showcasing innovation within the sport.

The positioning resonated well with sailors, coaches, sailing fans and sports fans and attendees on the evening that included Pavel Kolobkov, Russian Minister of Sport and IOC Members Alexander Zhukov, Juan Antonio Samaranch and Sergey Bubka gained further insight into World Sailing with a showing of the governing body's brand film.

Click here to view - www.sailing.org/tv/41067.php#.WOM3dI4lFZI

Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Adrian Morgan:

We sorely miss Magnus and his perceptive take on all things sailing, so sharpen your quill. My point was simply this, and it's worth repeating. I am not decrying those who champion the new America's Cup boats, the spectacle or the speed - it is the future and like your nine year old son, we must embrace it (like Brexit) - but to call four guys bulked up to pump handles or spin pedals the best or even the greatest sailors is to traduce all those such as Armel, Alex, Francois etc. "The sheer physicality is on another level...", says Magnus.

For sure, but the others are fully rounded sailors, who employ skills in sail trimming, navigation, weather lore, helmsmanship, reefing, sail changing, storm tactics and all the other skills required to make a sailor, let alone the greatest or best sailor. I hate hyperbole. One thing I do agree on: the lack of real drama, versus the anodyne, highly controlled drip feed of mundane information.

* From John Burnie:

Jock Wishart challenged - so I should probably respond.

Bosham - in the Optimist fleet. The boat had white topsides and the underwater surfaces were yellow. It had a name - just on the waterline - but it was quite difficult to see or read the odd letters. When the boat was capsized and inverted you could clearly read "Sunny Side Op".

* From Euan Ross:

The Great Sound of silence

The America's Cup conversation has been immeasurably poorer since Magnus absentmindedly chewed on the business-end of his pen, while musing on yet another salvo of entertaining invective. We can live with cats; I've had a few little ones.

That's not really the issue any more; even if the latest crop of round-the-World record breakers have buggered the 'wow factor' by making tea and washing their socks at comparable speeds off Cape Horn. But, if Magnus fired up his old blog now, he would soon run out of juicy gossip to dissect.

In past times, World-class BS sparked genuine outrage. Now we are simply outraged by a Defender who has effectively shut down the competitors' dialogue on pain of God-knows-what.

A raft of draconian measures has been engineered to sanitise the "news" as it trickles out of the ironically named 'Great Sound'.

And, unfortunately, as far as the repeated boast that the crucial differences between each team's foil sections and wing control systems are only revealed to the "expert eye"; well, of course, they are not really apparent to anyone.

Nothing to see here folks, move along.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only Bolt 37 Valkyrie. 175,000 USD. Located in San Diego, CA, USA

Valkyrie has been immaculately cared for and carefully optimized to perform under a variety of rules and handicap systems, is fully equipped, ready to race. Please visit www.staggyachts.com/80-brokerage/118-valkyrie to view the detailed complete listing

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Tink Chambers
+1 410 268 1001


Raceboats Only 2003 Swan 45-016 'EarlyBird'. 380,000 EUR. Located in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Earlybird is the most successful Swan 45 in the fleet. She became four time world champion in this high competitive one design class. Her successes are based on the attention and dedication from her owner and professional boatcaptain which always kept the boat in perfect condition. The boat is always upgraded to the highest standards.

For racing Earlybird is equipped with a complete set of 3Di racing sails, various training sails, upgraded deck gear, running rigging and various customized details. The 20ft container consist lots of spare parts. Earlybird is ready to compete again in the 2017 Swan 45 circuit.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor' Swan Brokerage - Jeremy Peek


Raceboats Only 2002 Swan 45-009 'Luna'. 335,000 EUR. Located in Piombino, Italy.

Luna features two guest cabins and two heads, perfectly set up for two couples or a family of four to enjoy fast and comfortable cruising.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor's Swan Brokerage - Giorgio Passarella giorgio.passarella@nautorswan.com brokerage@nautorswan.com

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
The more you find out about the world, the more opportunities there are to laugh at it. -- Bill Nye

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3815 - 10 April


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Capsizing Part Of The Game Now, Says Spithill
Jimmy Spithill, the Oracle Team USA skipper, shrugged off his team capsizing at the weekend as another "learning experience".

Oracle's America's Cup Class catamaran wiped out during a training run in the Great Sound on Saturday.

There were no injuries to the crew while Oracle's AC50 suffered "minimal damage" in the mishap.

"Good lessons learnt," Spithill said. "Shame to go over, but it's part of the game now."

The mishap occurred off the shores of Lefroy House while the crew were practicing starts.

This was the first full wipeout for an AC50.

After the catamaran, 17, was righted, she was towed back to Oracle's base in Dockyard and hauled out of the water.

There was no apparent damage to the hulls, rudders or daggerboards. However, the boat's hard-wing mainsail did not go unscathed.

"The top of the wing has some flap damage," Spithill added. "The hull that was in the water had saltwater in it, so some of the electrical systems may need to be replaced. But our legendary shore team will have us back racing Monday." -- Colin Thompson, Talbot Wilson


Emirates Team New Zealand Flies Out To Bermuda
Emirates Team New Zealand is now official on its way to Bermuda for the 35th America's Cup. New Zealand Aotearoa, the team race boat, has been packed and loaded on the Emirates SkyCargo 747 departing from Auckland's International Airport today.

From the final day sailing on Auckland's Hauraki gulf the team has been working methodically breaking down the race boat, the wing sails, and stripping and servicing all of the systems in readiness to freight and subsequently refit onto the boat in Bermuda.

The operation has been months in the planning from modelling the contents and loading of the aircraft, to getting bespoke racking produced, to physically packing everything onto the Emirates SkyCargo 747 aeroplane.

"We have our ACC race boat, two wing sails, a chase boat, daggerboards, gym equipment, electrics, hydraulics and a huge amount of supplementary equipment which equates to around 42 tonnes of cargo," explained project manager Martin McElwee.

"All of a sudden we are on our way to Bermuda which is hugely exciting for everyone in the team, especially the three of us; Sean Regan, Chris Salthouse and myself that get to fly with the boat direct to Bermuda."

Upon arrival in Bermuda the boat will be reassembled at the Emirates Team New Zealand base in the heart of the America's Cup race village in the Royal Naval Dockyards.

Yacht Club De Monaco Sets Pace For The Summer Season
Yacht Club Monaco The Yacht Club de Monaco delighted sailing enthusiasts at the weekend with two regattas: six M32s competed in the Grand Opening first Act of their Mediterranean Series, while eight J/70 teams battled it out in a stage of their Grade 3 European Match Race Tour.

Local favourite Guido Miani slipped effortlessly into his role as leader from the start. The YCM member did not put a foot wrong throughout the three days to take victory after eight races. Nine points adrift of the Monegasques, the Vikings team took 2nd but not without difficulty, constantly threatened by the Italians on Vitamine Veloce, who completed the podium.

With the America's Cup on this year, the YCM renewed ties to its match race past with this stage of the J/70 European Match Race Tour with 24 races completed. The event was held aboard J/70s made available by members of the YCM which has 17 boats in the J/70 Monaco Class Association presided by Michel Boussard.

Six wins were enough to clinch victory for Simon Bertheau, French Youth Match Race Vice-Champion, with Monaco team Philippe Buchard-François Brenac (two-time champion on the French circuit) taking 2nd after some tight tactical battles. The other Monaco team was Pierrik Devic and Max Bulley who came 6th head of Rocco Attili. The four-time Austrian Match Race winner, Max Trippolt, ranked 25th in the World Sailing list, failed to bounce back after a loss of form mid-regatta and finished 5th.

Again, there is no let up at the Yacht Club de Monaco which in less than a month (6-13 May) hosts the Olympic class dinghy 470 European Championship, with 150 boats from 70 nations expected.


Les Voiles De St. Barth
The French West Indies island of St. Barth is a little slice of paradise, attracting jetsetters and cultured travelers from around the globe with its exclusive accommodations, local gastronomy, breathtaking beaches and swinging nightlife, and every spring this charming Caribbean hideaway becomes even more special when the world's top sailors and best race boats gather for Les Voiles de St. Barth. A success since its inception, the regatta is lauded for pulling out all the stops for competitors, complementing a week of serious on-the-water racing with a flurry of shore-side entertainment. Its eighth edition kicks off this week, April 10-15.

For Les Voiles de St. Barth every year, the Quai General de Gaulle is transformed into a 15,000 square-foot race village where competitors enjoy nightly concerts and shows. It is also home to a live art exhibition that features local talent throughout the week.

All the praise from competitors who have raced in Les Voiles de St. Barth has brought about a new crop of boats and teams to the event this year, including Vincent Garcia who is traveling the distance from Spain to race his Swan 80 Plis Play.

Plis Play's Captain Jan Santana explained that the yacht has been campaigned around Europe and this year Garcia wanted to cross the Atlantic to test out the competition in the Caribbean. "A few of our crew have previously raced in Les Voiles and they explained to Vincent that it is a great regatta that is as well organized on the water as on shore, on a pretty island," said Santana. "We have 20 people on the boat: ten professionals and ten guests of the owner. The entire crew is Spanish, and among the professionals, all are highly experienced and most have participated in international circuits aboard TP52s, Maxis and superyachts. Our goal this week is to sail well without making many mistakes and enjoy everything the race and the island have to offer. If we win, it would be fantastic."

The event kicks off Monday, April 10 and wraps up Saturday, April 15, with racing scheduled for Tuesday,Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.


* Lloyd Thornburg has come back to Les Voiles de Saint Barth for the first time with a monohull for 2017. This year he has chosen to compete on a 40ft Shaun Carkeek design. TGhis will be the second event for him on this boat, he previously raced it from St Petersburg in Florida to Havana Cuba, winning the historic race.

On board he has a couple of his Phaedo crew (Miles Seddon, Henry Bomby and Brian Sharp), but also some new faces for the team. There is quite a few of the Team GBR Olympic family, with the medalists, Nick Rogers, Stuart Bithell and Luke Patience, alongside Finn sailor Mark Andrews

The rest of the crew are Jesse Fielding and Martin Christensen.

M32 Mediterranean Series Monaco
Sunday brings no news in Monaco, where a forecasted light breeze actually never filled in, so that the six M32 involved in the first event of the M32 Mediterranean Series didn't manage to conclude any race.

The balance of the first event, then, sees no changes in the ranking after the results of yesterday, formally delivering the victory to Team Neverland, helmed by Guido Miani, boat of the day in both the first and second day of racing, with a total of 19 points.

With 11 points of margin behind the leader, Vikings and Vitamina Veloce are tied in second position. Section 16 closes in fourth, with 30 points, just 1 point ahead of Riccardo Simoneschi's Italia Sailing Team. Candidate Sailing team closes the ranking with 31 points.

The season is going to continue with four more events, crossing all the Mediterranean up to Genova, for the "Salone Nautico" and Trieste, in concomitance with the Barcolana, as last event of the series.

Final ranking, after eight races:
1. Team Neverland, 19
2. Vikings, 29
3. Vitamina Veloce, 28
4. Section 16, 30
5. Italia Sailing Team, 31
6. Candidate Sailing Team, 34


Foiling In Offshore Sailing, The Latest In Mini Classe Racing
Click on image to enlarge.

Foiling Mini 2016 might well have been the year of the foil in offshore sailing writes solo sailor Thomas Dolan. Here the sole Irish 'Mini Classe' competitor assesses some of the latest developments from his base in France and asks will a 'foiler' win the Mini-Transat this year?

Armel Le Cleach decimated the record of the Transat Bakerly and then the Vendee Globe and silenced once and for all the argument about foils in the Open 60 Classe. Even though it will be interesting to know exactly how much of the time the leaders actually used them in the deep south, it is certain that they were a key factor in the descent of the Atlantic Ocean which allowed the lead group to propel themselves into a weather system ahead of the rest never to be caught.

But some may forget or simply not know, that when Banque Populaire first began to research and develop it's foils, they turned to the laboratories of offshore sailing. Where many have turned for almost 40 years, where we have perfected canting keels, elongating keels, swinging masts and swinging rudders in the Mini Transat 650.

In 2015 the Classe Mini formally allowed appendices on prototype boats to extend outside the 3m box rule once the starting gun had fired. The aim was to ensure that there would be a number of foiling mini's on the start line this year. There has been a lot of progress made, and numerous skippers planned or will be planning something either for this edition or the next. Here's a little run down of whats been going on in an effort to try and answer the big question of will a foiler win the mini transat in 2017!


Annapolis To Host SAP 5O5 World Championship
SAP and the International 5O5 Class are proud to announce their partnership for the 2017 SAP 5O5 World Championship.

Severn Sailing Association (SSA) and Eastport Yacht Club (EYC) will jointly host the 2017 SAP 5O5 World Championship from September 20-29 in Annapolis, Maryland USA. More than 100 boats representing a dozen nations are expected to compete in the 62nd running of one of sailing's premier events. SSA and EYC have partnered for the previous two seasons, running major 5O5 events in preparation for 2017.

The SAP 5O5 World Championships enter its ninth year with a continued commitment to providing the highest level of innovative sailing solutions that enhance the regatta experience for sailors, fans, organizers, and media.

American teams have won the last three consecutive world titles, owing some of this success to the heavy air prowess developed by teams on the West Coast. While the early fall season in Annapolis can provide strong cold fronts that bring high winds, this championship is expected to see a range of conditions that reward versatility and careful risk management.


RORC To Assess D2D Race For Addition To Points System
The National Yacht Club (NYC) has sought Royal Ocean Racing Club (RORC) recognition for its biennial Dún Laoghaire to Dingle Race, a move that promoters say could underpin the current revival in Irish Sea Offshore racing.

The June 14th race - first hosted by the NYC and County Kerry's Dingle Sailing Club in 1993 - is working closely with Dublin Bay Sailing Club (DBSC) and the Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association (ISORA) to develop the "mini-offshore" into an international race.

Incoming race chairman Adam Winkelmann is adding extra spice by adding a new title sponsor and recruiting a French Mini-Transat fleet.

RORC will assess this Volvo-sponsored edition of the race with a view to adding the race to its points series in 2019 but there are already positive signs coming from London Headquarters. -- David O'Brien


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Jock Wishart:

Heartily agree with Adrian.

I have a long memory and remember the heady days of 1987 and 2007 Americas Cup when races in monohulls were won and lost sometimes by feet.

The rule in each case was refined to the final degree so there were no big surprises. Complex manoeuvres/spis ripping/poles breaking. All contained on one screen and great television with big audiences.

Someone has lost the plot.

No one can deny the speed and the technical advance of foiling multihull but good Television??? Not SURE.

2 people sail the boat now so no longer really a team sport.If the Kiwis prove right then next time round we will be recruiting from cycling GB.

Helpful that Sparky is there now.

But then Americas Cup has never really been about sport. For that matter why does Volvo want to change their formula. After 20 years they have finally got it right. One design boats racing round the world encouraging entries.

Do they really need a new Design?

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2008 Melges 32. 83,000 USD. Located in Torquay, England, UK.

“Red” is a ‘turn key’ boat, ready to enter the Melges 32 class at the highest level in a boat that is 100% ready to race.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Joe Hall
Farr Yacht Sales Europe
+44 1983 200901


Raceboats Only 2004 Farr 520 Performance Cruiser - BRAVE. 280,000 EUR. Located in Athens, Greece.

A true Performance Cruiser from the successful hull shape of the Farr 52. In sparkling order and very well looked after, minimal maintenance yacht for round the world sport.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222


Raceboats Only Merlin - Custom McConaghy 50 Cruiser/Racer. 430,000 USD. Located in Sydney, Australia.

Fractional rigged sloop with lift bulb bottom keel, raked stem, twin rudders, long central cabin house and large aft cockpit.

The accommodation consists of “V” berths forward with a settee starboard and stowage opposite. Then an enclosed head to starboard with hand held shower.

The main cabin has a large galley to starboard followed by a large “U” shaped dinette. To port is an enclosed head followed by a navigation station then a settee and pilot berth with a quarter berth aft to port.

The fitout is predominantly white painted FRP with black carbon trims and some timber feature panels and timber cabin sole boards.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Tink Chambers
+1 410 268 1001

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. -- Marcus Aurelius

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3816 - 11 April


In This Issue
Rev Win The Double At Miami | Charlie Dalin Winner Of The Guy Cotten Trophy | Unicorn. Bigfoot. The Perfect Top-Down Furl. | European Match Race Monaco | Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association | So What Is It Like To Sail In Cuba? | Seahorse April 2017 | Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series | Boating World Mourns Loss Of Carlo Riva | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Rev Win The Double At Miami
An impressive sight of 10 M32 catamarans took to Biscayne Bay for the final event of the M32 Miami Winter Series this weekend. The event was rounded off in style as strong winds blew over the racecourse on Sunday allowing boats to fly at over 20knots. REV proved themselves as the team to beat this winter, skippered by Rick DeVos, winning both this final event and the overall Series title.

Friday's practice session saw new teams getting their hands on boats and testing new crew configurations. A steady 12-15knot breeze kept crews on their toes over the day, before some R&R (and perhaps a few cocktails) at the official event party hosted by E11EVEN in downtown Miami. Saturday was twisted into a sunbathing day as mother nature refused to play fair and delivered becalmed conditions over Miami.

Conditions on the final day more than made up for Saturday's disappointment with steady 15-20knot winds, allowing this record 10 strong fleet for the Series to race in the foreground of downtown Miami's impressive skyline.

Top five
1. REV, Rick DeVos, 68 points
2. Convexity, Donald Wilson / Jason Carroll, 60
3. XS Energy, Ryan DeVos, 57
4. Liftoff, Malcolm Gefter, 52
5. Bliksem, Pieter Taselaar, 32


Charlie Dalin Winner Of The Guy Cotten Trophy
Charlie Dalin of France was the winner of the Guy Cotten Trophy of the French Beneteau Solo Annual Championship Series which concluded Saturday at Concarneau FRA.

Dalin finished the 270 nm coastal race in bright sunshine and a light breeze, 1 min 51 sec ahead of Erwan Tabarly FRA and Yann Elies FRA, 2 min 33 sec back in third.

Alan Roberts (Seacat Services) finished 19th of the 37 entries. Hugh Brayshaw (Offshore Academy 23) was 24th. Mary Rook (Inspire +) was 29th.

Beneteau Solo Annual Championship Series - Round 2

Top ten:
1. Charlie Dalin (Skipper Macif 2015) - time on course 1j 2h 21m
2. Erwan Tabarly (Armor Lux) - time behind leader : 1min 51sec
3. Yann Elies (Groupe Queguiner - Leucemie Espoir) : 2min 33sec
4. Adrien Hardy (Agir Recouvrement) : 3min 45sec
5. Thierry Chabagny (Gedimat) : 8min 31sec
6. Benjamin Dutreux (Du Flocon a la Vague) : 9min 49sec
7. Nicolas Lunvent (Generali) : 10min 27sec
8. Alexis Loison (Custopol) : 16min 54sec
9. Gildas Mahe (Du talent mais pas d'argent) : 19min 03sec
10. Sebastien Simon (Bretagne CMB Performance) : 27min 15sec



Unicorn. Bigfoot. The Perfect Top-Down Furl.
Harken Some sailors wondered if they'd ever live to see one! Starting the top of the furler the minute you pull the furling line was our engineering challenge.

The Reflex™ torsion cable was our breakthrough. It's a flexible drive shaft, resisting twist and reflexively transferring torque to move the head swivel NOW—where all beautiful furls MUST begin.

See it with your own eyes at www.harken.com/Reflex-video, or on your own boat!

European Match Race Monaco
Young French skipper Simon Bertheau struck back at Monaco Match Race to regain the lead of the European tour with a flawless victory of the Round Robin, leaving local skipper Francois Brenac on second place. Italian Rocco Attilli, bronze medaillist at the Youth European Championship finished on third place ahead of Austria's Helmut Czasny.

The first Monaco Match Race, perfectly organized the Yacht Club de Monaco with support of the Monegasque J/70 Association, saw three days of spectacular racing just in front of the world famous landscape of Monte Carlo. Bright sunshine and a light to medium but steady breeze offered the race management team headed by Thierry Leret the opportunity to run matches on all three days.

Simon Bertheau made it clear from the beginning that he is looking for his third win in a row at the European tour and to claim back the lead from Slovenian Dejan Presen. Behind the French team, there were close fights for the podium between the J/70 experts from Yacht Club de Monaco, Francois Brenac, the Italian youth team with skipper Rocco Attilli and the Vienna Match Race Team with skipper Helmut Czasny.

Bertheau is now back on the leader board with a maximum score of 150 points ahead of Slovenia Dejan Presen (110 points) and Austrian Christian Binder (100 points).

The European Match Race tour will now head to Szczecin Match Cup at the end of May before reaching its northern summit at Copenhagen in June. The second last stop will be at Germany's Ploen in August. The top eight skippers will qualify for the Grand Final which will take place in Ravenna from 8 - 10 September 2017.

European Match Race Tour top ten standings after Event 4 of 8
1. Simon Bertheau, FRA, 150
2. Dejan Presen, SLO, 110
3. Christian Binder, AUT, 100
4. Vladimir Lipavsky, RUS, 75
5. Helmut Czasny, AUT, 55
6. Patryk Zbroja, POL, 50
7. Teo Piasevoli, CRO, 40
8. Francois Brenac, FRA, 40
9. Rocco Attilli, ITA, 35
10. Adam Smith, AUS, 30

European Match Race Tour Monaco Final Results
1. Simon Bertheau - FRA
2. Francois Brenac - FRA
3. Rocco Attilli - ITA
4. Helmut Czasny - AUT
5. Max Trippolt - AUT
6. Max Bulley - SUI
7. Piotr Harasimovics - POL
8. Thomas Badri - FRA


Irish Sea Offshore Racing Association
Just two weeks now until the first ISORA races of the year, on April 22nd, a coastal race from Pwllheli to Pwllheli sponsored by Global, forming part of the Global displays Welsh coastal series, and the full ISORA series and simultaneously a coastal race from Dun Laoghaire to Wicklow, sponsored by Viking Marine forming part of the RAYC coastal series and of course the full ISORA series.

Both races will be tracked by YB and further information and entries are invited at isora.org/index.php/racing/2017-notice-of-race

So What Is It Like To Sail In Cuba?
The tiny island of Cayo Largo is a big earner of foreign currency for Cuba. Cut off from the world by the USA embargo and bullying, Cuba has had to survive and develop as it can. In Cayo Largo, in addition to the resorts, there is the modern marina to encourage tourism. A bar on the marina serves cocktails and snacks, a hotel and restaurant a medical clinic, small shop and post office, turtle farm and the marina office.

Immigration is taken very seriously and the officials are friendly and smiling but the process is not taken lightly. Crew lists are inspected with passports and all crew present, duly stamped and signed, before we are free to enjoy the island.

Water and power are available on the quay when they are available in the town. The nearby airport brings tourists in and out and five taxis service the resorts which line a strip of white sand beach along the southern shore.

The bay outside the harbor is a perfect anchorage for yachts not in need of water or town services. The white sand beach Playa Sirena, recently rated in the world top ten, is just outside the anchorage and her stunning white sand wraps around the entrance to the bay where skippers beach their catamaran for passengers to step ashore.

In the same bay the famous iguanas have a similar white sand resort to themselves and the tourists wade ashore to inspect these local vegetarian inhabitants. With the warm water, soft white sand and the sunshine in this protected bay it is too easy to suppose this paradise is never changing. But hurricanes have been known to wreak havoc here.

The area is the perfect leisure day place to rest after the long two day motor sail from Cienfuegos. Swimming or walking, resting or exploring our crews are met with the now customary experience of meeting polite, helpful people at every turn. The WIFI however continues to frustrate any hardy habitual addicts who cannot leave it alone.

Part of a three part series in MarinerBoating.com:


Seahorse April 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

World Sailing - Showcase - Olympic Offshore Sailing
Gary Jobson and Stan Honey write on a subject with potential to deliver a fantastic step forward for Olympic sailing

The sixth generation
Combine a designer with a long history of racing success with a boatyard famous for delivering outstanding yachts for long-distance luxury cruising and the result can be most acceptable

Seahorse build table - Half Ton days are here again
Mark Mills' new 31-footer joins the party

RORC - Caribbean speeding
And the Phaedo is no longer having things all her own way. Eddie Warden-Owen

A not so secret ambition
Portugal looks headed for the Volvo Ocean Race

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Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series
Another day of varied racing conditions on day 5 of the Helly Hensen Warsash Spring Series a light and hazy day for crews, but certainly not lazy.

A sunny spring day, 10 knots of SE breeze, swinging right to SW and increasing a couple of knots was the forecast, and as the committee boats arrived on station SE with up to 10 knots of breeze was what they found.

On the inshore White Group line IRC4 was sent away cleanly to their first windward mark, however the J70 start was a much more eager affair and with the fleet firmly over the line on the gun a general recall ensued.

To persuade the fleet that there were other places to start rather than the inshore less tide pin, race officer Peter Knight put more bias into the line and got the fleets away for an hour of close racing, with the numerous J70 fleet in particular enjoying exciting times through the leeward gate.

During the second race, however the wind hesitated so due to the dying wind, the decision was taken to shorten the course and the fleets were shortened to 2 or 1.5 laps, but still got a finish. When the breeze did fill in again it had moved to a SW sea breeze of 12 to 15 knots, and the committee boat moved inshore to start race 3.

Again, the J70s were over eager and had to be recalled, but the use of the black flag installed discipline, and they restarted ok, other classes got away with individual recalls and enjoyed three short sharp laps with a steady sea breeze.

In the combined white group, Betty (J/80 Jon Powell) leads from Jester (J/80 Mike Lewis) with Cosmic (J/70 Patrick Liardet) in third place. Betty (J/80 Jon Powell) also leads the J/80 fleet with Offbeat (J/70 David McLeman) leading the J70 fleet and Trouble & Strife (SB20 Radley College) dominating the SB20 fleet. Radley College have now had a string of firsts in the SB20s in the Spring Series so far, and are working up towards the SB20 World Championships in Cowes in August.

Leading the Series by class:
IRC1 Night Owl II - Julie Fawcett
IRC2 Sailplane - Rob Bottomley
IRC3 Quokka - James Crew & Peter Rutter
IRC4 Silver Shamrock - Stuart Greenfield
J/109 Jiraffe - Simon Perry
J/88 J-Dream - David & Kirsty Apthorp
Combined White Group Betty
J/70 Offbeat - David Mcleman
J/80 Betty -Jon Powell
SB20 Trouble & Strife - George Barker


Boating World Mourns Loss Of Carlo Riva
Carlo Riva The world of yachting is bidding farewell to Carlo Riva, who passed away today in his home town of Sarnico at the age of 95.

Just four letters epitomize the history, the legend, the technology and the appeal of Italian made yachts. The history of a family and of an extraordinary man, the legend of a whole era that saw the launching of Italian design onto the world stage, from the days of "La Dolce Vita" through to the present day.

"Carlo Riva has left us, the greatest of them all. The world has lost a brilliant creator of boats, a master ofstyle, a giant in Italy's industrial and business history. To me, this is a personal loss of a master, an example of brilliance, of commitment and of dedication to work", commented Alberto Galassi, the Ferretti Group's Chief Executive Officer. "Carlo Riva taught us all the meaning of vision, creativity and passion. His vision and inexhaustible innovative energy make him the leading personality in the 20th century yachting world, a man whose extraordinary creations have already become legends. Carlo Riva's boats will always be the finest in the world, a source of inspiration to all of us who feel a strong sense of responsibility for the stewardship of and for taking forward into the future the leading brand in world yachting."

In 1962, with the production of the Aquarama, Riva became the foremost and iconic boatyard in the yachting world. Some 21 of these boats were sold during the first year of production, and a year later the Super version was brought out. The Aquarama remained in production until the '90s, and the last one made, #784, is still housed in the museum of the Boatyard, in Sarnico.

Carlo Riva showed entrepreneurial foresight yet again in 1969, when he created the first fibreglass boat, demonstrating great capacity for innovation while at the same time preserving traditional values.

In 2005 in Monaco, the home he loved, Carlo Riva was conferred the title of ''Personnalite de la Med' by Prince Albert Il of Monaco.

Carlo Riva died peacefully in his home town of Sarnico on 10 April 2017.

Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Alistair Skinner:

In reply to Jock Wishart.

I think he has a point (or two). No doubt many will remember the race between Alinghi and ENTZ where the kiwis had to unwind a penalty close to the finish and lost the lace with the two boat almost completely overlapped - now that WAS good television.

Similarly with the VOR, the move to One Design (and of course the AIS requirement) has meant closeness of racing and indeed finishes unheard of in the race's history let alone the control of costs which is vital for the race's future.

However, being billed as "Life at the Extreme" means the race has to evolve. Personally I hope the decision is for a monohull with IMOCA style foils rather than a multihull - but more reliable than an Open 60, which as a class suffered an around 40% attrition rate in the last Vendee .

I say this for no other reason than if a freak wave throws a monohull over it generally comes up the other side, battered, perhaps broken, but more often than not still viable. If a multi gets thrown over it usually only gets half way round and you aren't going to make much of a jury rig from a daggerboard. Too often in the current offshore multihulls we have seen reports of multihull racers having to be picked up by passing ships.

Trouble is in the Southern Ocean there are no passing ships.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2008 Sly 53 FURTIF. 295000 EUR. Located in Port Napoleon, South of France.

FURTIF was constructed with sophisticated techniques and software which have enabled the perfect combination of weight, length, width and waterline. She can be maneuvered short-handed. As well as being a fast performance yacht, the interior and accommodation offer great comfort when cruising.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2002 Farr 52 FURTIF2. 180000 EUR. Located in Toulon, South of France.

She was built in 2002, refitted in 2008 in New Zeeland by the current owner and brought to France in 2012. She has been optimized for the IRC racing. 2016 Rating : TCC = 1.288. Well maintained and ready to go.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2012 SEATEC Multi 50. 110000 EUR. Located in La Rochelle, France.

TRIBULATIONS was designed by Nigel Irens and built with the same mould as Fujicolor (Mike Birch) and Fleury Michon IX (Philippe Poupon). Named Laiterie du Mont Saint Michel in 1987 and skippered by Olivier Moussy, she was then taken over by Olivier Kersauzon as the Esso Super Plus.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly


See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
England's difficulty is Ireland's opportunity. -- Daniel O'Connell

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3822 - 20 April


In This Issue
Chinese Sailors Return For Dongfeng Race Team | Golden Globe: Another Woman And Host Port Decision | Tickets To The 35th America's Cup | Sail Racing Palmavela | Rolex Farr 40 World Championship NOR and Entry | A Race Like No Other | A Race Like No Other | Red Arrows Return To Cowes Week | MAIB Report Published Into Clipper Race Deaths | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Chinese Sailors Return For Dongfeng Race Team
Dongfeng Race Team have confirmed four more crew members for their 2017-18 campaign, including the returning Chinese trio of Black, Wolf and Horace.

The Chinese sailors are Jiru Yang, aged 26, who uses the English name Wolf; Liu Xue, 24, known as Black, and Chen Jinhao, 25, Horace.

They are joined by Australian/British sailor Jack Bouttell in a four-strong squad of Under-30s in Charles Caudrelier's Chinese-backed team.

Under race rules, all teams must have at least two Under-30s onboard on all 11 legs of the 46,000-nautical mile race, which starts from Alicante on October 22.

Dongfeng Race Team skipper Charles Caudrelier says the three Chinese sailors have come a long way since their debut.

"Wolf, Black and Horace have one Volvo Ocean Race behind them and all of them sailed on at least two or three legs of the last race, so we are in quite a different position," the Frenchman said. "Last time we were selecting them in China and teaching them how to use a winch, this time we are only speaking about performance.

"As for Jack, he is a very good single-handed sailor and did a fantastic job for us on leg three in the last race. He is a strong guy and will be our bowman but also one of the best drivers in our crew."

Dongfeng Race Team's other announced crew members are French solo sailing star Jérémie Beyou, the New Zealand Volvo Ocean Race experts Daryl Wislang and Stu Bannatyne and the female sailors Marie Riou of France and Caroljin Brouwer of the Netherlands.


Golden Globe: Another Woman And Host Port Decision
Entries are open once again for the 2018 Golden Globe Race with no current Waitlist. More than a few sailors around the world are losing sleep while deciding whether to join the GGR Family and change their life forever. Even more are thinking about 2022.

At last we can announce another female entry into the 2018 Golden Globe Race and she is as excited as we are. Izabel Pimentel from Brazil, is a mini Transat veteran and in 2014 became the first Latin American female solo circumnavigator. She has more than 66,000 solo miles. She joins Susie Goodall as our 2nd woman entry.

There have been many women considering the GGR over the past two years. Most realise the magnitude of the challenge and do not commit. In 1988, Australian Kay Cottee sailing Blackmores First Lady became the first woman to solo circumnavigate non-stop without assistance.

Australian Shane Freeman lost his yacht while attempting to sail around Cape Horn enroute to the UK and the start of the GGR. He has now decided to withdraw from the Race. Shane spent nearly 18 months' full time preparing his yacht for the Race and simply does not have the heart to do it all again. We will certainly miss his blogs and videos. Now for the good news…. he has NOT said he will NOT do the 2022 Race..Yes double negative means positive, so just maybe he will be back in the years ahead.

We have reviewed proposals from both Plymouth and Falmouth bidding to be host port for the 50th Anniversary edition of the Golden Globe Race. The decision will be announced to the world on April 22nd 48 years to the day that Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and SUHAILI completed their world first voyage.

If you are into around the world yacht racing you will know of the Volvo Race, originally the Whitbread race. An exciting fully crewed Race around the world, in Identical one design yachts. It is super High Tech and spectacular to watch and fun to follow.

The organisers are about to make an announcement next month about the future of Boats for the event. It may change from Monohulls to large racing Multihulls. This has started much debate in sailing circles about the pro's and con's of each, not to mention the relevance to grass roots sailing. Here is just one of those comments…

Perhaps the model we should follow is that of bike racing, which has the world's most popular annual sporting event in the Tour de France. The Tour pros use gear that is much slower than streamlined recumbent tricycles and (because of minimum weight restrictions) slower than the kit the weekend rider can buy at their local shop. It means that the gear is convenient to use, comparatively cheap and accessible to the weekend warrior, who can then empathise with the pros.

This reality is also true for the GGR.


Tickets To The 35th America's Cup America's Cup Tickets The America's Cup is the competition for the oldest trophy in international sport and this summer it is coming to Bermuda for the 35th enactment of the greatest race on water.

From 26th May until 27th June the fastest yachts in the 166 year history of the "Auld Mug" will be raced by the greatest sailors in the world on the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Bermuda.

ORACLE TEAM USA are the Defenders and they are taking on teams from around the world. Great Britain is represented by Sir Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR; SoftBank Team Japan are lead by Dean Barker; Sweden's Artemis Racing are skippered by Nathan Outteridge; Franck Cammas and his Groupama Team France squad are flying the flag for France and Emirates Team New Zealand are helmed by Peter Burling, 2016 Olympic Champion.

The events in Bermuda will be one of the world's greatest sports events and will be watched by millions of people worldwide, on TV and live at the America's Cup Village in Bermuda.

To book your place at what many experts are predicting will be the best America's Cup yet go to www.americascup.com/tickets

Sail Racing Palmavela
Only a few weeks before the start of Palma's Sail Racing PalmaVela 2017 showcase regatta already over 140 teams from 18 different nationalities have registered. In fact over half the fleet will race under a non-Spanish flag.

Racing is scheduled to start on Thursday, May 4th, at midday on the famous Bay of Palma, widely considered one of the best racing arenas in the world.

The competition will be held on three race courses in the Bay of Palma and the fleet will be formed into these classes:

Six will compete in real time, the one designs ClubSwan 50, Swan 45, ClubSwan 42, J80, Dragon and Flying Fifteen, and seven under handicap on corrected time, the Wally, IMA / Maxi, Maxi 72, ORC, IRC, Vintage / Classic / Spirit of Tradition and Disabled Sailing.

The dock of the Real Club Náutico de Palma will host boats from Germany, Denmark, Spain, United States, France, Holland, British Virgin Islands, Italy, Antigua, Malta, Norway, Portugal, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Belgium, Sweden and Switzerland.

In addition to the host, the countries with the biggest presence on the race course of the Sail Racing PalmaVela 2017 will be the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands.

The Sail Racing PalmaVela will be held from May 3rd to the 7th.


Rolex Farr 40 World Championship NOR and Entry
The 2017 edition of the Rolex Farr 40 Worlds returns to the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda in Porto Cervo for the third time in the class' history from July 13 - 16 and the notice of race and entry are now available!

The 2017 edition of the Rolex Farr 40 Worlds is a year of anniverserys, this year marks the 20th edition of the Farr 40 World Championship, including 17 years with our title sponsor Rolex. In 2017 the Yacht Club Costa Smeralda is celebrating their 50th anniversary.

Please go to farr40worlds.com for the most up to date information.

Casting A Wary Eye...
Dean Barker talked up the strength of Team New Zealand as the America's Cup syndicates cast a wary eye towards the late arrivals in Bermuda.

Team New Zealand have settled in to their tropical base after arriving last week and are busy preparing their pedal powered AC50 for its debut on the Great Sound.

There is one round of official practice racing left ahead of the May 27 start to the Louis Vuitton challenger series.

Team New Zealand's radical design approach and their contentment with their Auckland training away from the glare of the opponents has everyone guessing.

Barker, a part of Team New Zealand since 1995 before leaving the Kiwi syndicate in controversial circumstances for this cycle of the Cup to link with Team Japan, is eager to see his old outfit sailing firsthand.

Team New Zealand are yet to confirm if they will participate in the official practice racing. Their "lone wolf" approach in the boardroom and with their sailing buildup now appears to be a position of strength, though the opponents will quickly get the measure of them, even in testing and training in Bermuda.

"We've only seen one set of daggerboards [each challenger is allowed two sets] for each team and these have been for the heavier weather conditions we've experienced. It's really only part of the picture," he said.

"We expect in May and June a decent proportion of time when we sail will be in light air which we haven't seen much with any of the boats yet. It is a big unknown now. This winter and spring we've seen medium and heavy winds most of the days." said Barker.


A Race Like No Other
TEXT You could be chilling (literally) at one of Europe's mid-winter regattas or you could be enjoying sparkling and warm one-design racing... your call

Exhausted but still buzzing after racing 150nm down the stunning coastlines of Oman and the UAE, Caterina Nitto is enjoying some downtime at the halfway point of EFG Sailing Arabia - The Tour. With a day to spare before the action kicks off again, the Italian sailor finds herself at Abu Dhabi's Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. Tranquil and serene, it's a world away from her busy life as a professional sailor - perfect place to reflect on the first few legs of a unique regatta.

'The best thing about this race is the mix of cultures and religions, and the adventure,' she says. 'We might all be from different backgrounds but we share the same passion for sailing.'

One week in and Nitto is fast discovering the ethos of EFG Sailing Arabia - The Tour: five offshore legs totalling 763 miles raced on identical Farr 30s around the Arabian Gulf, offering thrilling competition for the international crews while showcasing the very best of the region.

Nitto's Sardinian Adelasia di Torres team, owned by Renato Azara, was among a fleet of eight international teams that set out this year from Oman's capital city Muscat, heading north to pitstops in Sohar then Khasab on the stunning Musandam Peninsula. From there it was south to Abu Dhabi before the two longest legs to Doha in Qatar then returning to Dubai, with three rounds of inshore racing thrown in to spice up the mix.

The line-up was as diverse as the countries and cultures they experienced.

Full article in the May issue of Seahorse:

Red Arrows Return To Cowes Week
Cowes Week Ltd, organisers of the world's best-known sailing regatta and highlight of the British Sporting Summer, is delighted to announce that Artemis Investment Management will once again be supporting Cowes Week in 2017, bringing an awe-inspiring aerial display by the Red Arrows which will significantly enhance the shore-side programme at this year's regatta.

The shoreside activities for this year's regatta will be available online shortly (www.cowesweek.co.uk) and will be continuously updated over the coming months as the entertainment schedule is confirmed, so anyone planning their trip to Cowes during the regatta should check back regularly.

This year's regatta takes place 29th July-5th August and those thinking about entering are reminded that the Early Bird entry fee ends on 30th May. Anyone who can't take part for the full week can pick whichever day - or days - are convenient to them. Entries are currently being accepted online.


RC44 Championship Tour
The RC44 Championship Tour enters its 11th season next week in Sotogrande, Spain 27 - 30 April, when eight teams representing five nations, and 64 of the world's finest sailors take to the water to compete in the opening regatta of the five-stop tour.

Hosted by Marina de Sotogrande for the third time the event title had previously been lifted by Vladimir Liubomirov's Bronenosec Sailing Team in 2014 and Igor Lah's Team CEEREF in 2016, with John Bassadone's 'home team' Peninsula Petroleum reaching the podium but never quite clinching the win on both occasions.

However, after the most competitive season to date last year you can rest assured that the RC44 fleet is not going to give the title away. Amongst the line-up for the 2017 season, a few strong contenders return. Terry Hutchinson is back on board Team Nika after last leading the team to victory at the 2014 Oman Cup. Morgan Reeser joins Nico Poons' Monaco-based team Charisma and an all new crew for Bronenosec Sailing Team sees Cameron Dunne take on tactician duties.

Racing kicks off on Thursday 27th April join us at www.rc44.com for all the action live.

MAIB Report Published Into Clipper Race Deaths
The UK's Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has published its final report into two fatal accidents in the 2015-16 edition of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race.

The report finds that effective supervision would have provided opportunities to prevent both accidents and makes several recommendations including that Clipper Ventures plc should review and modify its onboard manning policy and shore-based management prodedures. -

"These two fatalities, resulting from two very different incidents, were the first in our long history and are tragic, especially as they were caused primarily through momentary lapses in applying basic safety training," said Clipper Race founder and chairman, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston. "Manning arrangements and shore-based management have been developed to ensure skippers are adequately supported and these will continue to be regularly reviewed.

"We have developed our current manning levels and qualifications in conjunction with the MCA, operating to MCA standards as a minimum and often well in excess. We frequently implement and develop safety procedures where there is no actual requirement; they are under constant review as a matter of course and we will continue to do so in light of the report's recommendations."


Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only Lupa of London. 1,450,000 vat paid GBP.

Lupa of London is a remarkable Reichel Pugh designed Carbon composite cruiser racer with an outstanding Baltic build pedigree and enviable trophy cupboard.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

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Raceboats Only GREY POWER (Ex Fila) Imoca Open 60. 190000 EUR. Located in the United Kingdom.

Winner - Atlantic Alone 1998 (Giovanni Soldini)
Winner - Around Alone 1999 (Giovanni Soldini)
4th - Transat Anglaise 2000 (Giovanni Soldini)
6th - Transat Jacques Vabre 2001 (Bruno Laurent)
5th - Route du Rhum 2002 (Antoine Koch)
8th - Transat Jacques Vabre 2003 (Antoine Koch)
3rd - Velux Race Around Alone 2006 (Sir Robin Knox-Johnston)
3rd - Route du Rhum 2014 (Sir Robin Knox-Johnston)

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

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Raceboats Only 1993 Whitbread 60 - BLUEPRINT. 70000 GBP. Located South Coast, UK.

An excellent opportunity to buy into an established charter Whitbread 60. strong and well looked after, with regular maintenance and recent rigging and engine.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
An archaeologist is a ghoul with credentials. -- Robert Shea

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3823 - 21 April


In This Issue
Melges 24 European Sailing Series | GC32 Racing Tour | Pornichet Select | Seahorse May 2017 | Dorade Down Under | The Vision Of The Under-30 | Rogue Waves | Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta | Restoring A Long Island Landmark | Great Britain Enters A Team In The Clipper Round The World Race | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Melges 24 European Sailing Series
Portoroz, Slovenia: For the fourth year in a row Portoroz has been the kick off venue of the Melges 24 European Sailing Series, first introduced by the International Melges 24 Class Association in 2013. Regatta will start on Friday and will end on Sunday (April 21-23), after a series of nine races with a discard that will enter in play after the conclusion of the fifth race.

Thirty three teams from fourteen countries marks the participation record of this Portoroz Melges 24 Regatta, also considered as the first event of the Melges 24 Italian Sailing Series. The number of participating teams and nations has been steadily increasing - 2014: 23 teams from 10 nations; 2015: 22 teams from 10 nations; 2015: 26 teams from 14 nations.

In the Corinthian division the level of competitors will be extremely high. Both the 2016 Corinthian World Champion, Italian Marco Zammarchi's Taki 4 with Niccolo Bertola helming; and Worlds' second Corinthian team, Estonian Tonu Toniste's Lenny together with the 2016 European Sailing Series Top 3 boats are able to mix the cards for the highest podium places. Besides the 2016 series' Corinthian winner Gill Race Team, Michael Tarabochia's White Room from Germany and Oleg Dyvinets' Marusia from Ukraine, the second and third best Corinthian boats respectively would like to defend their podium places also this year.

2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series consists of the six events altogether. After the first event in Portoroz the series will lead to Riva del Garda in Italy in May; the points for the third event will be collected during the Swedish and Nordic Melges 24 Championship in Marstrand, Sweden in June; the most significant Melges 24 event of the season which is also the fourth event of the series, will be held in July-August in Helsinki, Finland, where the World Champion will be awarded; the fifth event will head to Medemblik in the Netherlands and the series will conclude with the sixth event in Luino, Italy in October.

1. April 21-23 - Portoroz, Slovenia
2. May 19-21 - Riva del Garda, Italy
3. June 16-18 - Marstrand, Sweden
4. July 28 - August 4 - Helsinki, Finland - Melges 24 World Championship 2017
5. September 15-17 - Medemblik, the Netherlands
6. October 13-15 - Luino, Italy


GC32 Racing Tour
For its fourth season, the GC32 Racing Tour will once again be visiting top venues in Italy, Spain and France with the aim of offering competitors 'the best foiling experience' with solid winds and flat water.

For the second consecutive season, the GC32 Racing Tour will open in Riva del Garda, again hosted by the Fraglia Vela Riva

Among the 'pros' returning to try to improve their position on the leaderboard, is the longest serving of the GC32 teams - ARMIN STROM Sailing Team of Flavio Marazzi, President of the GC32 International Class Association. Third overall in 2016, the Swiss four time Olympic Star sailor is gunning for the top step of the podium and believes the key is his crew: "We've been looking for sailors who have already been to the Olympics at least once and are at a high enough level."

Marazzi has been recruiting from the high performance 49er class, whose sailors already feature prominently in America's Cup teams such as double Olympic medallists Emirates Team New Zealand helmsman Peter Burling and Artemis Racing skipper Nathan Outteridge. Joining ARMIN STROM Sailing Team is German Erik Heil who claimed bronze at Rio 2016. Also on board are Alain Sign and Iago Lopez Marra, leading 49er sailors respectively from Britain and Spain.

Also returning is another Swiss team in Esteban Garcia's Realteam, skippered by Jerome Clerc.

Frenchman Sebastien Rogues and his Team ENGIE have also been putting in the hours on the water, the pay-off from which they demonstrated by regularly podiuming in races at March's GC32 Championship in Oman.

2017 GC32 Racing Tour
1. 11-14 May - GC32 Riva Cup / Riva del Garda, Italy
2. 28 June-1 July - GC32 Villasimius Cup / Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
3. 2-5 August - 36 Copa del Rey / Palma de Mallorca, Spain
4. 13-16 September - GC32 Orezza Corsica Cup, Calvi, Corsica
5. 12-15 October - Marseille One Design / Marseille, France


Pornichet Select
First event of the 2017 Championnat de France Course au Large en solitaire.

72 competitors in the Mini 6.50 class in Proto and Series boats.

Racing starts Saturday April 22.



Seahorse May 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

World news
'Finishing' the Vendee, oceanic multihulls may (just) be back... and on a 'budget', Denmark's solo explosion, the polished illusionists of Auckland and keeping skiffs sensible. Blue Robinson, Ivor Wilkins, John Winning, Jochen Rieker, Patrice Carpentier

Paul Cayard - (Now) a clash in name only
Could the modern America's Cup and today's Volvo Ocean Race have grown any further apart?

IRC column - Well, I wouldn't start from here
James Dadd has been kicking back at his French farmhouse and taking the long view

Design - We must have lighter, nimbler and cheaper IRC designs
Marc Lombard and Eric Levet make clear their thoughts to Frederic Augendre

Seahorse build table - (Definitely) a cut above
Michele Pitrucci has given us a very clever, very user-friendly and very fast new foiling cat

Sailor of the Month
Two of the brightest young talents on the ocean

Special rates for Scuttlebutt Europe subscribers:
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Discounts shown are valid on a one year subscription to Seahorse magazine.

Dorade Down Under
Over the past 86 years, the iconic Sparkman & Stephens classic yacht Dorade has sailed hundreds of thousands of nautical miles across open water and won more ocean races than any other yacht in history. This year marks yet another milestone for the legendary 52-foot yawl, as she and her crew travel for the first time to the southern hemisphere for the "Dorade Down Under" campaign, with plans to race in seven events off the southern coast of Australia before taking on the 628-nautical mile Rolex Sydney Hobart Race in December.

"We're looking forward to doing something that Dorade has never done before in a place that neither Dorade nor I have ever been to," said Captain Matt Brooks who with Pam Rorke Levy purchased the classic yacht in 2010 to demonstrate that a classic racing yacht like Dorade, properly restored and sailed, could still be competitive in the modern racing world. "We have done a lot of offshore ocean racing with Dorade, and I know the yacht and crew are capable, but it will be a challenge nonetheless, especially the iconic Rolex Sydney Hobart which is well known for severe weather conditions."

Designed in 1929 by 21-year-old Olin Stephens and built under his younger brother Rod Stephens' supervision, Dorade's revolutionary design – a deep keel with external ballast, an achingly narrow beam of just 10'3", and a generous sail plan – took the yachting world by storm, quickly establishing the Stephens brothers as two of the sport's most gifted innovators.

The "Dorade Down Under" campaign presents a new set of challenges in unfamiliar waters, with the Dorade team facing the heavy breezes and tricky conditions that prevail in southern waters, competing against a fleet of modern boats optimized for these conditions.

"The conditions are likely to be much rougher than what we've experienced with Dorade in the past, so we're going to try and find conditions like that to test in and see where we can find improvements," said Dorade tactician Kevin Miller. After several months of updates over the winter, Dorade was transported to Ventura, California this spring to begin final preparations for racing in extreme conditions, including a series of races along the west coast of the US, before being shipped to Australia in June.

"Dorade has always proven to be a really strong boat, but this will be a tougher test of the boat than even the Transatlantic in 2015," says Miller. "We need to make sure the boat is bulletproof. We're going to be dealing with volatile conditions and a serious wind-against-tide component when we get down there, so we need to work on our upwind speed in heavy air and make sure our instrumentation is perfectly calibrated. If our instruments are even just a tiny bit off, any information we get regarding the tide will be completely inaccurate."


The Vision Of The Under-30
In the Volvo Ocean Race 2008-09 a new rule was introduced: all the teams had to include at least two crew members who were under the age of 30 for each leg of the race. As is the case when any change is made, some approved the decision, and others were more reticent. Nine years on, the same rule applies, and the truth be told, it has opened up the path to many young sailors, in a sector where experience was fundamentally the number 1 requirement. We spoke to Willy Altadill (24), one of MAPFRE's Under-30s.

Rogue Waves
The bulk of what is known about rogue waves comes from the accounts of survivors, some of whom lost crew members and friends in the experience.

Rogue waves have long divided sailors and scientists. Some question their existence, other schools of thought suggest that 'freak' waves are actually more common than first thought. But for those who have experienced a 'rogue' wave, towering over their yacht before wreaking havoc, there is little question over their potency.

There have been several incidences where ocean racing yachts have encountered unusually severe waves. Alex Thomson and Guillermo Altadill were rolled and dismasted in Hugo Boss, by what they reported to be a rogue wave some 82 miles off the coast of Spain in the 2015 Transat Jacques Vabre.

In 2010 Sebastien Josse and Jean-François Cuzon were airlifted from BT after it was struck by a huge wave some 210 miles north-west of the Azores. The pair were sailing in 30-50 knots of wind when "a hydrodynamic event of significance" hit the yacht, stoving in the coachroof and flooding the yacht.

BT was recovered and surveyed. What convinced the designers, Farr Yacht Design, that the destruction was the result of a so-called rogue wave, was that besides the coachroof breakages, damage was also seen in other areas that had undergone repeated significant loading during other races.

After analysing the yacht, they reported: "One can say in all seriousness that if the coachroof had been twice as strong we would likely still have seen damage, which gives some idea of how far outside the normal bounds this event was."


Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta
A look at Nelson's Dockyard in the early 1950s. Photo by Desmond Nicholson. Click on image to enlarge.

Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta English Harbour is electric with excitement as boats sail in for the 30th Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta, the first in this year's series of the Panerai Classic Yacht Challenges.

The matriarch this year is the 72' gaff yawl, Anne Marie, built in 1911. Sharing the spotlight as youngest, built in 2015, are Chloe Giselle, a 65' Sean McMillan Spirit Sloop and the 42' Alwyn Enoe Carriacou sloop, Free in St Barths. In between, ranging from 30' to 178', with build dates spanning a century, are an intoxicating blend of rigs and sail configurations, all nodding to the past.

To commemorate this monumental year, the venue has shifted to the Dockyard, an elegantly restored UNESCO World Heritage Site. Rare photos of the grounds, taken in the early 1950s by legendary yachtsman and historian, Desmond Nicholson, are on display at the Copper and Lumber Store Hotel in a show entitled, "Times Past."

On the water, competition begins Thursday with the Single-Handed race followed by four days of significant contests within eight classes.


Restoring A Long Island Landmark
Repairs began Monday on the foundation of the 158-year-old Fire Island Lighthouse, which Superstorm Sandy damaged five years ago.

David Griese of the Fire Island Lighthouse Preservation Society told CBS New York that floodwaters from Sandy washed through the lighthouse, undermining one of the corners at the base of the terrace.

Despite the erosion, managers say the lighthouse on the western end of Fire Island, a barrier island off the southern coast of Long Island, is safe and structurally sound.

The National Park Service is paying for the $1.2 million project; it is expected to be completed in June. Built in 1859, the lighthouse attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year.


Great Britain Enters A Team In The Clipper Round The World Race
The UK Government's most ambitious marketing initiative, the GREAT Britain campaign, has announced it will be entering a team in the Clipper 2017-18 Round the World Yacht Race, the world's largest ocean race, which starts this August.

The partnership was formally revealed in Portsmouth today during an official visit by Mark Garnier MP, International Trade Minister, and Clipper Race Founder and Chairman Sir Robin Knox-Johnston.

The GREAT Britain campaign showcases the very best of what the UK has to offer in order to encourage the world to visit, study and do business with the UK. For the GREAT Britain campaign, the Clipper 2017-18 Race will be about projecting Britain's values, as much as opportunities for business.

As a Clipper Race Team Partner, the GREAT Britain campaign, which first partnered with the Clipper Race in 2013, will stand side by side with teams and crew from across the world to project everything the UK does best in business, education, global security and prosperity.

The twelve Clipper Race teams compete on the world's largest matched fleet of 70-foot ocean racing yachts. Around 700 crew come from all walks of life and from all around the world, with over 40 different nationalities represented. Crew can complete the full circumnavigation, or one or more of the eight legs that make up the Clipper Race.


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Sir Robin Knox-Johnston:

Woman can and do participate in our sport when the opportunities are available to them.

In the Clipper race some 35% of the British taking part are women, a proportion that has remained fairly constant over 20 years.The figure drops to an average of 27% when the non British crews, which currently make up 51% of the next race, are taken into account.

Two of the 12 skippers for the 2017 race which will start in August are women and the only limitation on this number has been the lack of candidates coming forward.

At the elite level there may be a problem in attracting women, but at sea level the numbers coming forward looks encouraging.

* From Adrian Morgan:

Even with all the money; even with a two-boat programme; even with a crew of antipodeans; even so rumour has it that, yet again, Oracle is about to copy the Kiwis and fit pedals, just as in the last cup they learned from the Kiwis how to foil. All is fair in love and the America's Cup but it is rather pathetic that a defender with all the resources and all the cards may resort to copying a team with a fraction of the cash, but bucket loads of innovation. Let's all hope it is just a rumour.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2008 Sly 53 FURTIF. 295000 EUR. Located in Port Napoleon, South of France.

FURTIF was constructed with sophisticated techniques and software which have enabled the perfect combination of weight, length, width and waterline. She can be maneuvered short-handed. As well as being a fast performance yacht, the interior and accommodation offer great comfort when cruising.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2002 Farr 52 FURTIF2. 180000 EUR. Located in Toulon, South of France.

She was built in 2002, refitted in 2008 in New Zeeland by the current owner and brought to France in 2012. She has been optimized for the IRC racing. 2016 Rating : TCC = 1.288. Well maintained and ready to go.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2012 SEATEC Multi 50. 110000 EUR. Located in La Rochelle, France.

TRIBULATIONS was designed by Nigel Irens and built with the same mould as Fujicolor (Mike Birch) and Fleury Michon IX (Philippe Poupon). Named Laiterie du Mont Saint Michel in 1987 and skippered by Olivier Moussy, she was then taken over by Olivier Kersauzon as the Esso Super Plus.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly


See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar. -- Edward R. Murrow

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3824 - 24 April


In This Issue
Melges 24 European Sailing Series - Portoroz | Golden Globe Race Plymouth Start Confirmed | Seahorse May 2017 | The World Sailing Show | ISORA Race Two | For The Record | Touchdown And Take Off In Bermuda | Campaign To Make Lobster Pot Markers Safer For Small Craft | SYRF and NUMECA offer FINE™/Marine seminar in Newport, RI | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Melges 24 European Sailing Series - Portoroz
Portoroz, Slovenia - Maximum number of races sailed in almost perfect conditions was a result of three-day Portoroz Melges 24 Regatta - the season opener both for the 2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series and Melges 24 Italian Sailing Series.

Andrea Racchelli and his team on Altea ITA722, the winner of the 2016 Melges 24 European Sailing Series, were showing their superiority since the beginning of the regatta and are the overwhelming regatta winners with a race to spare.

Eelco Blok's Team Kesbeke/SIKA/Gill NED827 with Ronald Veraar helming, the winner of the same regatta last year, has been sailing a consistent series climbing to the highest podium place in the Corinthian division.

Remarkable thirty three boats from fifteen countries from all over the Europe and even one U.S. team chartering a boat from Croatia, was the record number of entries what the Portoroz Melges 24 Regatta has been witnessed during these four years when the Melges 24 European Sailing Series has had the season opener in Slovenia.

In the Corinthian fleet the winner was open until the last minutes of the regatta while there was a protest to hear between the two top teams and as a result of it the current leader, Miles Quinton's Gill Race Team GBR694 with Geoff Carveth in helm, who got the bullet form the final race today, was disqualified from the race eight giving them the second place after their great performance.

2017 Melges 24 European Sailing Series consists of the six events altogether. After the first event in Portoroz the series will lead to Riva del Garda in Italy in May; the points for the third event will be collected during the Swedish and Nordic Melges 24 Championship in Marstrand, Sweden in June; the most significant Melges 24 event of the season which is also the fourth event of the series, will be held in July-August in Helsinki, Finland, where the World Champion will be awarded; the fifth event will head to Medemblik in the Netherlands and the series will conclude with the sixth event in Luino, Italy in October.


Golden Globe Race Plymouth Start Confirmed
The 2018 Golden Globe Race will start from Plymouth on Saturday June 30, 2018. The Race marks the 50th anniversary of Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's victory in the Sunday Times Golden Globe solo non-stop round the world Race back in 1968/9,

The Golden Globe Race is all about anniversaries. Today (Saturday April 22) marks the 48th year since Sir Robin Knox-Johnston won the Sunday Times Race and became the first man to sail solo non-stop around the Globe

Thursday June 14 2018 will be the 50th anniversary of Sir Robin's start in that race from Falmouth aboard his 32ft yacht Suhaili. The 30 skippers competing in the 2018 Golden Globe Race will join hundreds of other yachts in Falmouth Harbour with a sail-past salute to Sir Robin. Other historic yachts joining the commemoration include Sir Francis Chichester's famous Gipsy Moth IV, Sir Alec Rose's Lively Lady, a replica of Sir Chay Blyth's original Golden Globe race yacht Dytiscus III and Joshua, which Frenchman Bernard Moitessier sailed in the original Sunday Times Race.

That night, the Royal Cornwall YC will host a Suhaili gala dinner where Sir Robin will be guest of honour.

Friday 15th June 2018 will see the Golden Globe yachts and historic fleet take part in the SITraN Challenge charity race from Falmouth to Plymouth, timed to finish in Queen Anne's Battery Marina early that evening. SITraN (Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience) is the nominated charity for the GGR and is one of the world leading centres for research into Motor Neurone Disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.

Plymouth has strong historic links not just with single-handed sailing, but the original Golden Globe Race. The City hosted the first Observer single-handed transatlantic race (won by Francis Chichester) in 1960, was the start and finish port for Chichester's successful one-stop solo circumnavigation via Sydney, Australia in 1966/7, and also hosted four of the nine competitors in the Sunday Times race - French competitors Bernard Moitessier (Joshua) and Loic Fougeron (Captain Browne), Commander Bill King (Galway Blazer II) and Lieutenant Commander Nigel Tetley (Victress) when they set out on this 30,000 mile odyssey around the five Great Capes.

The Race village will open on Saturday 15th June with a parade of sail led by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's Suhaili followed by Joshua, Dytiscus III, Lively Lady and Gipsy Moth IV, Entry to the Race village will be free and the attraction will be open to visitors from June 15 to the start on Saturday June 30.


Seahorse May 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

Behind the throne - Part I
Dobbs Davis sits down with the America's Cup's quietest (and perhaps smartest) sailmaker... Burns Fallow

Distilling the essence
The Volvo Ocean Race is heading south again. Blue Robinson asks Jules Verne champion routeur Marcel Van Triest what to expect

The tireless pursuit of improvement - Part III
Obsessive, almost certainly. Kind and supportive of others, definitely. Tim Jeffery concludes his look back at the life of Paul Bert Elvstrom

Foiled again - Part II
Just like every racing driver, 'more grip' has now become the cry of every Cup helm. James Boyd

Bottom to top
And Musto are bringing new science to keeping our feet dry

Perfect for the task
Long, thin ACC hulls and a world-leading sparmaker... perfect fit

Special rates for Scuttlebutt Europe subscribers:
Seahorse Print or Digital Subscription Use Discount Promo Code SB2

1yr Print Sub: €77 - £48 - $71 / Rest of the World: £65 www.seahorse.co.uk/shop/subs/

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Discounts shown are valid on a one year subscription to Seahorse magazine.

The World Sailing Show
Programme 4 - May 2017

Better than new - Winding the clock back on a VO65
Capsizing a $multi-million Cup boat... and recovering
How America's Cup boats fly - Foils explained
Trofeo Princesa Sofia - The classic Palma regatta
TP52 Super Series - A new pecking order in Miami

*|YOUTUBE:[$vid=jmwVJfxq5BQ, $max_width=500, $title=N, $border=N, $trim_border=N, $ratings=N, $views=N]|*

ISORA Race Two
ISORA race 2 is the Pwllheli castle race, the first of a three race coastal series within the full ISORA series, and sponsored by Global displays. The forecast showed an 8-10kt northerly wind, and certainly a better wind forecast that Race 1 over in Ireland where the fleet of 24 in Dun Laoghaire had a course set to Wicklow via Muglins, in a shifty and dying north easterly. Back in North Wales the racing committee set a 27 mile windward/leeward course, taking the fleet of 13 down to St Patrick's Causeway buoy, via a couple of Pwllheli Sailing Club marks. The fleet got away on a reach to the first mark, before a long run down to the causeway. Andrew Halls Jackknife took full advantage of this long downwind leg, first to the leeward Mark, with the whole fleet enjoying the steady northerly breeze, sunshine and stunning views of both The Llyn peninsula and the mountains of Gwynedd.

A beat back to Pwllheli via the west end saw Jackknife taking line honours, with IRC class 0 won by North Star (Cris Miles) IRC Class 1 and overall being won by the consistently sailed Mojito (Peter Dunlop and Vicky Cox) IRC Class 2 won by Perseverance (Wim Baptist) and Echo overall by Mojo (Paul Hampson)

All competitors who had come from as far as Liverpool and Conwy enjoyed the excellent sailing conditions, the race organisation and outstanding facilities in Plas Heli where the staff provided great catering offerings. The bar was packed and it's great to see the enthusiasm for 2017 ISORA season.

The next race see the fleet combine for the Holyhead to Dun Laoghaire race on May 13th where we expect to see a fleet of 40 plus .


For The Record
The WSSR Council announces the establishment of the following new National Records, all established at La Palme, FRA during March and April 2017: For further details visit the WSSR Website www.sailspeedrecords.com

BEL Marie-Paule Geldhof
IRL Oisin Van Gelderen
CAN Pierre Pilon
POL Piotr Dudek

John Reed
Secretary to thye WSSR Council

Touchdown And Take Off In Bermuda
It is just over three weeks since Emirates Team New Zealand was sailing in New Zealand, and today the teams America's Cup Class race boat was out sailing on Bermuda s Great Sound for the first time under inquisitive gaze of an armada of competitors chase boats getting a first hand glimpse of the kiwi boat in what has inadvertently become one of the most anticipated events of this America's Cup cycle.

Late in the day, an ideal 10-12 knots on the tropical blue flat water, perfect sailing conditions that Bermuda has become renown for, the evening was more about a recommissioning of the systems and components to make sure everything was working properly before getting back into the mindset of pushing the development hard day after day.

With just 34 days to go until the first race of the Louis Vuitton America's Cup Qualifiers the urgency for continued development looms large and the team will be making the most of each day, the varying conditions as well as new equipment coming on line.

Another official race training period begins on Monday in Bermuda, with all of the other teams likely to participate. When questioned with the Emirates Team New Zealand participation Ashby said: "We will see how we go. We need to take our time to make sure we are happy with where we are at before starting any racing. But it will be good to get into some action with another boat as amazingly it is something we have not done at all yet."


*|YOUTUBE:[$vid=kVrnVIJEFtw, $max_width=500, $title=N, $border=N, $trim_border=N, $ratings=N, $views=N]|*

Campaign To Make Lobster Pot Markers Safer For Small Craft
Poorly-marked lobster pots and fishing gear are the most difficult and unpredictable hazard facing coastal cruising people, warns the Cruising Association

Sailors are being urged to throw their support behind a Cruising Association (CA) petition, which calls for Minister of State (DEFRA) to improve the way static fishing gear is marked for the safety of all small craft at sea.

CA president, Judith Grimwade says poorly marked lobster pots and fishing gear are the most difficult and unpredictable hazard facing coastal cruising people.

Fishermen, too, report the loss of expensive gear as a result of entanglements. These encounters could even be life-threatening. In one year alone the RNLI dealt with 295 incidents of fouled propellers.

Most CA members say they would try to sort the problem out themselves so this could be a fraction of the actual number. One lifeboat station said 25% of their call-outs were purely from boats caught up in fishing gear.

If you have personal experience of this problem, please let the CA know, as it is keen to build a body of evidence to support the campaign for change. Email: lobsterpots@theca.org.uk

Read the petition here: petition.parliament.uk/petitions/193254


SYRF and NUMECA offer FINE™/Marine seminar in Newport, RI
The Sailing Yacht Research Foundation (SYRF) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Numeca International for a free hands-on seminar about Numeca's FINE™/Marine simulation software for marine design to be held at the New York Yacht Club on Wednesday, May 10th. An overview of FINE™/Marine capabilities and benefits for simulation in naval architecture will be presented by Benoit Mallol, product manager of the marine group at Numeca International.

This is a unique opportunity to also listen to industry leaders on how they take advantage of FINE™/Marine in their design process, with speakers including Len Imas from Oracle Team USA.

The seminar will feature live demonstrations with FINE™/Marine software that gives new users the chance to experience automated simulations during hands-on exercises. For those interested, this free introduction is followed by two days of intensive training on the use of FINE™/Marine.

SYRF has also published online the final report on Phase 2C of the Downwind Aero Moments and Forces project has been completed by researchers JB Braun and Michael Richelsen of North Design Services. This paper completes a multi-part study that used fluid-structure interaction (FSI) modeling to produce a publicly available set of results comprised of all the aerodynamic moments and forces for a range of downwind sails, angles, and wind speeds. Phase 2C examined these effects at deep apparent wind angles, and its findings have significant implications for parametric changes in spinnaker sheet trimming.

A companion paper has also been written that examines more closely the use of RANS simulations in determining optimal downwind sail trim, showing in more detail the effects of sheet tension and trim angle on drive force coefficients in downwind sails. This paper has been submitted and is pending publication soon.

For more information on how to attend the SYRF/Numeca Seminar at New York YC, visit the Numeca website at www.numeca.com/eventdetails/event/257


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From David Brunskill:

Not a s boating experience but whilst a navigating officer on RMS Pendennis Castle a Union Castle mail passenger ship I ran into a classic "hole in the ocean" off Port St. Johns on the South African Coast.

We were steaming from Durban to East London at 19 knots or thereabouts. The bow dipped in, got nowhere, kept dipping in and it the green wave on the far side.

We shipped a green sea that went in through the open passage entry to "D" deck. It flooded the first class accommodation on that deck, filled the bureau square on the deck below to a depth of around four feet, made a big mess in the first class dining room, set the focs'le back four feet at the bow above deck level and made an extremely loud bang.

Unnerving experience.

The area just off the Natal coast is notorious for this type of phenomenon. Winds build up rapidly and with the difference between the Agulhas current and it's inshore counter-current there is huge potential for serious damage to craft of any size.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 1993 Whitbread 60 - BLUEPRINT. 70000 GBP. Located in South Coast, UK.

An excellent opportunity to buy into an established charter Whitbread 60. strong and well looked after, with regular maintenance and recent rigging and engine.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222


Raceboats Only 2016 Club Swan 50-003 'Cuordileone'. 1,240,000 EUR. Located in the Caribbean.

ClubSwan50: A yacht that is a small revolution in performance and pure sailing pleasure.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor's Swan Brokerage - Lorenzo Bortolotti
Tel. +377 97 97 95 07


Raceboats Only Outremer 5X - NEW BOAT

At just under 60ft the flagship of this successful and well-established multihull supplier also offers a step-up in performance with naval architecture by VPLP

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Outremer Yachting
+33.467 560 263

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
We have the Bill of Rights. What we need is a Bill of Responsibilities. -- Bill Maher

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3825 - 25 April


In This Issue
Pornichet Select: Arkema 3 Proto Takes Second | AkzoNobel's new boat completes epic journey | World Masters Games | Your Majesty, There Is No Second. | Racing abandoned on last day of 2017 Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series | Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club's Tomes Cup | Promoting Women's Match Racing | Distilling the Essence | Netherlands J/22 Warming Up Report | Practising in Bermuda's Great Sound | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Pornichet Select: Arkema 3 Proto Takes Second
Click on image to enlarge.

Arkema 3 This past weekend, Quentin Vlamynck took part in the Pornichet Select, the first race of this season's French Solo Ocean Racing Championship, on board his Mini 6.50 Arkema 3 prototype. After sailing from Pornichet at around 1 pm on 22 April, the skipper crossed the finish line in 2nd position at 5.22 am on Monday 24 April, after a 40 hour 8 minute race.

Enjoying excellent conditions over the course's 300 nautical miles (555 km), with 20.59 knot (37km/hr) top speed, Quentin made the most of his innovative machine and demonstrated the potential of his boat to the 24 other prototypes participating in the race. A result that augurs well for the next events, including the Mini Transat 2017 race.

The Mini 6.50 Arkema 3 will head for La Rochelle tomorrow for a week's training, before heading back to southern Brittany and La Trinite-sur-Mer to take part in the Mini en Mai race from 9 to 14 May.

Rankings (before judges' decision) of Pornichet Select 2017 race

1. Ian Lipinsky (Griffon.fr) - arrived Monday 24 April at 2.52 am
2. Quentin Vlamynck (Arkema 3) - arrived Monday 24 April at 5.22 am
3. Erwan Le Mene (Canopus) - arrived Monday 24 April at 8.54 am

2017 Program for the Mini 6.50 Arkema 3:
Lorient Bretagne Sud Mini - departure 8 April 2017 at 13h
Pornichet Select 6.50 - departure 22 April at 12h
Mini en Mai - departure 9 May at 11h
Trophee MAP - departure 8 June
Transat Mini 6.50 - departure 1st October at 15:30h



AkzoNobel's new boat Completes Epic Journey
It took three months of planning, and involved a 15-day journey of more than 2,000 kms, but team AkzoNobel's brand new Volvo Ocean 65 has completed its long journey from Persico Marina in Italy to The Boatyard in Lisbon, Portugal.

The new boat was rolled straight into the paint shed for the team to begin prepping it for branding before being fitted out with the necessary electrical systems, hydraulics, deck gear, keel system... the list is endless!

Sam Bourne from The Boatyard estimates the process will take up to 1,500-2,000 more man hours than the previously raced Volvo Ocean 65s. "We're working with a completely bare boat," said Bourne. "Even though team AkzoNobel's Volvo Ocean 65 is brand new, it will actually require more work than the rest of the fleet that already have have some of the required boat fittings. "This is an exciting project for us. We have 20+ people working on this full time and we aim to have the boat out of the shed by mid-June."


World Masters Games
A seven-time America's Cup sailor is taking a break from yachting around the world to link up with someone a bit more local - his dad.

Murray and Tony Rae will compete as a father-and-son duo in the Weta Double Handed sailing event at the World Masters Games which kicked off in Auckland this week.

It's the first time in 20 years the Glendowie residents have competed as a pair after they helped man an 24m maxi boat together back in 1997. A maxi yacht usually refers to a racing yacht of at least 21m in length.

"It's good to be back in a dingy and it's pretty cool to be sailing with dad," Tony said.

78-year-old Rae senior is by no means second-fiddle to his son.

He was an Olympian at Rome in 1960 and won the Maxi World's with Tony in 1997.

He also went to the 2016 Rio Paralympic sailing team as part of the shore crew.

The pair will hoist the sails against more than 20 other crews with the first race having been held on Sunday at Waiake Bay in Torbay.



Your Majesty, There Is No Second.
Since these words were spoken, this regatta remains the Everest from which performance technology trickles down. And as Harken has been since the days of the 12s, we're right here on the foils, supplying hydraulics to pump oil, hardware and unique Air® Winches designed to perform reliably while saving every critical gram.

Take a look at some of what we're up to during the videos below

Check out the new Air® Winch technology first developed for the AC and now moving ahead. Interlodge TP52 Sailing Team on the Harken Air Winch video

Harken. At The Front.


Racing Abandoned On Last Day of 2017 Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series
After five fantastic weeks of racing in the Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series, the final day's races (Sunday 23 April) had to be abandoned due to a lack of wind.

Competitors headed out for their start lines in fog with very little wind and little visibility, less than 1/2 mile. The White and Black Group Committees announced a half hour postponement and whilst the fog slowly lifted, revealing a beautiful sunny spring morning, the wind remained elusive. This proved to be the first of several postponements.

Midday saw the prospects for a sea breeze filling start to look promising, with cloud bubbling up over the Isle of Wight and on the mainland. White Group Race Officer Peter Knight moved the committee boat further inshore in the hopes of picking up some temperature increased airs, but it was not to be, and eventually both committees abandoned racing and sent the fleets in at around 13:00.

The final winner for the 2017 Helly Hansen Warsash Spring Series are as follows:

IRC1: Night Owl II - MAT12 Julie Fawcett
IRC2: Sailplane - Beneteau First 40 Rob Bottomley
IRC3: Quokka - Half Tonner James Crew & Peter Rutter
IRC4: Silver Shamrock - Shamrock Prototype Stuart Greenfield
J/88: J-Dream - David & Kirsty Apthorp
J/109: Jiraffe - Simon Perry
J/70: Offbeat - David McLeman
J/80: Betty - Jonathan Powell
SB20: Trouble & Strife Radley College - George Barker
Combined White Group: Betty - J80 Jonathan Powell

Full results: warsashspringseries.org.uk

Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club's Tomes Cup
On Saturday 29 April, sailors will be competing for one of the Club's most stunning pieces of silverware and the coveted 'Top Dog' title.

First awarded (as the Sugar Refiner's Cup) on 1 April 1880 to the yacht Naomi owned by William Howell Forbes, the trophy was gifted back to the Club by the Tomes family in the 1960s in memory of Dora Delano Forbes (William's wife and, interestingly, the maternal aunt of 32nd President of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt).

The Tomes Cup is a pursuit race, which is different to normal yacht racing in that competitors are given staggered start times under RHKATI handicap, ie. the slowest boats start first and then the faster boats set off in pursuit, with the time delay between classes of boats being determined from their handicaps. If all boats are sailed equally well, they should (in theory) all finish at the same time.

The race is held in the eastern area of Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, taking in Shau Kei Wan, Tai Koo Shing, Kowloon Bay and Hung Hom and is expected to attract around 60 competitors from Hong Kong's one-design fleets and Big Boat classes.

The regatta is the fourth and final constituent event of the Top Dog Trophy Series which is designed to identify the most successful boat over a variety of pursuit race courses and conditions. The current series includes the results for the Around the Island Race (27 November 2016), the Lipton Trophy (3 December 2016), the HKRNVR Memorial Vase (14 January 2017) and of course the Tomes Cup.


Promoting Women's Match Racing
The US Sailing Match Racing Committee has put together a "Women in Match Racing" working group and Liz Baylis has been asked to lead it. The group has been tasked with "promoting women in match racing and creating and inspiring programs to increase the number of women participating in match racing in the U.S. and raising the level of all women who match race."

As a working group, Liz and crew are brainstorming and gathering ideas on how best to accomplish this. Please do not hesitate to drop them an email to share your ideas, let them know about existing programs, and help them identify contacts at clubs or sailing centers that might be interested in hosting clinics or starting new match racing programs. One of the first events they wish to promote is taking place on J/22s at St Francis YC- July 7th to 9th on San Francisco Bay. The Clinic is from July 7-8 and they will host a Grade 5 Regatta on July 9th.

The program will be run by an all-star cast of women's match racers- Nicole Breault, Molly Carapiet, Karen Loutzenheiser, and Hannah Burroughs. They will coach sailors on nine matched J/22's supplied by St Francis YC. The event is for experienced women sailors who want to learn to match race. Sailors can sign up as individuals ($95) or as a team ($380).

More sailing information and the event NOR can be found here:

Distilling the Essence
Seahorse Blue Robinson talks immovable objects, round-the-world navigation and Southern Ocean eather with routeur du jour Marcel van Triest

Seahorse Magazine: Before the last Volvo Ocean Race when Ian Walker on Abu Dhabi came to you, what was your brief?

Marcel van Triest: I discussed this with Ian not so long ago, asking what his philo - sophy was in getting me and Chris Bedford involved. Ian's take on it was that if he took a blank sheet of paper and asked where he could become better with the resources that were available to him - as the VOR is now one-design, which doesn't allow two-boat testing or new areas in sails to explore - one of the areas he identified where money and people could improve his campaign was navigation.

He then made a clear goal of trying to get the best he could, and the brief to Chris and me was not to focus on a certain area but to assist them by leaving no stone unturned. And that is really how I approached it, preparing the legs as if I was going myself, but with the benefit that I wasn't and so I could really drain myself and be worn out by the leg start.

With navigator Simon Fisher some of the tasks we doubled up on, as simple as the two of us checking waypoints in traffic separation zones. I recall when the fleet were leaving Holland these got amended at least 11 times, meaning it is very easy to make an error. If you have somebody in the team administration checking this it just isn't the same as another navigator. Plus you have all the Notices to Mariners, which is a big read if you are racing through different nav areas; all this can get away from you if you are on your own.

Me doing it all allowed SiFi to rest, take part in sponsor commitments and spend time with his family, knowing that everything was in hand.

Full interview in the May issue of Seahorse: www.seahorsemagazine.com

Netherlands J/22 Warming Up Report
Brassermermeer, The Netherlands: The J/22 class in the Netherlands are all "warming up" for the J/22 World Championship that is starting on May 30th and goes until June 4th in Scheveningen.

As part of that program, they host their annual "Spring Warming Up" Regatta series. Over the weekend, in the Dutch Roelofarendveen, the traditional Warming Up took place.

Twenty boats participated, with most of the crews from The Netherlands, plus there were four top crews from Germany's J/22 class and two top French teams.

After a total of nine exciting races, it was quickly clear who would be at the forefront of the World Championship! Nic Bol (NL), the 2010 J/22 World Champion, won the Warming Up with 37 points lead, counting four 1sts and two 2nds in his scoreline. Nic's crew consisted of Chris Bol, Niels de Vries, and Tim de Weerdt.

Next event for additional World's "training" will be the VanUdenReco Regatta in Stellendam at the end of April.


Practising in Bermuda's Great Sound
Emirates Team New Zealand had their first solid day of training on Bermuda's Great Sound on April 23, 2017.

Winds during the session were averaging 10kts gusting 15kts. The ETNZ AC50 is believed to be still using substitute foils from their AC45S. It was the first full day of sailing since the AC50 was launched on Saturday evening and taken for a short test sail.

The speed of the tack/gybe would appear to be significantly better than we have seen previously in Bermuda, as is the sharp change of direction, without apparent loss of speed, or splashdown - except for a slight kiss of the water some seconds after the gybe/tack has been completed.

The sharp change of direction must generate considerable G-forces, and interestingly the crew do not move across the boat during a turn - only before the turn is started, or after it is complete.

In some sequences the team goes through a spectacular fish-tailing routine/exercise while trying to remain foil-borne, which we have not seen previously.

Five videos here

Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Dave Hollom

Relating to Peter Brunslill's experience, whilst Officer of the Watch on Elder Dempsters RMS "Accra" or was it her sister ship "Apapa".passing through the Bay of Biscay in a bit of a gale, out of the gloom emerged a huge wall of water which we hit at 15kts. It completely swamped us flooding many decks but most noticeably it smashed the door to the ships laundry which was on one of the highest decks creating the biggest soap sud you have ever seen.

These sister ships, whilst not being the largest ships in the world, were 300 passenger ships of around 12,000 tons and this wave literally towered above us. The Old Man asked why I didn't call him but there was literally no time. It just came out of the blue with no warning and happened in an instant.

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2010 Swan 60-903 'Vertical Smile'. 2,700,000 EUR. Located in Italy.

The new Swan 60 offers a high-volume interior, a large and well-protected cockpit and race levels of performance. To meet these conflicting demands, Nautor has made extensive use of state-of-the-art technology in the design and the construction methods. The boat features an entirely new hull built from advanced materials, while at the same time preserving Nautor Swan’s core values: to be comfortable for cruising and fast for offshore racing

Vertical Smile is the third Swan 60 to be delivered and was launched in 2010. Currently lying in the Nautor's Swan Service Center in Scarlino, Italy. She is available to visit by appointment.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor's Swan Brokerage - Jeremy Peek
Tel. +377 97 97 95 07


Raceboats Only 2012 Swan 60 Racer Cruiser. Price on application. Located in Spain.

New to the brokerage market, this Swan 60 has been optimized for competitive racing and is offered as a turn-key regatta program including sails, rigging, equipment and storage/shipping cradle. Contact our office in Monaco for additional information about pricing and location

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor's Swan Brokerage
Tel. +377 97 97 95 07


Raceboats Only 2010 Corby Dale Nelson 36. POA. Located in Wales.

High performance sailing meets DALE build standards. From the drawing board of John Corby, the technology of a cedar strip/carbon fibre composite hull marries perfectly with DALE’s traditional craftsmanship. ROXY 6 was built in 2010 for the Irish Commodores cup team, where she helped them to victory with a 2nd in class. A change of owners circumstances means the boat has not been in the water since and so the boat is in 'brand new' condition and available at a fraction of the original cost. Contact for more information on this unique opportunity. Location: Wales Listing office: Ancasta Raceboats POA (Tax Paid)

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Sam Pearson
Ancasta Port Hamble

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom. -- Jon Stewart

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3826 - 26 April


In This Issue
Hyeres World Cup | Hoping To Poke Larry Ellison's Lads In The Eye | Dont be a lemon - Sailors for the Sea | Giant international gathering for Rolex Fastnet Race | Industry News | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Hyeres World Cup
Over 500 sailors from 52 nations opened their quest for World Cup honours, personal best performances and bragging rights as the second event of the 2017 series got underway in Hyères, France.

In a stable 8-11 knot south easterly breeze, it was vital that those aiming for the top honours laid down a marker with consistent race results. Events can not be won on the first day in sailing but they can certainly be lost.

Racing continues on Wednesday 26 April at 11:00 local time. Live Medal Races will be shown on the World Sailing YouTube Channel on Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 April, bringing the penultimate event before the Santander Final to a close.

Ben Cornish admitted he didn't make life easy on himself in spite of taking an early lead at sailing's World Cup Series event in Hyeres, France, on Tuesday (25 April).

The Finn talent was one of three British boats to sit inside the top three positions after the first day of competition, with double Laser World Champion Nick Thompson and 49er duo Dylan Fletcher-Stuart Bithell second overall in their respective events.

After two races, Laser World Champion Nick Thompson is joined in the Laser top ten by two fellow British Sailing Team athletes - Miami World Cup bronze medallist Lorenzo Chiavarini in seventh and Palma silver medallist Elliot Hanson in tenth.

Britain's 470 Women's teams saw a steady start to their regatta, with Jess Lavery-Flora Stewart in fourth posting 6,5 from their opening day and Amy Seabright-Anna Carpenter in overall seventh, while in the RS:X Women's windsurfing event, Izzy Hamilton and Emma Wilson are currently fifth and eighth respectively after three races.

In the 49erFX, three races of 2,8,8 sees Charlotte Dobson-Saskia Tidey in overall fifth, with Tom Phipps-Nikki Boniface and John Gimson-Anna Burnet level on points in eighth and ninth places respectively after three races in the Nacra 17 multihull fleet.

Full results www.sailing.org/worldcup/results/index.php

Hoping To Poke Larry Ellison's Lads In The Eye
We got a sneak peek behind the scenes of the Land Rover BAR sailing team hoping to leave Oracle's Larry Ellison with a red face in this year's America's Cup.

Using some rather nifty custom-built mobile app tech, running on off-the-shelf Android hardware, the team hopes to win the America's Cup for Great Britain for the first time since the competition began in the 19th Century.

The app which will be central to Blighty's fortunes in this year's race was built by specialist bods Coderus, who are based at BT's Adastral Park in Suffolk. Thanks to recent rule changes, America's Cup crews are now limited to six sailors instead of the previous eight - meaning the team can no longer afford to have the tactician standing around the deck instead of mucking in with the rest.

They'll be up against the Oracle-sponsored Team USA, current champions, and also Japan, who are sponsored by tech titans Softbank. A number of other countries are also taking part.

Coderus' app will help tactician Giles Scott maintain his situational awareness even while he has his head down grinding away to generate hydraulic power for the boat's systems. A nifty little piece of custom work, the app's display shows not only the boat's position overlaid on the racecourse but also turning points, distance to go to next waypoint, boat speed and it even automatically changes view to zoom in at critical moments - all without any interaction from Scott.


Dont be a lemon - Sailors for the Sea
Seahorse More than 1,000 regattas have now signed up for Sailors for the Sea's Clean Regattas programme.

Anyone who sets out on a boat of any type will not be impressed with sharing the experience with floating rubbish. For most of us a big part of the journey is to reconnect with nature and the marine environment in a direct and meaningful way, and floating debris is just an ugly reminder of how man is damaging our precious, life-giving ocean. For some of us traversing at high speeds, this debris may be more than just an eyesore: collisions with debris that has damaged hulls and appendages and ruined races are today becoming commonplace.

Sailors for the Sea was founded to unite sailors around the need to protect the ocean and our local waters. Since 2004 the non-profit organisation has been working with the sailing and boating community to create easy-to-apply, pragmatic programmes that address current environmental issues. They empower boaters to become catalysts for change.

Full article in the May issue of Seahorse magazine:

Giant international gathering for Rolex Fastnet Race
August's Rolex Fastnet Race remains on track for a record-sized fleet. Currently 390 boats are entered: 338 competing for the main IRC handicap prize; the remainder racing for their own trophies in the Class40, IMOCA 60, Volvo Ocean 65 and Multihull grand prix classes.

This line-up makes the Rolex Fastnet Race the world's largest offshore race in terms of competitor numbers. Its entries are the most diverse, ranging from maxi-multihulls to the world's fastest monohulls, including those that compete in the fully crewed and singlehanded round the world races, to the racer cruisers and cruiser racers that form the majority of the IRC classes.

The fleet is also the most international. At the present tally, boats from 25 nations will be heading west down the Solent from Cowes on start day, Sunday 6th August.

As expected, the largest entry is from the UK with 58% of the fleet, but this means that 42%, or a whopping 164 boats, will have come from overseas.

France has dominated Rolex Fastnet Race results in both the IRC and non-IRC fleets in recent years and once again is back with a vengeance with the second largest entry, representing 13% of the fleet, followed by the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland with 7, 5 and 4% respectively.

This year's race has its largest ever Asian entry with boats coming from Korea, Japan and China.

In the Class40, Japan's Hiroshi Kitada returns to the UK with his Pogo40 S3, Kiho, having competed in the Transat bakerly and Quebec-St Malo races last year.

From China is Ark323, skippered by Li Yun. This Botin & Carkeek-designed TP52 (ex-Sled/Warpath), in 2015 became mainland China's first entry with an all-Chinese crew in the Rolex Sydney Hobart. The boat is now making the long haul to the UK to compete in another of the internationally renowned 'classic 600 milers'.

Korea's first entry in the Rolex Fastnet Race comes in the form of the GP42 Sonic. Campaigned by Andrew Rho, Sonic has been one of the most competitive teams in Korea's burgeoning big boat racing scene.


Industry News
Mastervolt has once again been chosen to supply the power system for each of the eight identical Volvo Ocean Race boats.

With the official press announcement Nick Bice, Chief Technical Development Officer of the Volvo Ocean Race stated: "Mastervolt is the technical part of the boatyard and the Volvo Ocean Race. And Mastervolt pretty much helped me to develop what I wanted a race supplier partnership to be. Last race they were onsite at every stopover, they supported us with what you couldn't believe. So they are a fantastic partner of the Volvo Ocean Race, and we are very much looking forward to be working with them in the future".

The Volvo Ocean Race edition 2017-18 race around the world promises to be even tougher than before. Not only will the yachts race further, there are also more stopovers, with more time spent in the Southern Ocean. Mastervolt says it was chosen again as the official supplier due to the excellent service provided and proven ruggedness of its installations, which will be powering everything from the large lifting keels right through to the watermakers and media centre.



The peak body for Australia's marine export and superyacht industries (AIMEX) has called on the Federal Government to change restrictive legislation holding back Australia's superyacht industry after an economic impact study revealed the high value to the Australian economy.

The AEC Group study found the Australian superyacht industry contributed a total of $1.97 billion to gross domestic product (GDP) in the 2016 financial year. The study was commissioned by AIMEX and supported by the Queensland government to gain a clear understanding of the superyacht industry's current and potential economic contribution.

An Australian first, the economic impact study found the superyacht industry to be a high value niche sector, held back by restrictive policy - if relaxed, the industry could contribute an additional estimated $1.12 billion to GDP by 2021, for a total contribution of $3.34 billion.



Sevenstar Yacht Transport will take naming rights to the new Triple Crown at Cowes Week 2017.

The Sevenstar Triple Crown at Cowes Week is a new initiative for 2017. A regatta within a regatta, the series is open to large IRC rated racing boats up to 36m LOA. Three classes will compete: Maxi-Racer Class; Cruiser-Racer Class (both with a minimum TCC of 1.500) and an Ocean-Racer Class (minimum TCC of 1.400). The series will take place on the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of Cowes Week, with the Wednesday race being designated an Around the Island Race.

Three of the sailing world's most historic and prestigious trophies will be awarded: The Queen's Cup, presented to the Royal Southampton Yacht Club by Queen Victoria in 1897; The King George V International Cup from the Royal Thames Yacht Club and the Royal Yacht Squadron's King's Cup 1920. The series winner will be presented with an overall trophy.

This year's regatta takes place 29th July-5th August. Entries for the Sevenstar Triple Crown are being taken online.



More sailboats will attend Sweden's Open Yard on Orust island than in 2016, claims Hallberg-Rassy in a release, confirming the event as the largest sailboat show in Sweden.

This year the event will be concentrated in just the one venue - Hallberg-Rassy's boat yard in Ellos on Orust, just one and a half hours drive north of Gothenburg. Previously the 'show' had been held at a number of yards in Orust.

This year sailboats from at least seven different countries will be on display with at least three world premieres already confirmed. Hallberg-Rassy claims the Open Yard is the only exhibition in the world where customers can see boat in production as it opens its factory doors to the public during the event.

A mirror show for motorboats takes place in Marstrand, over the same dates as the Open Yard and is arranged by the Swedish marine federation Sweboat.

Open Yard will be held in Ellos on Orust 25 to 27 August, 2017.



Spinlock, designers and manufacturers of rope holding equipment and personal safety products for leisure and commercial water users, are delighted to announce they are winners of the 2017 Queen's Award for Enterprise: Innovation.

The Queen's Awards for Enterprise are the UK's most prestigious business awards that celebrate and encourage business excellence. Winners must have demonstrated outstanding results in their respective fields of innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity.

Spinlock have been selected as winners for their Deckvest lifejacket, a revolutionary product that has changed the landscape of the market for personal safety products used by those on the water.

This is the second Queen's Award Spinlock have won, having been presented with the Queen's Award for Enterprise: International Trade in 2016 by the Duke of Edinburgh. His Royal Highness enjoyed a guided tour of Spinlock's production facility and met with staff during his visit.



Crewsaver, a Survitec company, and one of the world's leading safety equipment manufacturers, announces continued sponsorship of the highly anticipated Scottish Series 2017.

Preparations are well underway by the Scottish Series organising authority, Clyde Cruising Club, as the anticipation builds for the prestigious event that is now in its 43rd year. Crewsaver is a historic sponsor of the Scottish Series and is delighted to be providing this year's event with six 2'6" dumpy mark buoys. The highly visible buoys are easy to manoeuvre and will be used to map out the trapezoid courses whilst providing minimal disruption to air flow in the area for the competitors.

Are you #Lifejacketsafe... Crewsaver, in conjunction with the Scottish Series, highly recommend entrants to be #LifejacketSafe by wearing a suitable and well maintained personal flotation device. To support this, all entrants will receive a discount voucher that can be redeemed against Crewsaver lifejackets and buoyancy aid purchases at Kip Marina, Crhu Marine, Largs Chandlers, Bosuns Locker, Tarbert Chandlery and Ardfen Chandlery (T&Cs apply).



Organizers of the 2017 Pacific Sail & Power Boat Show said attendance was up 7 percent last week at the four-day Northern California event.

The show was held April 6-9 at the Craneway Pavilion and Marina Bay Yacht Harbor on the waterfront in Richmond, Calif.

Organizers said the event overcame the effects of a storm that struck the area on the evening of April 6, damaging a portion of the in-water boats and displays.

The show will return April 12-15 next year at the same location.



The Yacht Racing Forum is pleased to announce the continuation of its partnership with world renowned composite materials supplier Gurit.

The Yacht Racing Forum 2017 will take place on November 27-28 in Aarhus, Denmark, six months prior to World Sailing's World Championships.

Gurit has established itself as a developer and innovator in the composites industry and positioned itself as the leading global supplier of composite materials, engineering services, tooling equipment, and select parts and systems. Over 30 years experience in the practical application of composites across various market sectors and projects, from small parts to large-scale structures, combined with a unique technical approach enables Gurit to offer the complete composite solution.

For more information and registration: www.yachtracingforum.com

Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Andrew Hurst, Editor, Seahorse International Sailing Magazine

re: Rogue waves

All this talk of rogue waves... naah. Not for a minute, all sounds a bit Woodstock to me. What else are you men of the sea packing in your med kits?

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 1911 MARIQUITA Classic Sailing Yacht. 3,500,000 EUR. Located in United Kingdom.

Built by William Fife & Son.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2007 GREEN DRAGON Volvo 70. 390000 EUR. Located in Monfalcone, Italy.

GREEN DRAGON is a fantastic Volvo 70 Class yacht, which can be used for serious racing, race charter, cruising and even as a conversion project.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2014 Swan 60-909 Windward. 3,300,000 EUR. Located in Hong Kong.

‘Windward’ was launched in May 2014 and is ready for racing or cruising. Currently lying in Hong Kong, she is available for immediate delivery.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Nautor's Swan Brokerage - Lorenzo Bortolotti
Tel. +377 97 97 95 07

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. -- Thomas Jefferson

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3827 - 27 April


In This Issue
RORC 2017 Season's Points Championship | New Conditions And New Faces At Front In Hyeres | ORC Sportboat European Championship Open For Registration | Tickets for the America's Cup | GC32 Racing Tour owner-driver contest | The Herreshoff Marine Museum Lecture Series Presents | 1851 Trust appoints Ben Cartledge as CEO | Giant Among Regattas - Kiel Week | Gold Star for the Golden Globe | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

RORC 2017 Season's Points Championship
Over 500 yachts are taking part in the 2017 RORC Season's Points Championship. Over 5000 sailors from all over the world will race in the biggest offshore sailing competition in the world. While this year the 2017 Rolex Fastnet Race is the showcase event, there are fourteen testing races that make up the championship, and every race has its own coveted prize for the overall winner and for class honours.

The 2017 RORC Season's Points Championship destinations include the Caribbean islands of Antigua and Virgin Gorda, plus the Spanish island of Lanzarote. There are seven European destinations: Belgium, France, Great Britain, Guernsey, Ireland, Malta, and the Netherlands. Five races are to count for Class Honours and the highest total score will designate the winner Overall racing under IRC.

The first European race of the 2017 RORC Season's Points Championship will be the Cervantes Trophy Race, 100 yachts are expected to start from the Yacht Squadron Line.

Dutch Grand Master, Piet Vroon is back, as skipper of Ker 51, Tonnerre 4, taking another tilt at the championship in IRC Zero. In IRC One, Alan Hannon's RP45, last year's Best Overseas Yacht will be racing. In IRC Two, Michael Boyd's Lisa is the highest rated boat, and sees Gilles Fournier's French J/133 Pintia as one of the teams to beat.

Cervantes Trophy Race
Start: 29th April, 2017
Course: Squadron Line, Cowes - Le Havre
Distance: 110-160 miles (Channel Marks may be included).


New Conditions And New Faces At Front In Hyeres
Finn Class:

On the second day at the World Cup Series in Hyeres, France there were new conditions and some new faces at the front. In the Finn Class, wins went to Brazil's Jorge Zarif and Ed Wright from Great Britain, but Ben Cornish continues to lead, on equal points with Nicholas Heiner from the Netherlands. Turkey's Alican Kaynar has moved up to third.

The wind had swung 180 degrees overnight and brought similar strength winds to Tuesday, but also a lot of grey cloud later in the day and some very light rain.

Hoping for some of the stronger winds that were predicted. "Apparently it was meant to be windy all week but it's not materialised yet."

The Finns continue with two more races scheduled for Thursday from 11.00. Racing continues until the medal race on Sunday 30 April. -- Robert Deaves

Finn top five after four races
1. Ben Cornish, GBR, 10.0 points
2. Nicholas Heiner, NED, 10.0
3. Alican Kaynar, TUR, 15.0
4. Fabian Pic, FRA, 17.0
5. Piotr Kula, POL, 21.0

Kiteboard report:

A grey, overcast morning welcomed the sailors from the ten Olympic classes as well as the Open Kiteboarding (foiling Formula Kite) and the 2.4 Norlin OD, a Para World Sailing event, to the boat park with an expected morning breeze of 7-12 knots from the west.

Following a brief morning postponement due to a wait for the wind, the Open Kiteboaring (foiling Formul Kite) fleet went out for the first of their 6 scheduled races in a westerly 10-15 knot breeze.

Six further races were conducted and the perfect records held by Axel Mazella (FRA) and Nicolas Parlier (FRA) were crushed in the opening race of the day. Mazella finished second in the blue fleet and Parlier third in yellow.

That was, however, just one blip on the record as they got back to winning ways immediately after, taking the remaining five victories in their respective fleets. They are tied on 10 points at the top with Maxime Nocher (MON) following nine points behind.

With a strong wind forecast for the next two days, things could change however now that the fleet is divided into "Gold" and "Silver", and the two leaders facing each other in direct competition for the first time.

Racing continues with the final series on Thursday and Friday, before the all deciding medal races on Saturday afternoon.

TOP 5 after 12 races (2 discard)
1. Axel Mazella (FRA, F-One) - 10 points
2. Nicolas Parlier (FRA, Ozone) - 10
3. Maxime Nocher (MON, Enata) - 19
4. Toni Vodisek (SLO, Ozone) - 22
5. Titouan Galea (FRA, F-One) - 29

GBR skiff crews steal the show on Hyeres day two

British skiff sailors ruled the second day of World Cup Series racing in Hyeres, France, with Dylan Fletcher-Stuart Bithell and Charlotte-Saskia Tidey each winning two of their three races on Wednesday (26 April).

Fletcher and Bithell built upon a solid opening day on Tuesday with two further race wins and a tenth in the 49er fleet to see them emerge from a three-way points tie with the yellow jerseys heading into Thursday's third day of competition.

James Peters and Fynn Sterritt join their teammates in the top five.

Dobson and Tidey weren't to be outdone in the skiff stakes, winning the day in the women's 49erFX fleet with 1,1,5 from their three races, which elevates them into overall second place behind Olympic Champions Martine Grael-Kahena Kunze of Brazil after six races and two days of competition.

Full results of World Cup Series Hyeres

ORC Sportboat European Championship Open For Registration
Riga, Latvia: The Offshore Racing Congress (ORC) and the Yacht Club Auda are pleased to announce that Registration is open now for the 2017 ORC Sportboat European Championship to be held over 7-13 August in Riga, Latvia. The event is open to entry for boats that are 6.0 to 9.15 m in length, weigh less than 2000 kg, and have a Displacement/Length ratio (DSPM/LSM03) of less than 6.00.

Combining the power of the ORC VPP with an application specified to small, light and fast keelboats, the ORC Sportboat class is attracting attention throughout the world as a fair and transparent handicap solution for these style boats. This year's edition is expected to draw on both the local fleets in Latvia and from among active Sportboat sailors throughout the Baltic region and beyond.

According to the new 2017 ORC Sportboat rules, three divisions are planned, where Division A will be for boats with DSPM/LSM03 of

Led by an international race management team, the regatta will feature two days of measurement and practice, followed by a Coastal race and three days of inshore racing. The top three finishers in each division will receive trophies in both the Open and Corinthian divisions.

"ORC sportboats are an important segment of our ORC rating system," says Bruno Finzi, Chairman of ORC. "Our technical committee members made many changes to the system in the last few months to improve the measurements, ratings and scoring of this class, so we look forward to this year's championship to be better than ever."


Tickets To The 35th America's Cup America's Cup Tickets The America's Cup is the competition for the oldest trophy in international sport and this summer it is coming to Bermuda for the 35th enactment of the greatest race on water.

From 26th May until 27th June the fastest yachts in the 166 year history of the "Auld Mug" will be raced by the greatest sailors in the world on the beautiful, crystal clear waters of Bermuda.

ORACLE TEAM USA are the Defenders and they are taking on teams from around the world. Great Britain is represented by Sir Ben Ainslie's Land Rover BAR; SoftBank Team Japan are lead by Dean Barker; Sweden's Artemis Racing are skippered by Nathan Outteridge; Franck Cammas and his Groupama Team France squad are flying the flag for France and Emirates Team New Zealand are helmed by Peter Burling, 2016 Olympic Champion.

The events in Bermuda will be one of the world's greatest sports events and will be watched by millions of people worldwide, on TV and live at the America's Cup Village in Bermuda.

To book your place at what many experts are predicting will be the best America's Cup yet go to www.americascup.com/tickets

GC32 Racing Tour owner-driver contest
Of the 10+ teams set to take part in this year's GC32 Racing Tour, three teams - a cosmopolitan mix from the USA, Japan and Monaco - will fight it out for the 2017 Owner-Driver Championship.

Compared to other foiling catamarans, the GC32 is simpler to sail and logistically easier to run. For example, it features a conventional mast instead of a wing, rope control systems for the sails and foils instead of hydraulics and relatively big foils to promote stability when flying. These all make the GC32 suitable for owner-drivers to helm and amateur crews to get foiling.

The GC32 Racing Tour's Owner-Driver Championship was introduced last season when it went to the wire. Pierre Casiraghi on Malizia - Yacht Club de Monaco led going into the final event, but ultimately Jason Carroll's Team Argo finished second overall at Marseille One Design, pipping the Monaco crew at the post.

With the GC32 Riva Cup, the first event on the GC32 Racing Tour, now just two weeks away, competition on the 2017 Owner-Driver Championship looks set to be more intense, all the teams one year more experienced.

Team Argo is sailing with the same crew as it had for February's GC32 Championship in Oman, including leading American Moth and big boat sailor Anthony Kotoun and British former Olympic and America's Cup sailor Alister Richardson.

Malizia - Yacht Club de Monaco enjoyed its first season the GC32 Racing Tour in 2016, with skipper Pierre Casiraghi, younger son of Princess Caroline of Monaco, getting to grips with the high speed GC32 catamaran under the expert tutelage of German round the world sailor Boris Herrmann and French former America's Cup helmsman and Moth sailor Sebastien Col.

But this season the two favourites could well receive a surprise from the Land of the Rising Sun. For Naofumi Kamei's Japanese team Mamma Aiuto!, 2016 was their first GC32 season and they too intend to build on the foiling catamaran knowledge they have gleaned.

The GC32 Riva Cup will take place in Riva del Garda, Italy over 11-14th May.


The Herreshoff Marine Museum Lecture Series Presents
The America's Cup Heats Up
A Preview of the 2017 Cup Races in Bermuda. Presented by Cup Experience Editor Jack Griffin

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
Reception begins at 6 PM. Lecture at 7 PM.

Members: $10
Nonmembers: $18
Save $8. Support the Museum. Click Here to join today.

Advance registration is strongly suggested to ensure adequate seating for the lecture.

REGISTER ONLINE or call the Museum to make a reservation: (401) 253-5000

1851 Trust appoints Ben Cartledge as CEO
Ben joins the 1851 Trust in Portsmouth at an exciting time, and will lead the development and delivery of sailing and STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) education projects as well as shaping the future of the 1851 Trust.

The 1851 Trust is the Official Charity of Land Rover BAR, the British Challenger for the 35th America's Cup.

Ben was previously Director of Strategy at Maggie's, a national cancer support charity. Ben comments "The 1851 Trust is a unique organisation - able to inspire young people through the excitement of Land Rover BAR, the British Challenger for the America's Cup. The 1851 Trust is supported by an incredible board of trustees, donors and partners; with Sir Ben Ainslie as the patron and HRH Duchess of Cambridge as a Royal Patron. I'm thrilled to be joining the 1851 Team as CEO at such an exciting time, and am really looking forward to growing the Trust's impact."

Ben replaces interim CEO Jo Stocks who has led the development of the 1851 Trust over the past 18 months. During this time, the 1851 Trust has delivered a range of projects which has seen over 2000 local children experience sailing, 1500 children nationwide engaged in hands on STEM activities or experiments, 62 local schools have brought classes to visit the hands-on Tech Deck & Education Centre at Land Rover BAR and over 600 teachers have registered for BT STEM Crew, the 1851 Trust's unique online educational resource.

Under the leadership of a permanent CEO, the 1851 Trust has plans to increase both on and offline participation of 11-16 year olds in STEM activities, introduce a focus on sustainability and extend the Trust's reach to beyond Hampshire and Solent areas.


Giant Among Regattas - Kiel Week
Kiel Forty-five years after it was built to host the 1972 Olympic Regatta, Keil Schilksee remains host to one of the best-known regattas on the planet

Just around summer solstice the Baltic Sea will once again draw the full attention of the sailing world. When the legendary Kiel Week opens on 17 June it will not only be one huge waterfront festival for approximately three million visitors from all around the globe. More importantly, at its heart, one of the biggest regattas worldwide will now be revitalised with a programme finally befitting its former fame.

Kiwo', as Kieler Woche is often dubbed, has seen all the big names at the startline over the years - from recent superstars like Peter Burling and Blair Tuke in the 49er class and America's Cup team leader Ben Ainslie, to Robert Scheidt, Jochen Schumann, Torben Grael and Dennis Conner, to name just a few.

Kiel has always been one of those go-to events on the sailing calendar: you simply had to race and better still win here in the usually windy and variable waters off former Olympic playground Kiel-Schilksee at the entrance to the Kiel fjord.

Full article in the May issue of Seahorse:

Gold Star for the Golden Globe
Click on image to enlarge.

Golden Globe Falmouth Boat Co. has used a next generation paint system for the first time worldwide on Gold Star, a yacht set to compete in the Golden Globe Race 2018.

Gold Star is the new name for Vizcaya, the first Biscay 36 built by Falmouth Boat Co. As part of her current refit for the solo non-stop round the world race, the Flushing based boatyard has delivered a spectacular new finish in gold.

The metallic Awlcraft Solids and Effects base coat was finished with the next generation clear coat by AkzoNobel. This was the first time globally that the combination of the metallic base coat and the new clear coat have been applied by an applicator outside of the AkzoNobel paint facilities.

Falmouth Boat Co. is launching Gold Star during the first week of May so that Antoine can sail her to the National Maritime Museum Cornwall to illustrate a talk he's giving on Thursday 4 May about his preparations for this arduous race.


Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2008 Sly 53 FURTIF. 295000 EUR. Located in Port Napoleon, South of France.

FURTIF was constructed with sophisticated techniques and software which have enabled the perfect combination of weight, length, width and waterline. She can be maneuvered short-handed. As well as being a fast performance yacht, the interior and accommodation offer great comfort when cruising.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2002 Farr 52 FURTIF2. 180000 EUR. Located in Toulon, South of France.

She was built in 2002, refitted in 2008 in New Zeeland by the current owner and brought to France in 2012. She has been optimized for the IRC racing. 2016 Rating : TCC = 1.288. Well maintained and ready to go.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only Merlin - Custom McConaghy 50 Cruiser/Racer. 430,000 USD. Located in Sydney, Australia.

Fractional rigged sloop with lift bulb bottom keel, raked stem, twin rudders, long central cabin house and large aft cockpit.

The accommodation consists of “V” berths forward with a settee starboard and stowage opposite. Then an enclosed head to starboard with hand held shower.

The main cabin has a large galley to starboard followed by a large “U” shaped dinette. To port is an enclosed head followed by a navigation station then a settee and pilot berth with a quarter berth aft to port.

The fitout is predominantly white painted FRP with black carbon trims and some timber feature panels and timber cabin sole boards.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Tink Chambers
+1 410 268 1001

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare. -- James Madison

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3828 - 28 April


In This Issue
Snakes And Ladders On Opening Day Of Rc44 Sotogrande Cup | Consistency Is Equalling Success At Sailing's World Cup Series | Liverpool Confirmed For Clipper 2017-18 Race Start And Finish | Harken Tech Team on Duty at Gaastra Palmavela 2017 | Team Ravenna Blasts to Victory in First Leg of 2017 2k Tour | Countdown to Transpac: Under 70 days to go | The World Of Sailing Comes To Antigua Sailing Week | Seahorse May 2017 | Maiden Comes Home to HYS | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Snakes And Ladders On Opening Day Of Rc44 Sotogrande Cup
The opening day of the RC44 season and the RC44 Sotogrande Cup proved extremely trying for PRO Peter Reggio and his race management team as they valiantly strove to keep the course orientated to the wind, an operation that required course changes on nearly every leg of all today's four races.

With the heavy guns out in the RC44 fleet, today's four races had four different winners with giant victories especially for Alexander Novoselov's Katusha in race one and the local heroes on John Bassadone's Gibraltar based team Peninsula Petroleum in race four.

Team Nika ends the opening day two points clear of Chris Bake's Team Aqua in turn three points ahead of Bronenosec Sailing Team. The light blue RC44 was widely considered star performer today as all but three of her crew, including the helmsman are new to the fleet. With conditions looking lively for tomorrow, all eyes are currently on the forecast to see when racing will continue.

For full results www.rc44.com/results

Consistency Is Equalling Success At Sailing's World Cup Series
Hyeres, France: Out of the 534 racers from 52 nations, racing across the ten Olympic events, Foiling Formula Kiteboarding and 2.4 Norlin OD, Heiner has been one of the most reliable performers with a string of top five finishes to lead in the Finn.

Racing in a 7-13 knot breeze that took some time to fill in, the second regatta of the 2017 World Cup Series reached its mid-point and the battle to make Saturday and Sunday's live Medal Races is on.

In only his third Finn regatta, Heiner had another consistent day of racing to take the lead in a fleet packed full of experienced racers.

Although he's a fresh face in the Finn, the Dutchman is no stranger to competitive racing. He is a former Laser World Champion and used to racing in competitive fleets. Moving into a new boat can always be challenging for a sailor but Heiner has thrived in the Finn after making the crossover.

Damien Seguin (FRA) continues on the path to glory in the 2.4 Norlin OD. The Rio 2016 and Athens 2004 Paralympic gold medallist has won all but one race this week and is firmly in control to win another title in Hyères.

The sail of the day goes to Germany's Victoria Jurczok and Anika Lorenz who took all three wins in the 49erFX. That perfect performance moves the German team up in to silver medal position. They will need to continue that winning form though if they are to overhaul Martine Grael and Kahena Kunze (BRA) who are 10 points ahead.

Great Britain's Dylan Fletcher-Scott and Stu Bithell edged ahead in the 49er with a 1-8-4. Those results give the Britons a slender two-point advantage over Spain's Diego Botin and Iago Lopez.

Rio 2016 silver medallists Mat Belcher and Will Ryan (AUS) have cut the gap at the top of the leaderboard to one point behind the Rio 2016 bronze medal winning Greeks, Panagiotis Mantis and Pavlos Kagialis who currently occupy top spot in the Men's 470. Mantis and Kagialis had to discard a 27th place before picking up a bullet in race two as they came under pressure from the Aussies who took a second and third for the day.

The Women's 470 leaders mimicked the men's with a discard in the first race and a bullet in the second. Dutch racers Afrodite Zegers and Annaloes van Veen discard their 16th and as a result are now tied on 15 points with Switzerland's Linda Fahrni and Maja Siegenthaler. Silvia Mas Depares and Patricia Cantero Reina (ESP) are three points back in third. -- Daniel Smith - World Sailing

Full results: www.sailing.org/worldcup/results/index.php

Liverpool Confirmed For Clipper 2017-18 Race Start And Finish
The historic maritime city of Liverpool is officially confirmed today as the Start and Finish partner of the Clipper 2017-18 Race, with Race Start day set for Sunday 20 August 2017.

A decade on from last hosting the Clipper Race, the historic Albert Dock will once again play host to the fleet, and the thousands of visitors who will bring a welcome economic boost to the city.

Liverpool will utilise the race's global platform to raise its international profile and maritime legacy, hoping to inspire the next generation of sailors and seafaring enthusiasts in the waterfront city. It also aims to promote its cultural heritage on the world stage to position the city as the home of large scale cultural events that are accessible for all - reinforced at the moment as Liverpool bids to be the UK host for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Liverpool has not only made a unique contribution to world commerce and culture, it has one of the world's great waterfronts, with Albert Dock part of a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site in the city. Aside from Liverpool, the only other cities in the world that have arrival ports in the heart of the city are Sydney, New York, and Shanghai.

The Clipper 2017-18 Race will mark the fourth-time Liverpool has hosted the Clipper Race in its eleven editions, making the city the event's most frequented start and finish port ever. Liverpool previously hosted the start and finish for the 2002-03, 2005-06 and 2007-08 race editions in the lead up to it being named European Capital of Culture in 2008.

The race will return to Albert Dock in Summer 2018 following its global route which will include stopovers in South America (port TBC), Cape Town, Western Australia (port TBC), Sydney, Hobart, East Coast Australia (port TBC) Sanya and Qingdao - China, Seattle - USA, Panama, New York, and Derry Londonderry - Northern Ireland.


Harken Tech Team on Duty at Gaastra Palmavela 2017
Harken The Harken tech team will keep the Maxi and TP52 fleets race-ready and flying during the 2017 Gaastra Palmavela regatta, Mallorca, Spain. The team will be onsite and available from May 3 - 6, with spare parts in stock to keep your gear primed and rolling.

If time allows, they'll also handle standard service requests: winch maintenance, system tuning, pedestal set-up, etc.

For a consult, call +39 340.4819166. This number will also be posted at the race office.


Team Ravenna Blasts to Victory in First Leg of 2017 2K Tour
Team Ravenna led by seasoned skipper Jacopo Pasini set the pace at the opening event of the 2K season winning against some formidable opposition from the Dutch and the Royal Thames Yacht Club.

2K opened the season by moving for the first time to the city of Ravenna on the Italian Adriatic coast. Hosted by Circolo Velica Ravennate the tour stepped into the fleet of Thom 28's for the first time.

The top ranked teams Serpentine (GBR) and DMTRA ( Holland) were the teams to beat... and they were. Bavaria proved the dark horse, first smacking down Serpentine, then the formidable Italian team from Yacht Club Costa Smeralda.

Team Ravenna which had started slowly were sailing for the first time as a pair. Jacopo Pasini one of the most experienced 2K skippers had teamed up with Michele Mazzotti for the first time..and it showed. But over the first two days the team gelled perfectly and with Pasini calmly taking the role of team defender he delivered win after win against the very best on the circuit.

By the end of the round robin stage Ravenna had emerged as the leader and so to face the young English team from the Royal Thames. The Brits, all highly experienced dinghy team racers were up against it. The Italian boat speed, control and line domination was to prove the winning formula.

Next leg is in Holland then we are back to Italy.


Countdown to Transpac: Under 70 days to go
Los Angeles, CA: With just under 70 days to go to the first start of the 49th biennial Transpac, skippers and sailors, sponsors, families, spectators and organizers from the Transpacific YC are all working hard on their preparation tasks for this classic 2225-mile race from LA to Honolulu. In all, 63 monohull and multihull entries from 7 countries around the Pacific and beyond are now entered, ranging in size from Chris Lemke and Brad Lawson's Hobie 33 Dark Star to two 100-footers: Comanche, skippered by Ken Read, and Manouch Moshayedi's Rio100.

Once class divisions are decided, all will start in three separate waves on July 3rd, 5th and 6th, 2017 for a rich variety of elapsed and corrected time trophies.

And for multihull entries there is now good news: Amendment #3 of the Notice of Race has been published stating that Multihull ratings for Multihull handicap awards shall be based on the ORR Multihull rating rule (ORR-MH), with each multihull yacht required to have a valid ORR-MH rating certificate. The measurement and certificate information required to generate and issue an ORR-MH certificate can be obtained by emailing ora.rating.services@gmail.com

For those interested and who can meet the qualifications, Transpac 2017 is still accepting entries up until May 30th.

For more information visit the event website at 2017.transpacyc.com, or email TPYC Entry Co-Chairmen Chris Hemans or Ross Pearlman at entry@transpacyc.com

The World Of Sailing Comes To Antigua Sailing Week
A staggering number of sailors from around the world are descending on the Caribbean island of Antigua to celebrate the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week. Over 150 teams racing on a huge variety of yachts will make this year's event the biggest for many years. About 1,500 competitors from 32 countries will enjoy five days of world class racing, preceded by the Guadeloupe to Antigua Race and the Peters & May Round Antigua Race. Thousands more will join in the party celebrations, with seven beach days and party nights, including internationally acclaimed Damian Marley heading an all-star line-up for Reggae in the Park in the historic Nelson's Dockyard.

Approximately 70 teams racing at Antigua Sailing Week are from ten European countries and one dependency: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain and Jersey, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Switzerland.

British boats have been coming to Antigua Sailing Week since the first regatta in 1968. Sir Peter Harrison's Farr 115, Sojana was the last British team to win the coveted Lord Nelson Trophy and the magnificent ketch is back, gleaming after a major refit intent on a close battle with Jean-Paul Riviere's Finot 100, Nomad IV. Ross Applebey's Oyster 48, Scarlet Oyster, Sir Richard Matthews' Humphries 38, Oystercatcher XXXI and Chris Jackson's First 40, Arthur can be counted as British boats to watch this year.

Richard Matthews will be competing at his 37th Antigua Sailing Week and as a long-time resident of the island has won class at Antigua Sailing Week on many occasions. This year, Oystercatcher XXXI and Scarlet Oyster have been on sparkling form, unbeaten in class all season. Last year both boats won their class at Antigua Sailing Week, but neither has won the Lord Nelson Trophy.

The Caribbean islands are well represented at Antigua Sailing Week with teams from: Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, British Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Jamaica, Martinique, St Barths, St Maarten and Trinidad.

Almost 50 teams will be competing in the popular Bareboat Class and over half of them are from Germany, entered by Hartmut Holtmann's KH+P yachtcharter which has bought over 500 boats to the event since 1991 through his company. North and South American teams include Argentina, Canada and Puerto Rico, and there are over 10 entries from the United States. On 15 occasions, teams from the USA have won the Lord Nelson Trophy, more than any other nation.

Jim Kilroy's Maxi Kialoa IV was the first USA team to compete in 1982 and this year, Kialoa III, sailed by the K3 Foundation will be racing and would love to see a repeat of their sister ship's victory.

One of the favoured teams is led by American skipper, Bob Hillier on El Ocaso. The J/122 came desperately close last year and is back, chartered by the Geneva Yacht Club. The all-American team, led by Texan Jim Hightower will be racing King 40, Hot Ticket, which has been impressive in the Caribbean all season. Puerto Rican hopes for victory may lie with Sergio Sagramoso's Melges 32, Lazy Dog.

Baltic and Scandinavian countries include Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden, as well as many entries from Russia, including a team from the Shantar Islands YC, racing Ormindo in the CSA Multihull Class. The Shantar Islands are located 15 miles off the East Coast of Russia in the Sea of Okhotsk, in the northern extremities of the Pacific Ocean, further east than Japan.

After the Guadeloupe to Antigua Race on Friday April 28 and Saturday's Peters & May Round Antigua Race, five days of racing at Antigua Sailing Week will begin on Sunday April 30. -- Louay Habib


Seahorse May 2017
What's in the Latest Edition Of Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine

World news
'Finishing' the Vendee, oceanic multihulls may (just) be back... and on a 'budget', Denmark's solo explosion, the polished illusionists of Auckland and keeping skiffs sensible. Blue Robinson, Ivor Wilkins, John Winning, Jochen Rieker, Patrice Carpentier

Paul Cayard - (Now) a clash in name only
Could the modern America's Cup and today's Volvo Ocean Race have grown any further apart?

IRC column - Well, I wouldn't start from here
James Dadd has been kicking back at his French farmhouse and taking the long view

Design - We must have lighter, nimbler and cheaper IRC designs
Marc Lombard and Eric Levet make clear their thoughts to Frederic Augendre

Seahorse build table - (Definitely) a cut above
Michele Pitrucci has given us a very clever, very user-friendly and very fast new foiling cat

Sailor of the Month
Two of the brightest young talents on the ocean

Special rates for Scuttlebutt Europe subscribers:
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1yr Digital Sub for £30: www.seahorse.co.uk/shop/digital

Discounts shown are valid on a one year subscription to Seahorse magazine.

Maiden Comes Home to HYS
In 1989, Maiden, skippered by Tracy Edwards was launched at Hamble Yacht Services (HYS). Maiden made history as the first all-female crew to race around the globe in the Whitbread Round the World Race. They won two legs and came second overall - a British record that is still held to this day. Tracy Edwards was awarded Sports Personality of the Year in 1990.

27 years later, Maiden has returned home to HYS and it was fitting that Dave Newsome and Jon Read were the crew to lift her out, after launching her almost three decades ago. Maiden will be lovingly restored at HYS, as she was back in 1989. HYS was chosen for a number of reasons, not just for the historical involvement in the Maiden Project.

Maiden will be unveiled at Cowes Week 2018 before joining in the final leg of the Volvo Ocean Race which will bring together yachts and crew from previous editions of the Whitbread Round the World Race. Maiden will then embark on a three year round the world trip to help fundraise for women's rights.


Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2008 Sly 53 FURTIF. 295000 EUR. Located in Port Napoleon, South of France.

FURTIF was constructed with sophisticated techniques and software which have enabled the perfect combination of weight, length, width and waterline. She can be maneuvered short-handed. As well as being a fast performance yacht, the interior and accommodation offer great comfort when cruising.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2002 Farr 52 FURTIF2. 180000 EUR. Located in Toulon, South of France.

She was built in 2002, refitted in 2008 in New Zeeland by the current owner and brought to France in 2012. She has been optimized for the IRC racing. 2016 Rating : TCC = 1.288. Well maintained and ready to go.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2012 SEATEC Multi 50. 110000 EUR. Located in La Rochelle, France.

TRIBULATIONS was designed by Nigel Irens and built with the same mould as Fujicolor (Mike Birch) and Fleury Michon IX (Philippe Poupon). Named Laiterie du Mont Saint Michel in 1987 and skippered by Olivier Moussy, she was then taken over by Olivier Kersauzon as the Esso Super Plus.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly


See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more, that is poor. -- Seneca the Younger

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3829 - 1 May


In This Issue
Kontides Steals Gold Again | Chris Bake Grabs Victory From Jaws Of Defeat | Radial Around The World | Tricky Penultimate Day of Extreme Sailing Series Act 2 | Dongfeng Wins Tour De Belle-Ile | Thriller Round Antigua | Tomes Cup | RYA Announces New Olympic Performance Manager | Letters to the Editor | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Kontides Steals Gold Again
It was a case of deja vu on the final day of racing at Sailing's World Cup Series in Hyeres, France as Cypriot Laser sailor Pavlos Kontides once again stole gold from underneath the nose of his rival.

On the second day of live Medal Racing from the south coast of France, it was the turn of the One and Two Person Dinghies to have their day. And the action didn't disappoint.

A colder, overcast day with a steady 8-12 knot breeze did nothing to dampen the spirits of the final few lucky World Cup Series medallists.

Pavlos Kontides (CYP) must have been sitting on the start line of the Laser Medal Race thinking, 'I've been here before'.

At the 2016 World Cup Final in Melbourne, Kontides went in to the final race in second overall fighting for a gold against Australia's Matt Wearn. He won that battle and the gold. This time around, the job at hand was the same, the only difference was Italy's Francesco Marrai was now in his way. The result? Well that was the same, gold for Kontides.

The Cypriot may walk away from Hyeres, France with the Laser title, but it couldn't have been closer. Kontides and Marrai finish the regatta level on 63 points. In the end it came down to the Medal Race result.

When the going gets tough, some teams have the ability to just get the job done. Rio 2016 Men's 470 silver medallists, Mat Belcher and Will Ryan (AUS) rose to the top when others around them were struggling. With a string of four race wins in a row handing them the gold with a day to spare, the Aussies could have sat back and basked in the glory. Instead they went for the jugular and claimed a fifth straight race win in the Medal Race.

As all the winners spray the champagne, wave to the crowd and collect their medals, focus will now shift to the 2017 World Cup Series Final in Santander, Spain this coming June. -- Richard Aspland - World Sailing

Top three results:

2.4 Metre
1. Damien Seguin, FRA, 10
2. Antonio Squizzato, ITA, 27
3. Xavier Dagault, FRA, 30

470 Men
1. Mathew Belcher / William Ryan, AUS, 18
2. Carl-Fredrik Fock / Marcus Dackhammar, SWE, 52
3. Panagiotis Mantis / Pavlos Kagialis, GRE, 73

470 Women
1. Afrodite Zegers / Anneloes van Veen, NED, 30
2. Silvia Mas Depares / Patricia Cantero Reina, ESP, 55
3. Linda Fahrni / Maja Siegenthaler, SUI, 55

49er Men
1. Diego Botín le Chever / Iago Lopez Marra, ESP, 57
2. Dylan Fletcher-Scott / Stuart Bithell, GBR, 82
3. Carl P Sylvan / Marcus Anjemark, SWE, 88

49erFX Women
1. Martine Soffiatti Grael / Kahena Kunze, BRA, 34
2. Victoria Jurczok / Anika Lorenz, GER, 50
3. Charlotte Dobson / Saskia Tidey, GBR, 63

Finn Men
1. Alican Kaynar, TUR, 52
2. Nicholas Heiner, NED, 60
3. Jonathan Lobert, FRA, 68

IKA - Formula Kite
1. Nicolas Parlier, FRA, 17
2. Axel Mazella, FRA, 23
3. Maxime Nocher, MON, 45

Laser Men
1. Pavlos Kontides, CYP, 63
2. Francesco Marrai, ITA, 63
3. Matthew Wearn, AUS, 78

Laser Radial Women
1. Evi Van Acker, BEL, 67
2. Tuula Tenkanen, FIN, 87
3. Mathilde de Kerangat, FRA, 93

Nacra 17
1. Fernando Echavarri Erasun / Tara Pacheco van Rijnsoever, ESP, 36
2. Moana Vaireaux / Manon Audinet, FRA, 51
3. Lin Ea Cenholt / Christian Peter Lubeck, DEN, 56

RS:X Men
1. Louis Giard, FRA, 63
2. Piotr Myszka, POL, 78
3. Kiran Badloe, NED, 80

RS:X Women
1. Zofia Noceti-Klepacka, POL, 49
2. Yunxlu Lu, CHN, 72
3. Noga Geller, ISR, 81

Full results: www.sailing.org/worldcup/results/index.php

Chris Bake Grabs Victory From Jaws Of Defeat
After two severe days, Sotogrande and the Andalucian coastline laid on perfect conditions for the final day of competition at the RC44 Sotogrande Cup. Mountainous seas gave way to a short chop, torrential rain gave way to brilliant sunshine and a stiff but shifty 20 knot, westerly offshore wind, to provide the tacticians with some welcome head scratching.

Ahead going into today, Chris Bake's team increased increased their lead to five points after the first race. Then in the second, they were on track to consolidate their position, leading round the top mark. But soon after it all fell apart, as Bake recounted: "We set the spinnaker and everything was going great. The stern got picked up on a fairly decent sized wave and buried the bow at the same moment as there was a massive puff and it was white water all the way back to the wheels, which is very unusual. I was drenched - it was full on. Soon after there was this nasty crunch from the bowsprit and that was it."

With the bowsprit broken they managed to recover the kite and then spent half of the leg unpicking pieces of severed carbon. Unfortunately they had to sail the remainder of the leg under jib but on the following run jury rigged their A3 spinnaker to fly from the bow.

Team Aqua crew and shore crew rallied to fit a replacement bowsprit just before the shut-off for the final race of the day. In this, amazingly, the three frontrunners were last to the weather mark, but after the leeward gate Team Nika and Team Aqua split tacks with Peninsula Petroleum following Team Nika. This proved the wrong choice, as John Bassadone observed: "We couldn't cover them both. Aqua was behind us and went to the other side and got a massive lift." Team Aqua recovered fourth place at the weather mark which they hung on to the finish while Peninsula Petroleum came home last.

And so Team Aqua claimed the RC44 Sotogrande Cup.

After such an action-packed day, it is with great anticipation that we look forward to the RC44 Porto Cervo Cup taking place over 29 June - 2 July.

RC44 Sotogrande Cup - Results after ten races
1. Team Aqua, Chris Bake, 37
2. Peninsula Petroleum, John Bassadone, 40
3. Bronenosec, Vladimir Liubomirov & Kirill Frolov, 40
4. Team Nika, Vladimir Prosikhin, 41
5. Katusha, Alexander Novoselov, 46
6. Artemis Racing, Torbjorn Tornqvist, 51
7. Team CEEREF, Igor Lah, 54
8. Charisma, Nico Poons, 54


Radial Around The World
Seahorse With a seven percent rise in turnover last year, near-maximum production, an unblemished Vendee, renewed confidence from the boatyards... and an expanding DFi range, Incidence Sails are on a good trajectory for 2017

The Vendee Globe 2016 is about to come to an end, and for Incidence Sails - the first French sailmakers, now returning to offshore racing - this record-breaking round-the-world race was a resounding success. Six competitors were equipped with Incidence sails: Eric Bellion (Comme Un Seul Homme), Arnaud Boissieres (La Mie Caline), Bertrand de Broc (MACSF), Morgan Lagraviere (Safran), Paul Meilhat (SMA) and Rich Wilson (Great America IV) - and no one had problems with any of their sails. Three of the boats, SMA, Safran and Comme un Seul Homme, had foresails made in DFi and were very happy with them.

'The results from this Vendee Globe and indeed from the whole 2016 season are very positive, at all levels, as far as my sails are concerned,' explains Paul Meilhat, who had a superb race. Always in the top five, he was in the top three at one point, until his forced retirement two-thirds of the way through the race.


Tricky Penultimate Day of Extreme Sailing Series Act 2
Extreme Sailing Series young guns Land Rover BAR Academy stole the show on the penultimate day of Act 2 in Qingdao, China, jumping from last place to second with a masterclass of consistency.

Skipper Rob Bunce's team of talented under 24s enjoyed their most successful outing since joining the global Stadium Racing tour at the start of 2016, only missing the podium once in seven races on Fushan Bay.

The British team, the youth wing of Sir Ben Ainslie's America's Cup challenger, went into the action at the bottom of the Act leaderboard following three disappointing results on the opening day.

But they turned their fortunes round in style, excelling in the punishing conditions that built from almost non-existent puffs to 20 knots of full-on breeze, notching up two race wins, three seconds and a third in the process.

The final race of the Act will carry double points, offering teams a last-minute opportunity to boost themselves up the rankings.

Racing will begin at 14:00 local time (UTC+8), and all the action will be streamed live to the Extreme Sailing Series' Facebook and Youtube channels.

Standings after Day 3, 10 races (30.04.17)

1. Alinghi (SUI) Arnaud Psarofaghis, Nicolas Charbonnier, Timothe Lapauw, Bryan Mettraux, Yves Detrey,102 points
2. Land Rover BAR Academy (GBR) Rob Bunce, Chris Taylor, Will Alloway, Adam Kay, Sam Batten, 98
3. NZ Extreme Sailing Team (NZL) Chris Steele, Graeme Sutherland, Shane Diviney, Leonard Takahashi Fry, Josh Salthouse 96
4. SAP Extreme Sailing Team (DEN) Jes Gram-Hansen, Rasmus Kostner, Mads Emil Stephensen, Pierluigi de Felice, Richard Mason 90
5. Red Bull Sailing Team (AUT) Roman Hagara, Hans Peter Steinacher, Stewart Dodson, Adam Piggott, Will Tiller, 89
6. Oman Air (OMA) Phil Robertson, Pete Greenhalgh, James Wierzbowski, Ed Smyth, Nasser Al Mashari, 86
7. Team Extreme (CHN) Liu Xue (Black), Bernardo Freitas, Martin Evans, Rob Partridge, Tom Buggy, 68


Dongfeng Wins Tour De Belle-Ile
Dongfeng Race Team finished first in the Tour de Belle-Ile this weekend - with a little help from some very special guests onboard.

Skipper Charles Caudrelier lined up with his full squad for the 2017-18 edition, plus Vendee Globe 2016-17 winner as skipper of Banque Populaire Armel Le Cleac'h and Thomas Coville, skipper of Sodebo Ultim' and solo round the world record holder on a multihull.

The international crew featuring the likes of Daryl Wislang, Marie Riou, Carolijn Brouwer, Kevin Escoffier and Jack Bouttell, set sail in the sunshine and began a perfect day of racing in strong winds, crossing the line as the leading monohull entry.

Armel Le Cleac'h, who recently won the Vendee Globe - the most extreme single-handed race around the world - added: "It's the first time I've been sailing in competition mode again since the finish of the Vendee Globe and it was a friendly way to get back into it, in ideal conditions with no pressure.

Coville, who knows the Volvo Ocean Race well having lifted the trophy as part of the victorious Groupama crew in 2011-12, added: "Charles and I have some very fond memories of the Volvo Ocean Race, which we won with Franck Cammas. I was right back in that atmosphere today. It's hard work, but after the manoeuveres there's always time for a little joke.

"I'm impressed by the pairing made up of Marie Riou and Carolijn Brouwer, who hold interesting and important positions in the crew. For his part, Charles is the number cruncher and taps them out perfectly. On top of that you have the rigour of the Anglo-Saxons, who work with the same clockwork precision on the Tour de Belle-Ile as they will at the start of the Volvo Ocean Race. They're real pros and I'm a fan of this attitude. Thanks for the invitation Charles!"


Thriller Round Antigua
The Peters & May Round Antigua Race produced a spectacular match race between two magnificent ocean greyhounds with an unbelievable finish. Sir Peter Harrison's British ketch Sojana and Jean-Paul Riviere's French sloop, Nomad IV battled it out for the 52 miles, just a few minutes apart for the duration of the race. The Peters & May Round Antigua Race produced a battle for line honours that Lord Nelson and Vice Admiral Villeneuve would have been proud of. However, it was Ross Applebey's Oyster 48, Scarlet Oyster which stole the limelight, coming from behind to win the race overall after CSA time correction and the Peters & May Trophy.

Sojana got a better start than Nomad IV and after cracking sheets at York Island, the two yachts hoisted reaching sails, surfing through the ocean swell at 20 knots. Downwind across the top of Antigua, Nomad IV was quicker than Sojana, at one stage, getting within a few hundred metres of their opponents, but as the pair turned the corner for the reach down the west coast, Sojana's ketch configuration and longer hull reaped the rewards. As the pair made the southwest corner of Antigua, the race was won. Sojana was just too powerful upwind, but crossing the line to take the gun was a bittersweet moment. Sojana had won the battle but failed in their attempt to break the race record by an agonising single second!

It was Sir Peter Harrison's 80th birthday and you would have thought the narrow miss would have spoiled the party, but he would have none of it: "To be racing at the 50th Antigua Sailing Week on my 80th birthday is really special. Last night we had a party at Clarence House (restored by the Peter Harrison Foundation) and we stayed up until after midnight, but the crew were on good form today. I am just so happy to be here, so to miss the record by one second is not so bad. Don't get me wrong though, I am very competitive and nothing would be better than winning Antigua Sailing Week again. I have been coming here for over 20 years, Antigua is my second home."

Ross Applebey's Oyster 48 Scarlet Oyster corrected out to win the Peters & May Round Antigua Race by less than a minute from Adrian Lee's Irish Cookson 50, Lee Overlay Partners, with Sojana claiming third after CSA time correction.


Tomes Cup
After almost a week of rain, sailors were relieived to see blue skies for the final race in the Top Dog Trophy Series. Race Officer Gareth Williams was first on the race course finding a moderate easterly breeze affecting Hong Kong's Victoria Harbour, however by the time the first warning signal was sounded at 1355hrs, the breeze of 10 to 12 knots had filled in.

The Pandora fleet was first off, followed by Ruffians, Dragons and Flying Fifteen classes. Chasing them down to the projected target finish time of 1630hrs, were the Impala, J/80 and Etchells fleets, and the Magic's with the six Big Boats bringing up the rear. Sailors were sent on a Port Rounding Course 10 which took them up to Shau Kei Wan, down to Dock Buoy and then onto PWD with the fleet completing five laps and finishing at Gate Buoy.

An excellent effort was made by Solstice which saw her hold on to her lead for the first lap and half of the course, albeit the Dragons and Flying Fifteens swiftly taking ground out of her as they approached. Multihull Flying Phantom, skippered by Mark Thornburrow, started 1 hour and 12 minutes after the first start and finished first at 1630hrs at Gate Buoy.

The Tomes Cup was also the fourth constituent event of the Top Dog Trophy Series which is designed to identify the most successful boat over a variety of pursuit race courses and conditions. The series includes the results for the Around the Island Race (27 November 2016), the Lipton Trophy (3 December 2016), the HKRNVR Memorial Vase (14 January 2017) and of course the Tomes Cup. After today's event, Florence Kan / Dennis Chien's Impala, Taxi, has emerged as Top Dog.

Full results of the Tomes Cup:

RYA Announces New Olympic Performance Manager
The RYA is delighted to complete its World Class Programme management team with the appointment of Mark Robinson as its new Olympic Performance Manager.

Robinson, who joins the British Sailing Team in June from a Performance Manager role at Australian Sailing, takes on the post vacated by Stephen Park OBE and will lead the world's leading Olympic sailing nation as it continues its quest for medal success in Tokyo 2020 and beyond.

The 42-year-old has extensive coaching and programme management experience, having led Australia's Paralympic sailors to the top of the medal table at Rio 2016, where they delivered an historic two gold and one silver medals from the three events.

He also managed Australian Sailing's State Institute of Sport programmes, the National Youth Team, Performance Coach development and the Performance Pathway, and previously guided Singapore Sailing's national programme as their Head of High Performance in addition to a spell as National Head Coach for Thailand.

Robinson, who has over 30 years' sailing experience at both national and international level, including in the Olympic classes and professional keelboat racing, will have the day-to-day responsibility of driving the world-leading British Sailing Team programme strategy and delivery, supported by newly-appointed Director of Racing Ian Walker.


Letters To The Editor - editor@scuttlebutteurope.com
Letters are limited to 350 words. No personal attacks are permitted. We do require your name but your email address will not be published without your permission.

* From Rich Hayes

re: Maiden

This error often gets republished from time to time ... in the 89/90 Whitbread RTW race, Maiden's two 'wins' were in class, and she was 18th overall, not second.

How can we forget Peter Blake on Steinlager 2 winning every leg?

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The Last Word
Aren't we all striving to be overpaid for what we do? -- Will Ferrell

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3830 - 2 May


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

In This Issue
Fever-Tree Race Day 2: Buzzing in Antigua | IMOCA General Assembly Gives Thumbs Up For Foils | Seahorse Sailor of the Month | Stunning cast for the Antigua Bermuda Race | RORC Cervantes Trophy | Industry News | Featured Brokerage

Fever-Tree Race Day 2: Buzzing in Antigua
The second day of racing at the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week was blessed with awesome conditions, easterly trade winds pumping solid breeze over the cliffs and through the bays on the stunning south coast of Antigua. Add bright sunshine and the infamous Antiguan sea state and you have a sweet and spicy cocktail to savour. The majority of the 150-strong fleet got a double helping of racing in paradise today with two races, testing the boat handling and mettle of the competitors.

Ten teams remain unbeaten, but the devil is in the detail and a close-up look at the results reveals incredibly tight racing throughout the fleet. The undefeated are: Peter Harrison's Sojana, the K3 Foundation's Kialoa III, Clint Brooks' Conviction, Ross Applebey's Scarlet Oyster, Robert Szustkowski R-SIX, Rodney Dodd's Blue Finn, Thomas Sparrer's KH+P Bavastro, Cannon & Harvey's KHS&S Contractors, Ian Martin's Spellbound and Russ Whitford's Tumultuous Uproar.

Race winners today included: Sergio Sagramoso's Melges 32, Lazy Dog, putting it on top of the class in CSA 4 and Mark Chapman's Trini team racing Ker 11.3, Dingo, Sir Bobby Velasquez's St.Maarten team racing L'Esperance, Steve Carson's Dehler 33, Hightide, Raymond Magras' Speedy Nemo and Russell Bertrand's Kraken Beers With Dirty 'Oars. The competition is so intense in CSA 8 that Geoffrey Pidduck's Biwi Magic leads the class without winning a single race.

The closest race today was undoubtedly Race 2 in CSA 7, which resulted in a tie for first place between Martin Oldroyd's British 40.7, Ortac and Ferron & Byerley's St.Maarten J/39, Micron 99 Lord Jim.


IMOCA General Assembly Gives Thumbs Up For Foils
The IMOCA Annual General Meeting was held on Wednesday, 26th April in Paris at the Federation Française de Voile. This meeting was highly anticipated, because, in addition to reviewing a rich season that culminated in the end of the Vendee Globe, the IMOCA class rules had to be set for the next four years, and technical decisions made, given the number of new projects waiting in the wings.

Unveiled for the first time on an IMOCA60 in 2015, the new generation foils have caused lively debate. Although ground breaking, these appendages proved very reliable and efficient, as well as making for a very strong topic for communication during races. IMOCA60s equipped with foils took the first four places in the Vendee Globe, demonstrating that this technological innovation has more than proved its worth. As a result it was very logical for the General Assembly to reinforce its initial decision to permit these foils by allowing more options to adjust them in order to optimise their use.

Creating stability in the rules guided the Technical Committee's proposals for new development, and so the new rules, adopted by a very large majority of the General Assembly, are now fixed until 2021.

Among the decisions approved at the AGM, boats will now carry one sail less while some other amendments have been made to improve safety following feedback from the last Vendee Globe and Barcelona World Race.

The Assembly agreed the race program for the IMOCA Ocean Masters World Championship cycle over the next four years to ensure the best preparation for the 2020 Vendee Globe. It again opted for stability with a schedule including the Rolex Fastnet Race, Transat Jacques Vabre and Route du Rhum while reiterating its support for the Barcelona World Race, which was presented by Xose-Carlos Fernandez, the Director of its organisers, the Fundacio Navegacio Oceànica de Barcelona (FNOB).

On 12 January 2019 the round the world race will start from Barcelona, where it will also finish, but its renewed format now includes a stopover in Sydney.


Seahorse Sailor Of The Month
Last month's winner:

Matteo De Nora (SUI / ITA)
This only happened once, for Francis Joyon, but our little-loved veto has been played again because of escalating concern for the institution of the America's Cup. De Nora has backed Team New Zealand for years but now there really could be all to play for. The Cup might soon regain more of its precious allure or it may enter another hiatus under what is looking more and more like a cartel. That there even are two possibilities is largely due to the passion of one man without whom this Cup might be a dull story indeed.

This month's nominees:


Conrad Colman (NZL)
Every Vendée Globe has its unlikely hero – no disrespect, matey. Others have invested heavily in trying to complete the race without fossil fuels but Colman was first to succeed – his mission gaining extra unplanned coverage when he lost his mast with over 700nm to go but plugged on to become this year's darling of the fans who flocked to Les Sables to greet him. Not quite Yves Parlier, building a mast in the deep south, but a nice confluence of events


Martine Grael (BRA)
Home from Rio with the 49erFX gold medal, have shower, give the boat a quick polish then off again on the campaign trail for Tokyo, starting with the Miami World Cup where the latest Grael in a remarkable bloodline took up where she left off, dominating the series with her medal winning crew Kahena Kunze to end the regatta nearly 20pt clear of their nearest rivals. Torben, Lars, Martine… for sure, it's time to give Brazilian cooking a try


Seahorse Sailor of the Month is sponsored by Henri Lloyd, Harken McLube & Dubarry. Who needs silverware, our prizes are usable!

Cast your vote, submit comments, even suggest a candidate for next month at seahorsemagazine.com/sailor-of-the-month/vote-for-sailor-of-the-month

View past winners of Sailor of the Month

To subscribe to Seahorse Digital £30 for one year with discount promo code SB2 click www.seahorse.co.uk/shop/digital

Stunning cast for the Antigua Bermuda Race
Spirit of Bermuda. Click on image to enlarge.

Spirit of Bermuda An impressive entry list is taking shape for the Antigua Bermuda Race which starts from Antigua on Friday 12th May, 2017. With 22 entries including 17 over 50ft and seven Maxis and one SuperMaxi, the sight of the fleet departing for the 900 nautical mile race will be nothing short of spectacular. The variety of the fleet shows the wide appeal of the offshore race, attracting ocean going cruisers, round the world racing yachts, high performance multihulls, as well as classic designs.

The latest entry to the Antigua Bermuda Race is the beautiful classic Bermudian yawl, Mariella, skippered by owner, Carlo Falcone. The 80ft (24m) Alfred Mylne-designed ketch was built entirely from wood by the legendary William Fife & Son yard in Scotland in 1938 and was restored by Carlo after being badly damaged in a hurricane. Mariella is now in fantastic condition and on top form having secured overall victory in the recent Panerai Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta.

One of the first yachts to enter the Antigua Bermuda Race was Spirit of Bermuda and there is more than meets the eye to the 112ft three-masted schooner. Just a couple of weeks before the start of the Antigua Bermuda Race, Spirit of Bermuda was racing with the giants at Antigua Classic Yacht Regatta. Spirit of Bermuda got the better of the 141ft (43m) Columbia and gave the professional crew on the 210ft (64m) Adix a run for their money.

Spirit of Bermuda was designed by Bill Langan, Chief Designer at Sparkman Stephens, the highly acclaimed naval architect produced the designs for Nirvana, Sagamore and Eos. The concept of the design for Spirit of Bermuda was a picture from the 1830s

Watch Leaders on board Spirit of Bermuda for the Antigua Bermuda Race will be three young Bermudians, who have learned their skills on board; Dkembe Outerbridge-Dill, Patrick Perret and Lamar Samuels. "Glory!" commented Dkembe when asked to describe the race in one word. "We are racing to win and coming home to Bermuda having sailed thousand of miles since we left will be glorious."


RORC Cervantes Trophy
The European season of offshore racing with the Royal Ocean Racing Club started with 100 yachts competing for the Cervantes Trophy race organised in association with the UNCL and the destination yacht club Societe des Regates du Havre. The 160 nautical mile race started on the Royal Yacht Squadron Line to the east. Leaving Owers to port, Rustington to starboard, A5 then General Metzinger to port and finish.

Nick Elliott, RORC Racing Manager, Nick Elliott reported: "The start was delayed by ten minutes due to a container ship going through then they all got away. A southerly wind of ten knots increased to about 15 knots giving a fast passage to Owers. As the fleet passed Owers the wind began to fade before building to 20 knots from the east."

It was Gilles Fournier's J/133 Pintia who took Class 2 line honours and was the class and overall winner of the Cervantes Trophy on corrected time

Last year's overall champion, First 44.7 Lisa, sailed by RORC Commodore, Michael Boyd was second in IRC Class 2 edging out Ed Fishwick's Two Handed entry Redshift Reloaded.

The top three yachts in IRC Four excelled in the race, finishing within site of each other and likely to be aware that the class winner would have made a strong challenge for the race win overall. Noel Racine's JPK 1010 Foggy Dew crossed the line just over 16 hours into the race. Just 15 minutes behind Foggy Dew, Paul Kavanagh's Swan 44 Pomeroy Swan was locked in a duel with Harry Heijst's S&S 41 Winsome. Pomeroy Swan crossed the line just a minute ahead of Winsome to take the IRC class win and second overall in the Cervantes Trophy Race.

The 20 strong IRC Two Handed Class featured an epic battle for the class win and podium positions. Ed Fishwick's Sunfast 3600 Redshift Reloaded took line honours by just over two minutes but on time correction it was not enough to better Rob Craigie's corrected time racing Sunfast 3600 Bellino, along with crew Deborah Fish. Stephen Hopson's JPK 1080 Blue Note was third.

The RORC Season's Points Championship continues with the De Guingand Bowl Race, starting on Saturday May 13, 2017.


Industry News
Organizers said more than 14,000 people attended the eighth edition of the International Multihull Boat Show in La Grande Motte, France, in April, and 60 percent of the attendees came from abroad.

Windy weather for the first few days of the April 19-23 event gave way to sunshine, organizers said.

Organizers said about 60 multihulls were in an area given over to in-water displays, with additional floating pontoons set up; the quantity of boats and wide range of those on display offered the visitors a huge choice.

Organizers said others involved in the sector - charter firms, chandleries, sailmakers, electronics firms, equipment makers and financial service providers - also turned out in force at the show.

The show will return April 18-22 next year.



Camper & Nicholsons International has named Cromwell Littlejohn as its USA commercial director. The company said the appointment is part of its restructuring plans, which has included adding staff to its Yacht Management and Charter Marketing teams in the US.

Littlejohn will spearhead the company's strategic growth in the US market, working in close cooperation with managing director Paolo Casani who is based in Monaco.

Littlejohn has worked in the yachting sector for more than 30 years, including 15 years with Merle Wood & Associates and most recently with Northrop & Johnson. He was named International Yacht Brokers Association (formerly FYBA) Broker of the Year for 2015. He has been an IYBA board member for 11 years, two as president, and sits on the board of the American Yacht Charter Association.



Two legendary names in the sport of sailing have joined forces to rollout the inshore Melges racing events this season. Helly Hansen is proud to be the official clothing supplier of the European Division of the Melges World League (Melges 20 and Melges 32 circuits) and the brand new Melges 40 Grand Prix.

The Norwegian technical sailing brand will be outfitting event staff on land and on water during the upcoming spring and summer racing events at sailing top spots in Italy, Spain and Croatia. Race officers, judges, event staff and boat booms will be displaying the HH logo for the duration of the Melges European Regattas and World Championships.

Michael Uhl, Helly Hansen, Marketing Director Europe adds, "With Melges, we have found the perfect partner. It has always been our mission to make professional grade gear – living up to the needs of the best sailors in the world. By partnering up with Melges, we are very excited to join the most competitive and strongest One-Design yacht racing circuit in the world."



Managing director Sean Langdon has made a number of key new appointments to strengthen the senior management team at UK boatbuilder Discovery Yachts Group following the recent management buyout of the company.

Keith Watson has joined the company as Finance director. Watson is a highly experienced FCCA with particular experience in fast growing businesses.

Christopher Bodine joins the company as Sales and Marketing director bringing a wealth of global sales experience having held sales and marketing director-level roles within a number of premium marine sector businesses in the UK, USA, and Asia.

Chris Bramble heads up the yacht manufacturing at Discovery as Production Director. Bramble has been with the company since 2016 and has extensive yacht building experience with a number of premium yacht brands, as well as comprehensive knowledge of lean manufacturing best practice techniques in luxury yacht building.

Olly Love has been appointed Design Director. A graduate of Solent University in Yacht Manufacturing, Love has worked for a number of yacht builders including a well-known British sailboat builder and has been with Discovery since early 2016.

Tracey Phillips, who has been with Discovery for a year, takes on the position of Client Project director. Phillips spent over 17 years as Aftersales manager at a prominent luxury sailboat builder.



A new event, the Abu Dhabi International Boat Show, will make its debut in October 2018 with help is setting it up being provided by British Marine Boat Shows (BMBS). The new event will be held at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre and organised by ADNEC, the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company.

BMBS already has contacts with ADNEC because it owns the ExCel Exhibition Centre in London where the London International Boat Show is held every January.

Murray Ellis, Chief Officer of Boat Shows, British Marine, said: "In working alongside ADNEC, British Marine Boat Shows aims to leverage its expertise for ADNEC deliver a highly successful marine event in Abu Dhabi. The UAE is one of the fastest growing markets for leisure crafts and yachts in the world."



Michael Schmidt Yachtbau (MSY) has finished work on a new tempering oven/paint hall at its yard in Greifswald, Germany.

Responding to the increasing demands for large carbon sailing yachts, the new facility, measuring 31m by 12.5m, is the largest of its kind in northern Germany, the company claims.

MSY specialises in carbon sailing yachts, and the new oven will enable it to produce boats up to 30m in length.

The new hall is the latest addition to a state-of-the-art production site opened by MSY in Greifswald last December.

The facility boasts 3,000sq m of floor space and 500sq m of office space. The brand new yard was designed and built specifically for creating and fitting out large carbon sailing yachts.


The Last Word
Talk is cheap. Show me the code. -- Linus Torvalds

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3831 - 3 May


In This Issue
Johnnie Walker Race Day 3: Antigua Sailing Week | Vestas 11th Hour Racing completes transatlantic crossing | Race Expert/Watch Officer | Alinghi Reign Supreme In Qingdao | Dorade to Compete at Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2017 | Grand Prix Guyader | Trickledown and Up: UBI Maior Italia | Land Rover help steer British America's Cup Challenge | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Johnnie Walker Race Day 3: Antigua Sailing Week
The third day of racing at the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week was once again blessed with glorious conditions. Squally pewter skies cleared shortly after the first warning gun and the breeze slowly woke up as the skies cleared, touching 17 knots at times. Ten teams went out to the race course unbeaten, but only three returned with their perfect score intact after some intense racing; hotter than jerk chicken! The big boat CSA classes were treated to long windward leeward courses off the spectacular cliffs on the south coast of Antigua. The bareboats and smaller CSA classes raced in more sheltered conditions off Rendezvous Beach with short sharp legs testing boat handling skills and boat-on-boat tactics. Two races were held for the majority of the 150 yachts racing at Antigua Sailing Week.

A shuffle in the results today meant that the leaders have changed in several classes, but not amongst the undefeated teams: Peter Harrison's Sojana in CSA1, Ross Applebey's Scarlet Oyster in CSA 5 and Robert Szustkowski R-Six in Offshore Multihull. Race winners today included Kialoa III; Conviction; Rebel-B, Dingo; Perseverare Diabolicum; Spirit (Antigua National Sailing Academy); L'Esperance and Hightide.

The closest race today was Race 4 in CSA 4. Mark Chapman's Trini Ker 11.3, Dingo was the winner by just 5 seconds from Ian Hope-Ross' St. Maarten team racing Melges 32, Kick 'em Jenny 2. Dingo now leads the class with Douglas Ayres' American J/122, Team Skylark/El Ocaso in second, just a point ahead of Sergio Sagramoso's Puerto Rican Melges 32, Lazy Dog

"We got holed on the first day and the whole team stayed up on the first night to get us back in the game," said Dingo's Mark Chapman. "Today we really clicked together and we had great boat speed which is a real weapon in a close class. After the terrible first day we are just delighted, but this regatta is far from over."

Wednesday 3rd May is President Lay Day Beach Party featuring the Nonsuch Bay RS Elite Challenge. Eight teams will race for the top prize of a week's all-inclusive accommodation for two people in a deluxe suite at the fantastic Nonsuch Bay Resort.


Vestas 11th Hour Racing Completes Transatlantic Crossing
After a first offshore test of nearly 3,000 miles, Vestas 11th Hour Racing arrived in Newport, Rhode Island at around 1200 UTC on Friday.

The boat, which left the Boatyard facility in Lisbon, Portugal on Wednesday 19 April, completed its transatlantic crossing in front of a large, welcoming crowd, withstanding the fog and rain in Newport Harbour to see their heroes return to the States.

"We've got a great group and it's exciting to be back on the water," said co-founder and team director, Mark Towill.

It marks a couple of major landmarks for the team in their 2017-18 race preparations - the first real sailing test of their boat, which underwent a one million euro refit at the Boatyard after the 2014-15 edition, and an invaluable opportunity to test out potential crewmembers.

The team will now remain in skipper Charlie Enright's home town before a return transatlantic in just over a fortnight, where, according to the skipper, they'll be looking to push the boat a little harder to replicate race mode conditions.


Race Expert/Watch Officer
Volvo Ocean Race The Volvo Ocean Race is sailing's toughest race to win and the ultimate test of a team in professional sport. The 2017-18 edition, starting in October, will see the teams compete over 46,000 nautical miles in a race around the world like no other.

The nerve centre of the offshore operation is the Race Control room at our HQ in Alicante and Race Expert/Watch Officers will be crucial to its operation - in both safety but also race communication terms to fans.

The role of Race Expert/Watch Officer is the perfect opportunity either for very experienced sailors who want to be back in the heart of the Volvo Ocean Race or young sailors determined to compete in the race in the future. Key aspects of the role include, in a phased watch-keeping mode whilst the boats are racing:

- Build relationships with each team, via constant communication with the sailing teams at sea and our Onboard Reporters.
- Monitoring of the fleet with the best navigation and weather tools available.
- Analysis and communication of team strategy, supporting our wider media and comms team with their high quality content, and direct and immediate explanations of tactics to our online audience as a Race Expert via various digital channels 24/7 (Race Expert whats app etc).
- Being a first point of contact for emergency incident management, supporting the Crisis Management Team.

Requirements to apply:
EU national or ability to acquire necessary EU working permits.
Fluent English (written and spoken). Other languages are a plus.
Your CV/resume must be in English, and confirm your nationality/work permit status.

Email your application to careers@volvooceanrace.com
Deadline: 21 May 2017

Alinghi Reign Supreme In Qingdao
Swiss sailing team Alinghi were crowned Kings of Qingdao for a second year running as they swept to glory in the second Act of the Extreme Sailing Series.

The 2016 Extreme Sailing Series champions saw off their six international rivals with pinpoint accuracy to win Act 2, Qingdao "Mazarin" Cup in Qingdao, China.

With a welcome breeze ranging from eight to 18 knots blowing through Fushan Bay, Alinghi co-skipper Arnaud Psarofaghis led his men to an impressive 11 podium finishes in 17 races, notching up four victories along the way to retain their winning record in Qingdao.

Alinghi's dominance was summed up in the fifth race of the day when they were penalised for being over the line at the start but came back to win it.

Meanwhile the young guns of Land Rover BAR Academy completed their ascendancy from promising talent to serious threat taking the runners-up spot despite having to sit the last two races out due to boat damage.

The impressive result is the British outfit's best since they joined the Extreme Sailing Series at the start of 2016, and gives them a timely boost as they turn their attention to the Red Bull Youth America's Cup in Bermuda next month.

The Act 2 podium was completed by Oman Air who pulled off a sensational comeback on the waters of Fushan Bay with three race wins today including the vital final double-pointer to jump from sixth overall to third.

Extreme Sailing Series Act 2, Qingdao "Mazarin" Cup standings after Day 4, 17 races
1. Alinghi (SUI) Arnaud Psarofaghis, Nicolas Charbonnier, Timothé Lapauw, Bryan Mettraux, Yves Detrey, 184 points
2. Land Rover BAR Academy (GBR) Rob Bunce, Chris Taylor, Will Alloway, Adam Kay, Sam Batten, 173
3. Oman Air (OMA) Phil Robertson, Pete Greenhalgh, James Wierzbowski, Ed Smyth, Nasser Al Mashari, 168
4. SAP Extreme Sailing Team (DEN) Jes Gram-Hansen, Rasmus Køstner, Mads Emil Stephensen, Pierluigi de Felice, Richard Mason, 168
5. Red Bull Sailing Team (AUT) Roman Hagara, Hans Peter Steinacher, Stewart Dodson, Adam Piggott, Will Tiller, 166
6. NZ Extreme Sailing Team (NZL) Chris Steele, Graeme Sutherland, Shane Diviney, Leonard Takahashi Fry, Josh Salthouse, 164
7. Team Extreme (CHN) Liu Xue (Black), Bernardo Freitas, Martin Evans, Rob Partridge, Tom Buggy, 121

Extreme Sailing Series 2017 overall standings
1. Alinghi (SUI) 23 points
2. SAP Extreme Sailing Team (DEN) 21
3. Oman Air (OMA) 20
4. Land Rover BAR Academy (GBR) 18
5. Red Bull Sailing Team (AUT) 17
6. NZ Extreme Sailing Team (NZL) 15


Dorade to Compete at Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2017
Click on image to enlarge.

Dorade The world's most successful ocean racing yacht over the past nine decades; the famous 16-metre long American yawl, Dorade, is to compete at Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2017.

No yacht in the long history of the sport has won more of the world's major races, nor covered more offshore racing miles, than Dorade. She has collected first place trophies for the Fastnet Race out of England, the Bermuda race, the Transpacific Race between Los Angeles and Hawaii plus many more.

All success, spanning more than eight decades, has come in the northern hemisphere, so Dorade's owners, Matt Brooks and Pam Rorke Levy, have now decided it is time to give their yacht the chance to be a winner in southern hemisphere events.

Dorade was designed in 1929 by 21-year-old Olin Stephens and built at a cost of $28,000 under the supervision of his younger brother, Rod, at Minneford Yacht Yard in New York. When she emerged from the shed for her launching in 1930 observers were shocked by what they saw. The hull shape had her looking more like a day-sailing 6-metre class yacht rather than an ocean racer: she was certainly a far cry from the traditional American schooners of the day.

The design featured a deep keel with external ballast, a remarkably narrow beam of 3.1 metres, and a generous sail plan spread across a yawl rig. The method of construction was also different: the hull frames were steam-bent rather than sawn. Rod Stephens also received additional acclaim at the time when he unveiled the unique on-deck ventilators on the yacht. This concept, still used today, became known as a Dorade Box. It permits the passage of air into and out of a cabin while keeping rain, spray and sea water out.

Just months after being launched, Dorade was acclaimed on both sides of the Atlantic following wins in the TranAtlantic and Fastnet races. This remarkable achievement resulted in the Stephens brothers and the Dorade crew being treated like heroes when they returned to New York. They were even given a ticker-tape parade along Broadway.

The entry list for Audi Hamilton Island Race Week 2017 continues to grow at a record rate. The 100th entry should be lodged within a week.


Grand Prix Guyader
Imerys, skippered by Phil Sharp, won the first Class 40 Championship event of the season, the Grand Prix Guyader Armor Lux Trophy. A three day series of races in the bay of Douarnenez.

After three races, including one win and two 2nd places, the team left the pontoon for their final race on equal 1st points with Team Serenis.

Only the Class 40 fleet were able to race on Monday due to the rather muscular conditions at sea with 25-30 knots average and gusts of over 30 knots. Loss of race mark buoys during the night in turn altered the routing to a small boat course forcing additional manoeuvers, another challenge for the fleet:

Winner of the Route du Rhum back in 2006, and with a new Championship event win under his belt, Phil is in good stead for the 2017 season.

The Energy Challenge is an offshore racing project that aims to help accelerate a transition of the marine sector to clean technologies, as well as competing at a high level in the most challenging oceanic races in the world. The project aims to demonstrate an innovative hydrogen-electric energy system that will capture solar energy, and provide a practical replacement for current marine diesel systems.

The Energy Challenge's clean development is part of a long-term objective to enter the Vendee Globe 2020 with a highly competitive project, but importantly with zero fossil fuels aboard.

2017 Class 40 Championship Race Programme
April 29th - May 1st: Grand Prix Guyader
May 14th - May 21st: Normandy Channel Race
July 2nd - July 20th: Les Sables - Horta - Les Sables
6th - 11th August: Rolex Fastnet Race
5th - 30th November 2017: Transat Jacques Vabre


Trickledown and up
Seahorse Magazine UBI Maior Italia are bringing innovation to (and from) this America's Cup

For those on the cutting edge of technology the shift in platform choice to wing-sail catamarans in the America's Cup may have reduced the number of sail-handling systems to develop, but it has created new opportunities for innovation in hardware solutions across a multitude of entirely new applications. Foil and wing-control systems, for example, have been designed, fabricated and evaluated for the past two years and more, with this year's start of competition being the final test for their efficiency, reliability and ultimate contribution to performance.

The Emirates Team New Zealand squad are famously uncompromising on demanding the best from their equipment, so it's no surprise that their relationship with UBI Maior Italia has evolved to be an even tighter fit. Development is more than just a process at Maior Italia, it is an inherent part of the culture at this small producer of custom and semi-custom hardware - focused exclusively on meeting the high demands of highperformance yachts.

The process starts with describing the system and its load parameters, and from here the company's technical team go to work developing 3D models of the new product through the use of specialised CAD software to use a finite element method (FEM) approach to optimise dimensioning, well before the production of the first prototype. This helps define the parameter space and all the material choices for the job at hand.

Full article in the May issue of Seahorse

Land Rover Help Steer British America's Cup Challenge
Landrover BAR It's the direct link between Sir Ben Ainslie and the boat built to bring the America's Cup home; the steering wheel that Ainslie will be holding as he strives to drive Land Rover BAR's America's Cup Class boat to success this summer in Bermuda. And the wheel is a direct result of a long partnership with the team's title and exclusive innovation partner, Land Rover.

This remarkable piece of technology has been in development for the past 18 months within the Technical Innovation Group (TIG), chaired by the management and technology consultancy PA Consulting Group, and is now being revealed ahead of the start of racing on 26th May.

The Human Machine Interface (or HMI) is an area in which Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) have considerable experience, technical expertise and a reputation for innovation in their cars - as anyone who has driven the latest Discovery will know. No one with an interest in safety wants to take their eyes off the road for any longer than they absolutely have to, and good HMI can allow you to complete a task without looking, with the minimum of mental effort.

Ben Ainslie required exactly the same of the hydrofoil control on the wheel of the ACC boat.

There were many possible ways it could be done; from switches to dials, gear shifts to twist grips. Some could be quickly discarded, others were tried, developed, prototyped for testing and simulation. The best of the ideas went forward with working prototypes built that could be tested on the boat. Of these, there was a clear winner - the paddle shift.


*|YOUTUBE:[$vid=vX_CYH4Ge80, $max_width=500, $title=N, $border=N, $trim_border=N, $ratings=N, $views=N]|*

Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only 2009 Farr 46 MAGIC TWELVE. 275000 EUR. Located in Marseille, France

MAGIC TWELVE is a pure cruiser racer. She has won many races and yet she remains a very good cruising sailing yacht. Most of her cruising accommodation is dismounted in Racing mode.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2007 Maxi 100 LEOPARD 3. 4,000,000 GBP. Located in Antigua

LEOPARD 3 is fully prepared and ready to sail away. She is arguably the most high profile racer cruiser yacht in existence. This speed machine has a history around the world for trophy-hunting and record-breaking and represents a pinnacle in the evolutionary timeline of super maxi development.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 2002 IRC Maxi LA BETE. 600,000 EUR. Located in Toulon, France.

Fresh from a winter refit of full servicing and checking, conversion of the primary winches to hydraulic and many more upgrades, this IRC Maxi 90’ (LA BETE) offers superb value for money in a competitive package ready for the Maxi Worlds and regattas all over the globe.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679 222

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
If you want to watch my sex tape you just need to watch the movie Godzilla. -- The Iron Sheik

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3832 - 4 May


In This Issue
For whom will the America's Cup bell first toll? | Before You Trust Your Life to a Jacket | Race Expert/Watch Officer | Nonsuch Bay RS Elite Challenge | Superyacht Cup: Watch Out, We're Back | Vasco de Gama Race | John Lee appointed Chief Executive Officer of Australian Sailing | Jason Smithwick to become Director of Rating for IRC | Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award | Featured Brokerage

Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

For whom will the America's Cup bell first toll?
With Practice Session 4 just concluded, in Bermuda some very clear trends emerging - and particularly so when the results of the Practice Sessions 1,3 and 4 are combined and considered, in the context of a win-loss record/percentage. The number of races sailed by each team also tells us something about their current emphasis.

From what has been seen to date, the America's Cup can be expected to change hands at the end of June.

With the exception of Emirates Team New Zealand who has raced only one day in Bermuda, the same teams are winning when paired with a particular opponent. There is a repetitive pattern emerging.

Artemis Racing has sailed 29 races for 24 wins and 5 losses across the three series. That gives her an 83% win record. The Swedish team didn't have a good day on the first day of Practice Session 1, but after that started taking wins off Oracle Team USA, and looks to have the measure of the America's Cup Defender. The Swedish team have been sailing with a set of daggerboards which are believed to be optimised for the mid to upper wind limit - and with the exception of the final day of Practice Session 4, the sailing has mostly taken place in this wind range.

Against the Defender, Artemis Racing have won seven races in a row, plus another two when Oracle Team USA withdrew with reliability issues. That's a 7-0 or a 9-0 win/loss sequence - depending on how you score the game.

The Swedes win/loss percentage climbs to an impressive 85% if Race 15 in Practice Session 4 is discounted - after Artemis gave Emirates Team NZ a easy win by starting 24 secs late.

Oracle Team USA started with a hiss and roar, clocking up a nine win and two loss record in the first series. The wheels started to fall off in the third Practice session - and on the basis of the last two Practice Sessions, OTUSA has a 52% (9 win - 8 loss) record.

While all teams will claim that they have more speed developments to come, the fact is that no team is going to stop developing. -- RIchard Gladwell

Full editorial in Sail-World.com:


Before You Trust Your Life to a Jacket
Dun Laoghaire RNLI is making a timely warning this Bank Holiday weekend to all lifejacket owners to ensure the appropriate safety checks are carried out by a competent agent ahead of the main boating season.

The safety appeal comes following the results from a free lifejacket advice clinic held in Dun Laoghaire by the RNLI's community safety team last weekend.

Of the 131 lifejackets checked, only 21% were found to be completely fault free.

The lifejackets were brought to the free clinic by a variety of boat users and were checked by experienced RNLI volunteers. While the RNLI offers sea safety advice it does not offer a pass or fail assessment on lifejacket servicing.

Just over half the units tested had the recommended crotch straps fitted that are considered vital to ensure that a lifejacket inflates correctly on the wearer and remains in place, keeping the wearer's head above the water and helping to prevent fatigue.

There were numerous examples of life-threatening problems detected during the checks. Ninety of the units had out of date firing mechanisms and 23 had corroded gas bottles that risk incorrect inflation in an emergency.

Other problems identified at the clinic included lifejackets that had already been fired (3), missing gas cylinders (3), missing firing mechanisms (3), bladder abrasion (3), holed bladder (3) and one unit that was so old it didn't inflate at all.


Race Expert/Watch Officer
Volvo Ocean Race The Volvo Ocean Race is sailing's toughest race to win and the ultimate test of a team in professional sport. The 2017-18 edition, starting in October, will see the teams compete over 46,000 nautical miles in a race around the world like no other.

The nerve centre of the offshore operation is the Race Control room at our HQ in Alicante and Race Expert/Watch Officers will be crucial to its operation - in both safety but also race communication terms to fans.

The role of Race Expert/Watch Officer is the perfect opportunity either for very experienced sailors who want to be back in the heart of the Volvo Ocean Race or young sailors determined to compete in the race in the future. Key aspects of the role include, in a phased watch-keeping mode whilst the boats are racing:

- Build relationships with each team, via constant communication with the sailing teams at sea and our Onboard Reporters.
- Monitoring of the fleet with the best navigation and weather tools available.
- Analysis and communication of team strategy, supporting our wider media and comms team with their high quality content, and direct and immediate explanations of tactics to our online audience as a Race Expert via various digital channels 24/7 (Race Expert whats app etc).
- Being a first point of contact for emergency incident management, supporting the Crisis Management Team.

Requirements to apply:
EU national or ability to acquire necessary EU working permits.
Fluent English (written and spoken). Other languages are a plus.
Your CV/resume must be in English, and confirm your nationality/work permit status.

Email your application to careers@volvooceanrace.com
Deadline: 21 May 2017

Nonsuch Bay RS Elite Challenge
Eight teams from several nations taking part in different classes at Antigua Sailing Week competed in the fifth edition of the Nonsuch Bay RS Elite Challenge.

The three-race final was contested between four teams from four different countries: Rebel (ANT), R-Six (POL), Sojana (GBR) and Dingo (TRI).

Sojana came out all guns blazing, once again nailing the start in the first race to stamp its authority on the finalists with a convincing win. Race 2 and it was deja vu as Sojana got away well and extended on the fleet, but on the penultimate leg, Sojana seemed to run out of wind. The dog saw the rabbit and Dingo came charging through to pass Sojana and take the gun. The last race was set to decide the winner and cool-hand Richard Sydenham helmed Sojana to victory. The Rebel team from Antigua took second place; an amazing achievement as the team of Rhone Kirby, Angelise Gordon and Jahread Jeffyrs are all in their teenage years, including Angelise who is just 15 years old. In third place was Robert Janecki's Polish team, R-Six.

Racing at the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week will continue tomorrow, Thursday 4th May. Two races are scheduled for the majority of classes and this will be the penultimate day of racing action for the regatta.


Superyacht Cup: Watch Out, We're Back
This year's fleet is made up of a selection of incredibly varied yachts. For example, we'll be able to see new entrants so fresh their paint's practically still wet (like the 34m Ribelle). Aside from newcomers, the line-up also sees a myriad of yachts that have served many years on the circuit and have proven blue water credentials.

The 32m Frers designed Bolero competed for the last time in 2010. We're thrilled to be able to see her blue lines slice through the race course this year. We're also excited to see the 42m This is Us and her spirited crew return, this steadfast entrant competed in no less than three previous editions: 2011, 2012 and 2014. As the 2011 fleet boasted ten yachts graced with Andre Hoek's distinctly elegant lines this edition featured a dedicated Hoek Class, in which This is Us finished third.

Another former competitor and delicious example of Dutch boat-building expertise is the 46m Windrose of Amsterdam. This award-winning schooner has been out of the racing scene for a while; she competed for the last time in 2009. With her classic lines and the crew's sailing savvy she'll be amped to show her adversaries what she's made of. We can't wait.


Vasco de Gama Race
Durban, South Africa: In a thrilling slide down the coast to Port Elizabeth, a new record has been set, and one broken in the 46th edition of the Vasco da Gama hosted by the Point Yacht Club that started offshore of Durban at midday on Freedom Day, and concluded a few hours after sun up on Saturday.

Overall line honours and the title holders of the new multi-hull record, the crew of SmartTri40 co-skippered by Theunis Potgieter and Sean Jones bolted through the finish line in a dazzling time of 42 hours, 58 minutes and 53 seconds. Smashing the mono-hull record, the yacht Rocket captained by Herbert Karolius rocketed her way down in 44 hours, 1 minute and 53 seconds, annihilating the 2015 record set by Nicholas Mace on Gumption. The previous record was 54 hours, 58 minutes and 2 seconds.

No stranger to multihull sailing, Jones is the owner to one of the quickest boats in Durban, his pacey catamaran, Bandit. "The tri is a beauty to sail, compared to Bandit, she really is a dream. A more modern design. Surfing downwind, you just had to put her in the right place, line her up and you would hardly have to adjust her. You can really push it on the tri, be on the edge and still feel like you are completely in control. SmartTri40 is a lot more powerful, a lot more forgiving. She is a machine but completely controllable."

The crew of four sprinted down to East London in 23 hours, clocking a top speed of 24.8 knots with the breeze recording at around 37 knots,

The small fleet that competed in the epic 400NM race traversing some of the most treacherous coastline in the world, are all were safely docked near Algoa Bay after a unique race. The next major event for the Point Yacht Club is the clubs 125th birthday celebration, so it is fitting to see records tumble in this milestone year for the club.



John Lee appointed Chief Executive Officer of Australian Sailing
Australian Sailing is pleased to announce the appointment of John Lee as Chief Executive Officer. John is an experienced and well-regarded sports administrator and has held senior roles in transport, tourism and Government. A former Board member of the Australian Sports Commission and CEO of NRL clubs Sydney Roosters and South Sydney, John has also held a number of senior leadership roles and Directorships including the North Queensland Cowboys, Events NSW and the Advertising Standards Board.

Matt Allen thanked outgoing Chief Executive Officer Matt Carroll, who has joined the Australian Olympic Committee, for his leadership over almost three years, saying "working alongside Matt as we engaged with States, Clubs, Classes and members during One Sailing provided an outstanding result for sailing. We wish Matt all the best with the AOC and look forward to our ongoing relationship with him and his team, particularly in the lead-up to Tokyo 2020".

John commences with Australian Sailing on Tuesday 9 May 2017.


Jason Smithwick to become Director of Rating for IRC
The Lymington (UK) based Rating Office is to be managed by Dr Jason Smithwick. Following on from academia, roles in the research industry and sailing's international federation Smithwick will take up his post at the head of a team of four full-time staff and several external consultants on 3rd July this year.

Established in 1974 the Rating Office has been coordinating the measurement of sailing boats and the issuing of rating certificates for over 43 years. Over the years the Rating Office staff have been coordinating the measurement and rating of everything from IOR boats in the '70s and 80's, IMS in the early '90s and CHS in the '80s and '90s which evolved into IRC in use today.

In addition to calculating ratings the office is involved in the management, measurement and in some cases, the creation of class rules for fleets such as the Whitbread 60, the current VOR 65, the new Club Swan 50, Swan 45 class, Mumm 30 and Mumm 36 classes, Nautor Swans, Wallys, Maxi 72 and countless other sub-groupings that use the IRC Rule today. The Rating Office is also actively involved in international safety standards for yacht racing and has key roles in RYA and World Sailing working groups and committees.

Dr Jason Smithwick (45) graduated from Southampton University in 1994 continuing in the world of academia for another 10 years gaining his doctorate and eventually ending up as Principal Engineer & Software Manager at the world renowned Wolfson Unit. The next stage in his career was in the role of Technical and Offshore Director at sailing's international federation, known today as World Sailing.


Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award
Sailing photographers from all over the world are invited to enter the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image award 2017. Started in 2010, the world's premier photography competition dedicated to the sport of sailing provides an opportunity for professional photographers to share their passion for sailing with a wide community.

" The upcoming America's Cup & Volvo Ocean Race, the arrival of the Vendee Globe, the Mini Class, Figaro, Classic yachts events and so much more should once again generate an extraordinary selection of images that will illustrate the diversity of the sport of sailing ", said Nicolas Mirabaud, member of the Executive Committee at Mirabaud. " We have been involved in sailing at the highest level for over a decade, supporting projects who reflect high performance, teamwork and technology. It is always a great pleasure to discover the latest developments of the sport, but also its beauty and poetry through the pictures submitted for the award. "

No less than 149 professional photographers spanning twenty-five nations submitted a picture for the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award 2016 and generated an exceptional selection of images. French photographer Jean-Marie Liot won the main award. 34'680 people voted for their favorite picture on Internet whilst 1,8 million pages have been viewed on the event website.

The top eighty photographs submitted before October 12, 2017 at midnight will be preselected by a panel of three international and well recognized yacht racing photographers and published on the event's website.

The top twenty pictures selected by the jury will be displayed during the Yacht Racing Forum, on November 27-28 in Aarhus, Denmark, in front of the sports leading personalities. The winning photographer will receive the Mirabaud Yacht Racing Image Award whilst a minimum of € 2'000 prize money will be distributed to the winners.

Two secondary prizes will also be awarded during the Yacht Racing Forum: The Yacht Racing Forum Award (selected by the delegates attending the Yacht Racing Forum) and the Public Award (selected by the votes from the public on Facebook).

Photographers can submit only one photograph, taken between November 1, 2016, and October 12, 2017.


Featured Brokerage
Raceboats Only Lupa of London. 1,450,000 vat paid GBP.

Lupa of London is a remarkable Reichel Pugh designed Carbon composite cruiser racer with an outstanding Baltic build pedigree and enviable trophy cupboard.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

+44 (0)7476 888639


Raceboats Only 2006 Marine Composite Racer-Cruiser. 260000 EUR. Located in Imperia, Italy.

SEAWONDER is an immaculate, race-winning MC46, launched by Marine Composite in late 2003. She is built entirely from pre-preg carbon over Corecell. She has been professionally maintained and has a comprehensive inventory of sails and equipment. A new bow and IRC/ORC keel were fitted in 2009.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly



Raceboats Only 1993 Whitbread 60 - BLUEPRINT. 70000 GBP. Located South Coast, UK.

An excellent opportunity to buy into an established charter Whitbread 60. strong and well looked after, with regular maintenance and recent rigging and engine.

See listing details in Seahorse's RaceboatsOnly

Ben Cooper
+44 (0) 1590 679222

See the RaceboatsOnly.com collection at seahorsemagazine.com/brokerage/

The Last Word
It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me! -- Emperor Palpatine

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

Scuttlebutt Europe #3833 - 5 May


Brought to you by Seahorse magazine, Scuttlebutt Europe is a digest of sailing news and opinions, regatta results, new boat and gear information and letters from sailors -- with a European emphasis. Contributions welcome, send to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

In This Issue
Discards Reshuffle The Pack | Sail Racing PalmaVela Dividends | M32 Project Manager | European J/70 Sailing Leagues | Watch Free New Rules Lessons | Olympic Spirit Blows Over Monaco Race Area | 505 Training Clinic May 11-13 | Bottom To Top: Musto | Replicas of Two of Christopher Columbus' Ships Are Coming to Newport This June | Featured Brokerage

Discards Reshuffle The Pack
The penultimate day of racing at the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week was held in near perfect conditions off the south coast of Antigua. The Caribbean surf and sea state had moderated in comparison to the start of the regatta, but the strength of the competition was undiminished. Apart from the Club Class, all classes have now completed six races or more, kicking in the discard rule which has caused yet another shuffle in the overall standings. The intensity of the racing at Antigua Sailing Week is confirmed by a single fact; after four days of competition only the Polish R-Six Multihull, skippered by Robert Janecki remains unbeaten out of 150 yachts.

It was all on in CSA 1 in Race 6. Stuart Robinson's Stay Calm and Peter Harrison's Farr 115, Sojana were involved in an aggressive start resulting in Stay Calm taking penalty turns and Sojana re-starting correctly having been over the line at the start. Stay Calm took the race win and was only 27 seconds off winning Race 7. Ross Applebey's Oyster 48, Scarlet Oyster fell prey to Jonty Layfield's Swan 48, Sleeper X in Race 7 by just three seconds, the closest victory of the day.

In CSA 6, St. Maarten's Frits Bus and his young crew on Melges 24, Team Island Water World hold a two point advantage over the youth team from the Antiguan National Sailing Academy racing 1720, Spirit skippered by Jules Mitchell. With the discard now counting, Island Water World cannot be defeated regardless of tomorrow's result.

In CSA 7, Sir Bobby Velasquez's L'Esperance and Byerley & Ferron's J/39 Micron 99, Lord Jim, both from St.Maarten, will settle the duel tomorrow.

In CSA 8, Steve Carson's Dehler 33, Hightide leads the class by two points from Raymond Magras' St. Barths team racing Speedy Nemo. Geoffrey Pidduck's Modified 6 Metre, Biwi Magic is still in with a chance of victory; four points off the lead. In CSA 9 Rodney Dodd's Jeanneau 54, Blue Fin holds a three point cushion over second place Oyster 49, Porthmeor skippered by Neil Styler. In Bareboat 4, Cannon & Harvey's KHS&S Contractors leads the class just three points ahead of Martin Sager's KH+P Cayenne.

Racing at the 50th edition of Antigua Sailing Week concludes tomorrow, Friday May 5 when one final race will reveal the winners in each class.


Sail Racing PalmaVela Dividends
Palma de Mallorca, Spain: Optimisation decisions made and executed during the winter contributed to Day 1 race wins in the Maxi72 Class and the Wally Class but both winning teams made fewer mistakes than their rivals and lead their respective fleets after the first day of Sail Racing PalmaVela.

In the Maxi72 fleet the gains that Dieter Schon's Momo team were seeking from their winter changes seem to have been realised, winning both races in today's 14-16kts Bay of Palma. In the first contest they finished one minute and 40 seconds ahead of 2016 Copa del Rey MAPFRE champions Bella Mente on corrected time.

Momo's winning margin was only 13 seconds less in the second race, holding off Dario Ferrarri's new Botin designed Pepe Cannonball. On their maiden race outing the Italian flagged crew lost their mid-bowman overboard during their first race and had to finish with no spinnaker, but came away with a third and second to finish their first day's racing tied with Bella Mente.

Additional righting moment gained through their new keel, new Quantum sails and new crew, all made a winning difference today according to tactician and project manager Markus Wieser.

He paid tribute to New Zealand's five times America's Cup winner Murray Jones who has helped a lot with the mast programme and the Momo set up.

While all the other divisions raced Windward-Leeward courses, the 12 strong Wally class raced a 31 NM coastal race out to the west, passing the Illetas mark to the west of Palma city and then out round to turn off Santa Ponsa. There was some confusion about the start timing and a big wind shift as the race leader, Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones' Magic Carpet 3, approached the finish line but the blue hulled Wallycento coasted across the line, scarcely denting their comprehensive winning margin of two minutes and 49 seconds ahead of Philippe Ligier's Ryokan 2. The 2016 circuit champions Open Season suffered a technical problem early in the race and struggled to ninth.

Ian Walker, the Volvo Ocean Race winning tactician on the victorious Magic Carpet 3, pointed to five days of pre-regatta training as one of their main assets today also the changes made to their boat through the winter.

Over 100 more boats join the SailRacing PalmaVela regatta on Friday as the ORC fleet, the Classics, AICO J80, Sotheby's Dragon and Flying 15s start their event.


M32 Project Manager
Volvo Ocean Race The Volvo Ocean Race is sailing's toughest race to win and the ultimate test of a team in professional sport. The 2017-18 edition, will provide a unique experience for over 70,000 VIP guests and entertainment for over 2m public visitors.

The next edition of the Race will include a fleet of M32 catamarans in most Host Cities enhancing both the on-the-water guest experience and the public spectacle.

The role of M32 Project Manager is to manage the operations of the fleet of M32 yachts within the scope of the VOR. You will work closely with the specialists in the VOR management team who will support you in the functions, which require their area of expertise, such as logistics, guest experience, and race management.

Primary duties including but not limited to the following areas:
- Work with the VOR Commercial players and Operations Head of Host City on the commercial opportunities for Host City and Delivery partner managed events.
- Identify the Host Cities where it is possible to host events the weekend before the main events week at the VOR stopovers. Liaise with the Host Cities, via the Head of Host City, to offer and customize events and set the level of technical and on the water support that is required, and the associated costs
- Work closely with the Guest On-Board Manager to assist planning and delivering the M32 Catamaran Guest On-Board Program
- Undertake regular inspections and manage the maintenance and repair program, to keep the boats in peak condition

Requirements to apply:
EU national or ability to acquire necessary EU working permits.
Fluent in spoken and written English. Proficiency in other languages will be beneficial Your CV/resume must be in English, and confirm your nationality/work permit status.
Email your application to careers@volvooceanrace.com

European J/70 Sailing Leagues
Hamburg, Germany: The sailing league concept first pioneered by Oliver Schwall and the Deutsche Segel-Bundesliga continues to gain momentum and roll across the European continent. In 2017, no less than thirteen sailing leagues are starting their seasons in April and May, from as far east as Sochi, Russia to the west in Cowes, England and from the north in Helsinki, Finland down to Porto Cervo, Sardinia.

Those nations include Austria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. From May to November, these national sailing leagues will be conducting sixty-one events with a projected 1,500+ races for 732 sailing clubs and at least 8,000 sailors; all of them will be sailing the one-design J/70 sportboat on virtually every major body of water across Europe- from lakes, to bays, to open ocean. Imagine that, from mid-April to the first weekend in November, fleets of J/70s are sailing every single weekend across Europe!

The Russian Sailing League, organized and managed by the Russian Sailing Federation, have already hosted events in Sochi, Russia and Sevastopol, Crimea on the Black Sea. Next up for them is their June 2nd to 4th event in Moscow, hosted by the Royal YC Moscow on the northwest side of city. Simultaneously, the Royal Yachting Association in the United Kingdom hosted their first qualifiers for their UK Sailing League for Youth Under 25 Teams in Southampton, England; the Swiss Sailing League held their first event in Ronco, Switzerland on Lake Ascona; and the Deutsche Segel-Bundesliga held their first event in Prien, Germany on the Chiemsee.

Schedule of all sailing league dates


Watch Free New Rules Lessons
Catch up with the changes in the Racing Rules of Sailing by watching these free videos UK Sailmakers has been posting to its Facebook page. There are currently five videos, which are segments from seminars Butch Ulmer has given on the changes in the rules that took effect on January 1, 2017. Many of these videos deal with the different sections of Rule 18, which is the Mark Room rule. Most protests result from situations at turning marks because that is where boats come together on the race course.

1. New Rule 18.3

2. New Rule 18.2(d)

3. Tactical Considerations of Rule 18.3

4. Tricks for Taking a One-Turn Penalty Fastest

5. New Appendix T (Arbitration and Post Race Pentalty)

6. Preview of the UK Sailmakers Animated Rules Quiz Program

All these videos were posted previously on the UK Sailmakers Facebook page. To be notified of future posts, "like" UK's Facebook page

Olympic Spirit Blows Over Monaco Race Area
YC Monaco Excitement is building with just a few days to go before the 2017 Open European Championship kicks off for the 470 class.

The provisional entry list features 90 teams representing 25 nations, 14 of the teams having competed in the 2016 Rio Olympics. This is an unprecedented gathering in the Principality, as expressed by YCM General Secretary Bernard d'Alessandri who commented that "after organising the first J/70 European Championship in October 2015, then the Monaco Europa Cup in December 2016, this regatta is a perfect illustration of the competitive sailing policy our President HSH Prince Albert II wants to see in action."

Since it moved into its new building to host regattas, the YCM is fast establishing itself as an instigator of high level events, organising an international meeting with World Sailing at least once a year. Members are involved as volunteers in the running of these events within the club's "Flotte des Commissaires".

Among the women's teams competing at this Open are Dutch duo, Afrodite Zegers and Anneloes van Veen, 4th at the last Olympics, and Bàrbara Cornudella Ravetllat - Sara Lopez Ravetllat from Spain, 12th in Brazil but ranked 4th in the World Rankings.

In the men's it's impossible to make any predictions, with duos like Australians Mathew Belcher and Will Ryan, Olympic Vice-Champions, facing the Greek Rio bronze medallists, Panagiotis Mantis and Pavlos Kagialis. With six days of racing ahead and a medium wind forecast, competitors will have plenty of time to get to grips with the Monegasque race area, renowned for testing strategy and tactics to the limit.

It all starts Monday 8th May at 12 noon with the closing ceremony on Saturday 13th.


505 Training Clinic May 11-13
Sailors considering competing in the 2017 SAP 505 World Championship in Annapolis should mark their calenders for the weekend of May 11-13.

Local organizers of the SAP 505 World Championship will conduct a training clinic that weekend that will help competitors of all levels to prepare for the regatta and venue.

Severn Sailing Association will host a two-day training clinic on May 11 and 12 with a day of racing following on May 13. This weekend session, being sponsored by the 5O5 American Section, will feature on-water coaching from veteran 505 sailor Steve Sparkman.

Sparkman, a former collegiate sailing coach, will lead drills, offer observations on trim and boat-handling, and help sailors of every level to improve their performance. Collaborative off- water debriefings will discuss performance differences between teams and crucial observations will be offered by Coach Sparkman and top sailors.

Two-time 5O5 world champions Mike Holt and Carl Smit will be in attendance and have graciously agreed to provide attendees with expert analysis about rig setup, sail trim and crew responsibilities. Other top teams participating and offering assistance include reigning East Coast champions Chris Behm and Jesse Falsone along with reigning Midwinter champs Mark Zagol and Drew Buttner.

Cost to participate in the three-day training session is $75. Interested sailors should contact Bryan Richardson at Bryan.Richardson@gmail.com. To register for the 2017 SAP World Championships

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Seahorse Not the obvious choice, recruiting a swimming champion to help keep your clients' feet dry... but it all seems to have worked out rather well

Chris McGrath feels as if he has landed on his feet at Musto. He has been tasked with elevating Musto's footwear range to a new level of technical performance, and finds himself right back in his element. 'Working closely with athletes at the top of their game, taking feedback from high-calibre professional sailors, passionate people like Ian Walker and Pete Cumming, and trying to solve the challenges of creating what they want in order to perform at a higher level - that's the stuff that I love.'

In his youth McGrath was no mean athlete in his own right, winning a bronze medal for Great Britain in the Open Water Swimming World Championships in 1994. But since then he has forged a career with an enviable CV in the global sporting arena. 'I started out working at the McLaren Formula One team for three years, working in 3D design creating gloves, helmets and so on. That's when I really began to work closely with athletes, listening carefully to what they want. Often you find sports people are frustrated designers; they have some amazing ideas, but you're the link between that creative spark and bringing it to reality.'

Full article in the May issue of Seahorse: seahorsemagazine.com

Replicas of Two of Christopher Columbus' Ships Are Coming to Newport This June
The Columbus Foundation is sailing the two vessels from Florida to Newport as a new and enhanced 'sailing museum', for the purpose of educating the public and school children on the 'caravel'.

The replica ships started their journey in Perdido Key, Florida on March 1st. Currently, in Beaufort, South Carolina, the ships will next head to Charleston, South Carolina; Wilmington, North Carolina; Cape May, New Jersey; Bridgeport, Connecticut, and Hartford, Connecticut before arriving in Newport on June 16th.

The ships will dock at Fort Adams State Park from June 16th - 25th and will be open for tours from 9 am to 6 pm daily.

The Niña is a 65-foot replica of the ship on which Columbus sailed across the Atlantic on his three voyages of discovery to the new world beginning in 1492. Columbus sailed the tiny ship over 25,000 miles. That ship was last heard of in 1501, but the new Niña has a different mission. The Niña is an exact replica of the original, she is regarded as the most historically accurate replica of a Columbus Ship ever built.

Pinta was recently built in Brazil to accompany the Nina on all of her travels. At 85 feet long, she is a larger version of the archetypal caravel and offers larger deck space for walk-aboard tours and has a 40 ft air conditioned main cabin down below with seating. The Pinta was built 15 feet longer and 8 feet wider than the original, so she can accommodate more people, and be used for dockside charters/events.



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The Last Word
No great movement designed to change the world can bear to be laughed at or belittled. Mockery is a rust that corrodes all it touches. -- Milan Kundera

Editorial and letter submissions to editor@scuttlebutteurope.com

Advertising inquiries to Graeme Beeson: gb@beesonstone.com or see www.scuttlebutteurope.com/advertise.html

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